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97699 Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 11 ¹3 1974) 1974
97698 Nossal R.J., Weiss G.H. A Generalized Pearson Random Walk Allowing for Bias 1974
97697 Fox R.F., Barakat R. Heat conduction in a random medium 1977
97696 Vstovsky V.P. On the dynamical basis of macroscopic theory 1976
97695 Matsuo K., Lindenberg K., Shuler K.E. Stochastic theory of nonlinear rate processes with multiple stationary states. II. Relaxation time from a metastable state 1978
97694 Feigenbaum Mitchell J. The Universal Metric Properties of Nonlinear Transformations 1979
97693 Abraham D.B., Heilmann O.J. Lattice Models for Hydrogen-Bonded Solvents 1971
97692 Osamu Aono Phenomenological Equations for Multicomponent Fluids 1971
97691 Kowalski J.M. Simple inequality for the free energy of disordered systems 1978
97690 Baxter R. Spontaneous Staggered Polarization of the F-Model 1973
97689 Carmeli M. Statistical Theory of Energy Levels and Random Matrices in Physics 1974
97688 Widom B. Structure of Interfaces from Uniformity of the Chemical Potential 1978
97687 Sture K., Nordholm J. A new analytic solution for the Zwanzig-Lauritzen model of polymer chain folding 1973
97686 Glasser M.L. A singular example in the statistical mechanics of a one-dimensional system 1975
97685 Gerald L. Jones Decimation transformations in lattice systems of continuous spins 1978
97684 Pao -Liu Chow A functional phase-integral method and applications to the laser beam propagation in random media 1974
97683 Arthur Hobson The Interpretation of Inductive Probabilities 1972
97682 Gates D.J. An alternative formulation of rigorous mean-field theory 1976
97681 Blum L., Høye J.S. Solution of the Ornstein-Zernike equation with Yukawa closure for a mixture 1978
97680 Mosteller R.D., Duderstadt J.J. Spectral representations for the memory kernel characterizing self-diffusion 1974
97679 Gross E. P. Path Integrals and Lower Bounds for Density Matrices 1979
97678 De Gennes P.G. Brownian motion of a classical particle through potential barriers. Application to the helix-coil transitions of heteropolymers 1975
97677 Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 11 ¹2 1974) 1974
97676 Lundgren T.S., Pointin Y.B. Statistical mechanics of two-dimensional vortices 1977
97675 McKean H.P., Dufty J.W. Book Review: Fractals: Form, Chance, and Dimension 1979
97674 François Dunlop Zeros of the partition function and Gaussian inequalities for the plane rotator model 1979
97673 Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 10 ¹1 1974) 1974
97672 Chappell W.R., Cooper J., Smith E.W. A kinetic theory of spectral line shapes 1971
97671 Ãóãó÷êèíà Ò. È., Àãååâà Í. Ì. Âèíà, íàïèòêè, êîêòåéëè â äîìàøíèõ óñëîâèÿõ 1992
97670 J. D. van der Waals The thermodynamic theory of capillarity under the hypothesis of a continuous variation of density n/a
97669 Shimony A. Commenton the Interpretation of Inductive Probabilities 1973
97668 Slinn W.G.N., Shen S.F., Mazo R.M. A kinetic theory of diffusely reflecting Brownian particles 1970
97667 Wiegel F.W. Nonclassical Behavior of the van der Waals gas 1973
97666 Maltz F.H., Meecham W.C. The effect of curvature variation on the scattering from rough surfaces 1971
97665 Prospectus. Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 2 ¹4 1970) 1970
97664 Braun E. Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of systems interacting with nonadditive forces. III. Properties to first order in the density 1974
97663 Brush S.G. Response to book review:The kind of motion we call heat 1978
97662 Nilsen T.S., Hemmer P.C. Note on the Quantum Displacement of the Critical Point 1969
97661 Percus J.K. One-Dimensional Ising Model in Arbitrary External Field 1977
97660 M. H. Ernst, E. H. Hauge, J. M. J. van Leeuwen Asymptotic time behavior of correlation functions. II. Kinetic and potential terms 1976
97659 Baus M., Wallenborn J. Long-time behavior of the nonlocal shear viscosity of a one-component plasma: A microscopic approach 1977
97658 Bhu Dev Sharma, Inder Jeet Taneja On Axiomatic Characterization of Information-Theoretic Measures 1973
97657 Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 9 ¹3 1973) 1973
97656 Masuo Suzuki Existence of the Thermodynamic Limit in Nonequilibrium Systems 1979
97655 Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 10 ¹6 1974) 1974
97654 Mazo R.M. On the Theory of Brownian Motion. III. Two-Body Distribution Function 1969
97653 Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 20 ¹5 1979) 1979
97652 Schlup W.A. Some evidence for the validity of the noise-temperature inequalityθ ≥T in the relaxation approximation of the one-dimensional electron transport problem in high electric fields 1974
97651 Fritz J. Stochastic dynamics of two-dimensional infinite-particle systems 1978
97650 Stillinger F.H., Salsburg Z.W. Limiting polytope geometry for rigid rods, disks, and spheres 1969

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