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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
80369 Tincey R., McBride A. (Illustrator) Soldiers of the English Civil War (2): Cavalry 1990
80368 Rosoboronexport Naval Systems. Export Catalogue 2003
80367 Wagner K. Got Ink Tattoo - Everything About Tattoos 2008 2008
80366 Ñòîëÿðîâà Å.Ñ. Microsoft Word 2003. Ëåêöèîííûå ìàòåðèàëû îáó÷àþùèõ êóðñîâ TeachPro 2006
80365 Zonnebloem B.V. Offici¸le catalogus koperen munten geslagen door de zeven provinci¸n der verenigde nederlanden 1546-1795 zesde editie 1981
80364 Sa A.M. High Dynamic Range Image Reconstruction 2008
80363 Unknown MiG-29 all variants 2000
80362 Janowicz Krz. Messerschmitt Bf-109 G/K Vol. II 2006
80361 Rottman G.L., Volstad R. (Illustrator) US Army Special Forces 1952-84 1985
80360 Braides A. Gamma-convergence for Beginners 2002
80359 Turnbull S., Hook R. (Illustrator) Tannenberg 1410: Disaster for the Teutonic Knights 2003
80358 Sweetman B., Goodall J. Lockheed F-117A: Operation and Development of the Stealth Fighter 1990
80357 Ãóðñêèé Þ.À., Ãóðñêàÿ È.Â. Photoshop CS2. Òðþêè è ýôôåêòû 2005
80356 NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD. Nissan Micra Service Manual 1986
80355 Ïèìëîòò Äæ. Luftwaffe. Âîåííî-âîçäóøíûå ñèëû III Ðåéõà. The Illustrated History of the German Air Force In WWII 2005
80354 Zaloga S.J. Campaign 104 - D-Day 1944 Utah Beach & the US Airborne Landings 2004
80353 Íîðò Á. Joomla! Ïðàêòè÷åñêîå ðóêîâîäñòâî 2008
80352 Gravett C., Turner G. (Illustrator) Bosworth 1485: Last Charge Of The Plantagenets 1999
80351 Gray R. Kaiserschlacht 1918: The Final German Offensive 1991
80350 Arnold J., Perry A. (Illustrator) Shiloh 1862: The Death Of Innocence 1998
80349 Chun C.K.S., Gerrard H. (Illustrator) The Doolittle Raid 1942: America's first strike back at Japan 2006
80348 Showell J.P.M. The U-boat Century : German Submarine Warfare 1906 - 2006 2006
80347 Desert Keys to Understanding Tubular Locks 1974
80346 Sullivan S., Rewis G. Mastering CSS with Dreamweaver CS3 2008
80345 Scutts J. Intermediate Military Vehicle Modelling 1999
80344 Reid S., Embleton G. (Illustrator) Quebec 1759: The Battle That Won Canada 2003
80343 Stapfer H.-H. MiG-23/27 Flogger in action - Aircraft No. 101 1990
80342 Ãóðåâè÷ È. (ðåä.), Âèøíåâñêèé À. (ðåä.), Ðàçèí Þ. (ðåä.) Ñîâðåìåííûé âåëîñèïåä 2009
80341 Raidl G.R. (Editor), Cagnoni S. (Editor), Branke J. (Editor) Applications of Evolutionary Computing: EvoWorkshops 2004: EvoBIO, EvoCOMNET, EvoHOT, EvoIASP, EvoMUSART, and EvoSTOC, Coimbra, Portugal, April 5-7, 2004 Proceedings 2004
80340 Bidgoli H. (ed.) The Internet Encyclopedia (Volume 1) 2004
80339 Zhang H.(ed), Spiliopoulou M.(ed), Mobasher B.(ed) Advances in Web Mining and Web Usage Analysis 9th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery on the Web, WebKDD 2007 and 1st International Workshop on Social Networks Analysis, SNA-KDD 2007 San Jose, CA, USA, August 12-15, 2007 Proceedings 2009
80338 Ehrig H.(ed.), Horst Herrlich H.(ed.), Kreowski H.J.(ed.) Categorical Methods in Computer Science: With Aspects from Topology 1989
80337 The Standard Libraries. Consolidated Ada Reference Manual — 2005 Edition 2006
80336 Macdonald C.(ed.), Ounis I.(ed.), Plachouras V.(ed.) Advances in Information Retrieval 30th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2008 Glasgow, UK, March 30-April 3, 2008 Proceedings 2008
80335 Royer J.S. A Connotational Theory of Program Structure 1987
80334 Gardner M. The magic numbers of Dr Matrix 1985
80333 Baeza-Yates R.(ed.) Weaving Services and People on the World Wide Web 2009
80332 Riggs T.(ed.) Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices, Volume 1 2006
80331 Hannebauer M. Autonomous Dynamic Reconfiguration in Multi-Agent Systems Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Collaborative Problem Solving 2002
80330 Bellahsène Z.(ed.), Léonard M.(ed.) Advanced Information Systems Engineering 20th International Conference, CAiSE 2008 Montpellier, France, June 16-20, 2008 Proceedings 2008
80329 Amati G. (ed.), Carpineto C. (ed.), Romano G. (ed.) Advances in Information Retrieval 29th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2007 Rome, Italy, April 2-5, 2007 Proceedings 2007
80328 Perner P.(ed.) Advances in Data Mining Medical Applications, E-Commerce, Marketing, and Theoretical Aspects 8th Industrial Conference, ICDM 2008 Leipzig, Germany, July 16-18, 2008 Proceedings 2008
80327 Greenwald R., Stackowiak R., Stern J. Oracle Essentials, Fourth Edition Oracle Database 11g 2007
80326 Curtis D. North American F-86 Sabre 2000
80325 Bishop Ch., Warner A. German Insignia of World War II 2005
80324 Spick M. Luftwaffe bomber aces 2001
80323 Biber D., Johansson S., Leech G. Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English 1999
80322 Nissan R33 Engine Service Manual. RB20E, RB25DE, RB25DET, RB26DETT 2000
80321 Auri Rahimzadeh Hacking the PSP: Cool Hacks, Mods, and Customizations for the Sony Playstation Portable 2008
80320 Barcz Krz., Warszawski D. MiG-23 MF 2007

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