97005 |
Долотов Г.П., Кондаков Е.А. |
Оборудование термических цехов и лабораторий испытания металлов |
1988 | •• |
97004 |
McNeil K.J., Walls D.F. |
Nonequilibrium phase transitions in chemical reactions |
1974 | •• |
97003 |
Кругликов А.Г. |
Системный анализ научно-технических нововведений |
1991 | •• |
97002 |
Brankov J.G., Tonchev N.S., Zagrebnov V.A. |
On a class of exactly soluble statistical mechanical models with nonpolynomial interactions |
1979 | •• |
97001 |
Meneveau C., Sreenivasan K. R. |
Simple multifractal cascade model for fully developed turbulence |
1987 | •• |
97000 |
Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 9 №2 1973) |
1973 | •• |
96999 |
Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 4 №1 1972) |
1972 | •• |
96998 |
Кимура М. |
Молекулярная эволюция: теория нейтральности |
1985 | •• |
96997 |
Milton S., Chris P. Tsokos, Hardiman S.T. |
A stochastic model for metabolizing systems with computer simulation |
1973 | •• |
96996 |
Monroe J.L., Siegert J.F. |
GKS inequalities for arbitrary spin ising ferromagnets |
1973 | •• |
96995 |
Тетеревов Ю.И. |
Окраска автомобильной техники при ремонте. Инструкция. ТИ 694-001-88 |
1989 | •• |
96994 |
Кузовков Н.Т., Салычев О.С. |
Инерциальная навигация и оптимальная фильтрация |
1982 | •• |
96993 |
Mitchell D.J, McQuarrie D.A. |
On the second-moment condition of Stillinger and Lovett |
1977 | •• |
96992 |
Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 16 №3 1977) |
1977 | •• |
96991 |
Nitzan A., Ross J. |
A comment on fluctuations around nonequilibrium steady states |
1974 | •• |
96990 |
Hauge E. H., Martin-Löf A. |
Fluctuating hydrodynamics and Brownian motion |
1973 | •• |
96989 |
Антонетти П. (ред) |
МОП-СБИС. Моделирование элементов и технологических процессов |
1988 | •• |
96988 |
Résibois P. |
On linearized hydrodynamic modes in statistical physics |
1970 | •• |
96987 |
Alexandrowicz Z. |
Irreversible adiabatic demagnetization: Entropy and discrimination of a model stochastic process |
1975 | •• |
96986 |
Luttinger J.M. |
Scattering length and diffusion |
1976 | •• |
96985 |
Abraham D.B. |
Susceptibility of the rectangular Ising ferromagnet |
1978 | •• |
96984 |
Нудельман А.Э. |
Пушки для боевых самолетов. Историко-технический очерк |
1988 • | •• |
96983 |
Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 19 №3 1978) |
1978 | •• |
96982 |
Заренков Н.А. |
Сравнительная анатомия безпозвоночных. Моллюски |
1989 | •• |
96981 |
Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 7 №2 1973) |
1973 | •• |
96980 |
Rechtman R., Penrose O. |
Continuity of the temperature and derivation of the Gibbs canonical distribution in classical statistical mechanics |
1978 | •• |
96979 |
Mosteller R.D., Duderstadt J.J. |
A comparison of projection operator formalisms for the study of self-diffusion |
1973 | •• |
96978 |
Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 21 №2 1979) |
1979 | •• |
96977 |
Fulińiski A., Longa L. |
One-dimensional model with rotational and liquid-crystalline phase transitions |
1979 | •• |
96976 |
Hynes J.T., Kapral R., Weinberg M. |
Nonlinear momentum relaxation of an impurity in a harmonic chain |
1975 | •• |
96975 |
Fesciyan S, Frisch H.L. |
Stochastic Model of a One-Dimensional Fluid |
1975 | •• |
96974 |
Варжапетян В. |
Сад цветущих букв |
1991 | •• |
96973 |
Отмахов П.А. |
Современная американская политэкономия |
1991 | •• |
96972 |
Mayer J.E. |
Response to book review:Statistical mechanics, 2nd ed. 1 |
1978 | •• |
96971 |
Penrose O., Lebowitz J.L., Marro J. |
Growth of clusters in a first-order phase transition |
1969 | •• |
96970 |
Narasimha R., Deshpande S., Subba Raju P.V. |
Velocity-space contours of collision integrals |
1969 | •• |
96969 |
Robert M. Mazo |
On the theory of Brownian motion. I. Interaction between Brownian particles |
1969 | •• |
96968 |
Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 7 №4 1973) |
1973 | •• |
96967 |
Бокщанин А.Г., Кузищин В.И., Маяк И.Л. |
История древнего Рима |
1982 • | •• |
96966 |
P. Resibois, Lebowitz J.L. |
Approximate kinetic theory of hard-sphere fluids near equilibrium. I. Formal theory |
1976 | •• |
96965 |
Runnels L.K., Lebowitz J.L. |
Analyticity of a hard-core multicomponent lattice gas |
1976 | •• |
96964 |
Moussouris J. |
Gibbs and Markov random systems with constraints |
1974 | •• |
96963 |
Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 21 №3 1979) |
1979 | •• |
96962 |
Edward C. Posner, Eugene R. Rodemich |
Differential entropy and tiling |
1969 | •• |
96961 |
Белаковский Олег Маркович |
Как возрождалась футбольная команда ЦДСА |
1991 | •• |
96960 |
Dynamics of the generalized Glauber-Ising chain in a magnetic field |
1978 | •• |
96959 |
M. G. Velarde, E. H. Hauge |
Fluctuating hydrodynamics and Brownian motion. II. Note on the slip boundary condition |
1974 | •• |
96958 |
Ил-76. Руководство по ремонту боевых повреждений. Часть 2. Книга 7 |
1987 | •• |
96957 |
Хворостов А.С. |
Чеканка. Инкрустация. Резьба по дереву |
1985 • | •• |
96956 |
Фридмэн Л. |
Введение в американское право |
1992 | •• |