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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
80521 Lee S.(ed.), Choo H.(ed.), Ha S.(ed.) Computer–Human Interaction 8th Asia-Pacific Conference, APCHI 2008 Seoul, Korea, July 6-9, 2008 Proceedings 2008
80520 Jensen C.(ed.), Poslad S.(ed.), Dimitrakos T.(ed.) Trust Management: Second International Conference, iTrust 2004, Oxford, UK, March 29 - April 1, 2004, Proceedings 2004
80519 Vadhan S.P.(ed.) Theory of Cryptography 4th Theory of Cryptography Conference, TCC 2007 Amsterdam, The Netherlands, February 21-24, 2007 Proceedings 2007
80518 Littlejohn A. Company. A new approach to business correspondence in English 1988
80517 Roitt I.M., Delves P.J. Encyclopedia of Immunology 1998
80516 Meersman R. (ed.), Tari Z. (ed.), Corsaro A. (ed.) On the move to meaningful Internet systems 2004. OTM 2004 workshops 2005
80515 Ôðèäìàí Â. 11 ñåíòÿáðÿ. Âèä íà óáèéñòâî 2009
80514 Taubner D. Finite êepresentations of CCS and TCSP çrograms by ôutomata and Petri Nets 1989
80513 Ãèðøîâè÷ Ì. 120 Áëþä åâðåéñêîé êóõíè 1990
80512 Schillo M. (ed.), Klusch M. (ed.), Müller J. (ed.) Multiagent system technologies. Lecture notes in artificial intelligence 2831 2003
80511 175 êîðîòêèõ ñòðèæåê 2002
80510 Spaccapietra S. (ed.), Bertino E. (ed.), Jajodia S. (ed.) Journal on Data Semantics II 2005
80509 Ñáîðíèê 2009 100 000 Àíåêäîòîâ 2009
80508 Boas G. The Milosevic trial 2007
80507 Ìàçíåâ Í. Ýíöèêëîïåäèÿ íàðîäíîé ìåäèöèíû 2002
80506 Stout A. Creating Prehistory. Druids Ley Hunters and archaeologists in pre-war Britain 2008
80505 Simoff S.J. (ed.), Böhlen M.H. (ed.), Mazeika A. (ed.) Visual data mining. Lecture notes in computer science 4404 2008
80504 Harvey G. Roxio Easy Media Creator 8 for dummies 2006
80503 Reed B.A., Sales C.L. Recent advances in algorithms and combinatorics 2003
80502 Stapleton R.M. (ed.) Pollution A to Z. Volume 1 2004
80501 Mannion G. (ed.), Mudge L.S. (ed.) Companion to the Christian church n/a
80500 Sperling D. (ed.), Cannon J.S. (ed.) Reducing climate impacts in the transportation sector 2009
80499 Woods A. Medium-Range weather prediction. The European approach 2006
80498 Celikyilmaz A., Türksen I.B. Modeling uncertainty with Fuzzy logic 2009
80497 Hallaq W.B. (ed.) Origins and evolution islamic law 2005
80496 Somers D.J. (ed.), Langridge P. (ed.), Gustafson J.P. (ed.) Plant genomics. Methods and protocols 2009
80495 Villani E., Miyagi E., Valette R. Modeling and analysis of hybrid supervisory systems. A petri net approach 2007
80494 Anderloni L. (ed.), Braga M.D. (ed.), Carluccio E.M. (ed.) New frontiers in banking services 2007
80493 De Laurentis G. (ed.) Strategy and organization of corporate banking 2005
80492 Silverman B. New York City for dummies 2007
80491 Bauer F.L.(ed.), Samelson K.(ed.) Language Hierarchies and Interfaces: International Summer School 1977
80490 Ñìèò Ê., Òîìñîí Ð. ×èñëåííîå ìîäåëèðîâàíèå ãàçîâûõ ëàçåðîâ 1981
80489 Geradts M.H.(ed.), Katrin Franke K.(ed.), Veenman C.J.(ed.) Computational Forensics Third International Workshop, IWCF 2009 The Hague, The Netherlands,August 13-14, 2009 Proceedings 2009
80488 Mira J.(ed.), Álvarez J.(ed.) Mechanisms, Symbols, and Models Underlying Cognition First International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation, IWINAC 2005 Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain, June 15-18, 2005 Proceedings, Part I 2005
80487 Pasko A.(ed.), Adzhiev V.(ed.), Comninos P.(ed.) Heterogeneous Objects Modelling and Applications 2008
80486 Lindner W.(ed.), Mesiti M.(ed.), Türker C.(ed.) Current Trends in Database Technology - EDBT 2004 Workshops: EDBT 2004 Workshops PhD, DataX, PIM, P2P&DB, and ClustWeb, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, March ... Papers 2005
80485 Schmorrow D.D.(ed.), Reeves L.M.(ed.) Foundations of Augmented Cognition Third International Conference, FAC 2007 Held as Part of HCI International 2007 Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007 Proceedings 2007
80484 Lanzi P.L.(ed.), Wilson S.W.(ed.), Stolzmann W.(ed.) Learning Classifier Systems. From Foundations to Applications 2000
80483 Meersman R.(ed.), Tari Z.(ed.), Herrero P.(ed.) On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2007: OTM 2007 Workshops, Part I 2007
80482 Szepietowski A. Turing Machines with Sublogarithmic Space 1994
80481 Cao L., Yu P.S., Zhang C. Domain Driven Data Mining 2010
80480 Prade H.(ed.), Subrahmanian V.S.(ed.) Scalable Uncertainty Management First International Conference, SUM 2007 Washington, DC, USA, October 10-12, 2007 Proceedings 2007
80479 Rajapakse J.C.(ed.), Schmidt B.(ed.), Volkert G.(ed.) Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics Second IAPR InternationalWorkshop, PRIB 2007 Singapore, October 1-2, 2007 Proceedings 2007
80478 Klusch M.(ed.), Ossowski S.(ed.) 8th International Workshop, CIA 2004 Erfurt, Germany, September 27-29, 2004 Proceedings Cooperative Information Agents VIII 2004
80477 Galindo F.(ed.), Takizawa M.(ed.), Traunmüller R.(ed.) Database and Expert Systems Applications 15th International Conference, DEXA 2004 Zaragoza, Spain, August 30 – September 3, 2004 Proceedings 2004
80476 Smith M.J., Salvendy G.(ed.) Human Interface and the Management of Information Interacting in Information Environments Symposium on Human Interface 2007 Held as Part of HCI International 2007 Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007 Proceedings, Part II 2007
80475 Aberer K.(ed.), Choi K-S.(ed.), Noy N.(ed.) The Semantic Web 6th International Semantic Web Conference 2nd Asian Semantic Web Conference ISWC 2007 + ASWC 2007 Busan, Korea, November 11-15, 2007 Proceedings 2007
80474 Àíòîíîâà Ë. 1000 ëó÷øèõ SMS - ðîçûãðûøåé 2008
80473 Bubak M.(ed.), Albada G.D.(ed.), Dongarra J.D.(ed.) Computational Science – ICCS 2008 8th International Conference Kraków, Poland, June 23-25, 2008 Proceedings, Part II 2008
80472 Baresi L.(ed.), Dustdar S.(ed.), Gall H.(ed.) Ubiquitous Mobile Information and Collaboration Systems, 2 conf., UMICS 2004 2005

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