80823 |
Jones B. |
English Electric Canberra and Martin B-57 |
2000 | •• |
80822 |
Goedel K. |
Collected Works: Volume I: Publications 1929-1936 |
1986 | •• |
80821 |
Autodesk |
AutoCAD 2008. Ðóêîâîäñòâî ïî àäàïòàöèè AutoCAD |
2007 | •• |
80820 |
Taylor P. |
Allied Special Forces Insignia 1939-1948 |
2000 | •• |
80819 |
Êèðîâñêîå îáùåñòâî ëþáèòåëåé âîåííîé òåõíèêè è ìîäåëèçì |
Panzerjager Marder I |
2004 | •• |
80818 |
Cunningham S., Moor P. |
New Cutting Edge: Elementary: Workbook (With Key) |
2004 | •• |
80817 |
Young R. |
How Computers Work: Processor and Main Memory |
2002 | •• |
80816 |
Morrissey B. |
Quebec 1775: The American invasion of Canada |
2004 | •• |
80815 |
Gurevich Y. (ed.), Kutter P.W. (ed.), Odersky M. (ed.) |
Abstract state machines. Theory and applications |
2000 | •• |
80814 |
Ãîðäèåíêî Â.Í., Êðóõìàëåâà Â.Â. |
Îñíîâû ïîñòðîåíèÿ òåëåêîììóíèêàöèîííûõ ñèñòåì è ñåòåé |
2004 | •• |
80813 |
Ìàêàðîâ Â.3., Áåðåçóöêèé Ì.À., Áîëäûðåâ Â.À. |
Îñîáî îõðàíÿåìûå ïðèðîäíûå òåððèòîðèè Ñàðàòîâñêîé îáëàñòè: íàöèîíàëüíûé ïàðê, ïðèðîäíûå ìèêðîçàïîâåäíèêè, ïàìÿòíèêè ïðèðîäû, äåíäðàðèé, áîòàíè÷åñêèé ñàä, îñîáî îõðàíÿåìûå ãåîëîãè÷åñêèå îáúåêòû |
2007 | •• |
80812 |
Galbraith S. (Editor) |
Cryptography and Coding: 11th IMA International Conference, Cirencester, UK, December 18-20, 2007, Proceedings |
2007 • | •• |
80811 |
Shen W. (Editor), Junzhou Luo (Editor), Zongkai Lin (Editor) |
Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design III: 10th International Conference, CSCWD 2006, Nanjing, China, May 3-5, 2006, Revised Selected Papers |
2007 • | •• |
80810 |
Thielscher M. |
Challenges for Action Theories |
2000 • | •• |
80809 |
Bouajjani A. (Editor), Maler O. (Editor) |
Computer Aided Verification: 21st International Conference, CAV 2009, Grenoble, France, June 26 - July 2, 2009, Proceedings |
2009 • | •• |
80808 |
Barillot C. (Editor), Haynor D.R. (Editor), Hellier P. (Editor) |
Medical Image Computing And Computer-assisted Intervention -- Miccai 2004: 7th International Conference Saint-malo, France, September 26-29, 2004 |
2004 • | •• |
80807 |
Øåð Á. |
101 èãðà, ðàçâèâàþùàÿ èíòåëëåêò. Äëÿ äåòåé îò 2 äî 6 ëåò |
2007 | •• |
80806 |
Bistarelli S. |
Semirings for Soft Constraint Solving and Programming |
2004 • | •• |
80805 |
Mayr E.V. (Editor), Prömel H.J. (Editor), Steger A. (Editor) |
Lectures on Proof Verification and Approximation Algorithms |
1998 • | •• |
80804 |
Renz J. |
Qualitative Spatial Reasoning with Topological Information |
2002 • | •• |
80803 |
Pil Joong Lee (Editor), Jung Hee Cheon (Editor) |
Information Security and Cryptoloy - ICISC 2008: 11th International Conference, Seoul, Korea, December 3-5, 2008, Revised Selected Papers |
2009 • | •• |
80802 |
Bordini R.H. (Editor), Dastani M. (Editor), Dix J. (Editor) |
Programming Multi-Agent-Systems: 4th International Workshop, ProMAS 2006, Hakodate, Japan, May 9, 2006, Revised and Invited Papers |
2007 • | •• |
80801 |
Takashi Washio (Editor), Ken Satoh (Editor), Hideaki Takeda (Editor) |
New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: JSAI 2006 Conference andWorkshops |
2007 • | •• |
80800 |
Reingold O. (Editor) |
Theory of Cryptography: Sixth Theory of Cryptography Conference, TCC 2009, San Francisco, CA, USA, March 15-17, 2009, Proceedings |
2009 • | •• |
80799 |
Pan J.Z. (Editor), Thiran Ph. (Editor), Halpin T. (Editor) |
Journal on Data Semantics XI |
2008 • | •• |
80798 |
Salomaa A., Rozenberg G. |
L Systems |
1974 • | •• |
80797 |
Kohavi R. |
WEBKDD 2001 - Mining Web Log Data Across All Customers Touch Points: Third International Workshop, San Francisco, CA, USA, August 26, 2001 |
2002 • | •• |
80796 |
Lange S. (Editor), Satoh K. (Editor), Smith C.H. (Editor) |
Discovery Science, 5 conf., DS 2002 |
2002 • | •• |
80795 |
Ïåïåëÿåâ Å.Ã. |
«Ìèãè» ïðîòèâ «Ñåéáðîâ» |
2005 | •• |
80794 |
Mira J. (Editor), Álvarez J.A. (Editor) |
Nature Inspired Problem-Solving Methods in Knowledge Engineering: Second International Work-Conference |
2007 • | •• |
80792 |
Zhang D. (Editor) |
Medical Biometrics: First International Conference, ICMB 2008, Hong Kong, China, January 4-5, 2008, Proceedings |
2008 • | •• |
80791 |
Kalyanmoy Deb (Editor), Poli R. (Editor), Banzhaf W. (Editor) |
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation - GECCO 2004: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, June 26-30, 2004, Proceedings, Part I |
2004 • | •• |
80790 |
Orlowska M.E. (Editor) |
Service-Oriented Computing -- ICSOC 2003: First International Conference, Trento, Italy, December 15-18, 2003, Proceedings |
2004 • | •• |
80789 |
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1001 çàáûòîå ÷óäî. Êíèãà ïðîêëÿòûõ |
1997 | •• |
80788 |
Baldoni M. (Editor), Tran Cao Son (Editor), van Riemsdijk B. (Editor) |
Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies VI: 6th International Workshop, DALT 2008, Estoril, Portugal, May 12, 2008 |
2009 • | •• |
80787 |
Bekkers Y. (Author), Cohen J. (Editor) |
Memory Management: International Workshop Iwmm 92, St. Malo, France, September 17-19, 1992 : Proceedings |
1992 • | •• |
80786 |
Êýññîí Ã.Í. |
12 Ïðàâèë èíâåñòèðîâàíèÿ |
2008 | •• |
80785 |
Nguyen Ph.Q. (Editor) |
Progress in Cryptology - VIETCRYPT 2006: First International Conference on Cryptology in Vietnam, Hanoi, Vietnam, September 25-28, 2006 |
2007 • | •• |
80784 |
Agrawal G. |
Applications of Nonlinear Fiber Optics |
2008 • | •• |
80783 |
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Ôèçè÷åñêèå âåëè÷èíû: Ñïðàâî÷íèê |
1991 | •• |
80782 |
Havelund K. (Editor), Rupak Majumdar (Editor), Palsberg J. (Editor) |
Model Checking Software: 15th International SPIN Workshop, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 10-12, 2008, Proceedings |
2008 • | •• |
80781 |
Mutzel P. (Editor), JüngerM. (Editor), Leipert S. |
Graph Drawing: 9th International Symposium, GD 2001 Vienna, Austria, September 23-26, 2001, Revised Papers |
2002 • | •• |
80780 |
Katsumi Inoue (Editor), Satoh K. (Editor), Toni F. (Editor) |
Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems, 7 conference |
2007 • | •• |
80779 |
Jacko J.A. |
Human-Computer Interaction.. Interaction Design and Usability |
2007 • | •• |
80778 |
McCrae K.R. |
Thrombocytopenia (Basic and Clinical Oncology) |
2006 | •• |
80777 |
Rottman G. |
World Special Forces Insignia |
1989 | •• |
80776 |
Hansteen P.N.M. |
The Book of PF: A No-Nonsense Guide to the OpenBSD Firewall |
2007 • | •• |
80775 |
Ñïàñèáóõîâ Þ. |
M1 Abrams |
2000 | •• |
80774 |
Featherstone D. |
Omdurman 1898 |
2005 | •• |
80773 |
Fuchs M., Bonner M. |
Grammar Express: Intermediate with Answer Key (For Self-Study and Classroom Use) |
2001 | •• |