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Existence theory of the linear equations appearing in the Chapman-Enskog solutions to two kinetic equations for liquids |
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H. Ted Davis, Marc O. Baleiko |
Existence theory of the linear equations appearing in the Chapman-Enskog solutions to two kinetic equations for liquids |
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Технология строительного производства |
1984 | •• |
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Michael Coopersmith, George Mandeville |
Irreversible Behavior of Interacting Systems. I. The Approach to Equilibrium |
1973 | •• |
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Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1977 | •• |
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Методы определения физико-химических свойств промышленных пылей |
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Аутотренинг+физкультура |
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Nobuhiko Mishima, Tomio Yamakoshi Petrosky, Miwae Yamazaki |
Quantum Statistical Hierarchy Equation in Nonequilibrium Systems |
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Индуктивные элементы радиоэлектронной аппаратуры |
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On the Simple-Source Theory of Sound from Statistical Turbulence |
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Exactly Soluble Magnetoelastic Lattice with a Magnetic Phase Transition |
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Ферменты. Том 1 |
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Справочник конструктора РЭА. Компоненты, механизмы, надёжность |
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Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
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Энергетическое использование древесных отходов |
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Poincaré cycles and ergodic behavior of a linear diatomic chain |
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Декоративные многолетники |
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Фауна Украины. Том 26. Бокоплавы |
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Навигационная бионика. |
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Garrett S. Sylvester |
Inequalities for Continuous-Spin Ising Ferromagnets |
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Приборы и методы температурных измерений |
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Studies in nonlinear stochastic processes. II. The duffing oscillator revisited |
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Автомобили ЗИЛ-130,ЗИЛ-138 и их модификации.Руководство по эксплуатации |
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Хрестоматия маленького пианиста |
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Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
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Davis H.T., Dowling G.R. |
Some Exact Results in Kinetic Theory |
1971 | •• |
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Радиоэлектронные средства систем управления ПВО и ВВС. |
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A New Theorem of InformationTheory |
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Химическая кинетика |
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MEETING REVIEW International Union of Pure and Applied Physics Conference on Statistical Mechanics, March 29-April 2, 1971 University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois |
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Вещество Вселенной |
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Искусство быть собой |
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Information-theoretic stability and evolution criteria in irreversible thermodynamics |
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Периферийные измерительные устройства |
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Eugene P. Gross |
Approximate solutions of the Liouville equation. II. Stationary variational principles |
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Путями шахматного творчества |
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Криминалистическое описание внешности человека |
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Robert M. Mazo |
On the Theory of Brownian Motion. VIII. A Brownian Particle in a Dilute Gas with Inelastic Collisions |
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Календарь животновода-любителя |
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Холодильные машины. Учебник |
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Ремонт автомобилей КамАЗ |
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Beshinske R.J., Curtiss C.F. |
A statistical derivation of the hydrodynamic equations of change for a system of ionized molecules. I. General equation of change and the Maxwell equations |
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Иллич-Свитыч В.М. |
Опыт сравнения ностратических языков |
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96264 |
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Сопротивление материалов |
1986 • | •• |
96263 |
Sari R.R., Merlini D. |
On the ν-dimensional one-component classical plasma: The thermodynamic limit problem revisited |
1975 | •• |
96262 |
Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics |
1974 | •• |
96261 |
Dipankar Ray |
On a class of solutions of nonlinear Boltzmann equations |
1979 | •• |
96260 |
Герасимова М.М., Рудь Н.М., Яблонский Л.Т. |
Антропология античного и средневекового населения Восточной Европы |
1987 | •• |
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Романов В.Н. |
Колониальные асцидиии семейства Didemnidae морей СССР и сопредельных вод |
1989 | •• |