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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ¨ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
97800 E. Presutti A mechanical definition of the thermodynamic pressure 1975
97799 Êèñåë¸â Í.ß. Õîêêåé '84–85 1984
97798 L. S. García-Colín, A. Flores, E. Braun On the nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of a binary mixture. II. The transport coefficients 1972
97797 Joel E. Keizer A new approach for the justification of ensembles in quantum statistical mechanics — I 1979
97796 Harvey A. Rose Renormalized kinetic theory of nonequilibrium many-particle classical systems 1979
97795 R. Landauer Entropy changes for steady-state fluctuations 1973
97794 Julian R. Lebenhaft, Raymond Kapral Diffusion-controlled processes among partially absorbing stationary sinks 1979
97792 Lovesey S.W. Scaling properties of models of nonequilibrium phenomena 1977
97791 R. J. Baxter, I. G. Enting Series expansions from corner transfer matrices: The square lattice Ising model 1979
97790 William Greenberg, Jürgen Voigt, P. F. Zweifel Discretized Boltzmann equation: Lattice limit and non-Maxwellian gases 1979
97789 Elliott H. Lieb, Heide Narnhofer The thermodynamic limit for jellium 1975
97788 Ogunlana J. On reformulating quantum mechanics and stochastic theory 1972
97787 Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 8 ¹1 1973) 1973
97786 Saeyoung Ahn, H. L. Frisch Percus-Yevick virial relation and scaled particle theory 1974
97785 Don Ridgeway Evaluation of phase integrals for volterra systems of arbitrary numbers of interacting species 1977
97784 B. Caroli, G. Jannink, D. Saint-James Velocity autocorrelation function for the motion of long-chain molecules in the free draining limit 1973
97783 Ñïèâàêîâ Ì.È. Êàòàëîã ïî÷òîâûõ ìàðîê ÑÑÑÐ 1988 1989
97782 Joel Keizer An observation on the effect of fluctuations far from equilibrium: The Lotka-Volterra model 1976
97781 W. P. H. de Boer, Ch. G. van Weert On the derivation of quantum kinetic equations. II. Nonlocal Uehling-Uhlenbeck equation 1978
97780 Prospectus. Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 2 ¹1 1970) 1970
97779 L. K. Runnels, J. B. Hubbard Applications of the Yang-Lee-Ruelle theory to hard-core lattice gases 1971
97778 Yoshisuke Ueda Randomly transitional phenomena in the system governed by Duffing's equation 1978
97777 Michael Aizenman, Joel Lebowitz, Joaquin Marro Time-displaced correlation functions in an infinite one-dimensional mixture of hard rods with different diameters 1978
97776 Malyshev V.A., Minlos R.A. Invariant subspaces of clustering operators 1979
97775 Fisch R. Critical temperature for two-dimensional ising ferromagnets with quenched bond disorder 1978
97774 Amar Maheshwari Functional integral representations of partition function without limiting procedure. Techniques of calculation of moments 1975
97773 Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 14 ¹4 1976) 1976
97772 Hervé Kunz, Bernard Souillard Essential singularity in percolation problems and asymptotic behavior of cluster size distribution 1977
97771 Ôë¸ðîâ Â.Í. Ñáîðíèê çàäà÷ ïî ïðèêëàäíîé ýëåêòðîõèìèè 1987
97770 Lebowitz J.L., Penrose O. Cluster and percolation inequalities for lattice systems with interactions 1976
97769 Inder Jeet Taneja A joint characterization of directed divergence, inaccuracy, and their generalizations 1974
97768 Future contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics (vol 18 ¹4 1978) 1978
97767 Anders Martin-Löf The equivalence of ensembles and the Gibbs phase rule for classical lattice systems 1979
97766 Mark A. Pinsky Stochastic solution of the linearized Boltzmann equation 1975
97765 Marc Baus Collective modes and dynamic structure factor of a two-dimensional electron fluid 1978
97764 Michael Aizenman, Herbert Spohn Probabilistic methods for stationary problems of linear transport theory 1979
97763 Æäàíîâà È.Ê. (ðåä.) Ìèð è ÷åëîâåê. Ãåîãðàôè÷åñêèé àòëàñ 1988
97762 Masuo Suzuki Scaling theory of transient phenomena near the instability point 1977
97761 Åôðåìîâ Þ.Í. Î÷àãè çâåçäîîáðàçîâàíèÿ â ãàëàêòèêàõ. Çâåçäíûå êîìïëåêñû è ñïèðàëüíûå ðóêàâà 1989
97760 Ëàéíåð Þ. À. Êîìïëåêñíàÿ ïåðåðàáîòêà àëþìèíèé-ñîäåðæàùåãî ñûðüÿ êèñëîòíûìè ñïîñîáàìè 1982
97759 I. Hosokawa, K. Yamamoto Turbulence in the Randomly Forced, One-Dimensional Burgers Flow 1975
97758 Marchioro C., Pellegrinotti A., Pulvirenti M. Velocity of a perturbation in infinite lattice systems 1979
97757 Fields of interest of board of editors (vol 5 ¹3 1972) 1972
97756 Îáóõîâà Ë. Äàâíûì-äàâíî 1986
97755 W. Driessler, L. Landau, J. Fernando Perez Estimates of critical lengths and critical temperatures for classical and quantum lattice systems 1979
97754 Êðàéíîâ Â.Ï. Èçáðàííûå ìàòåìàòè÷åñêèå ìåòîäû â òåîðåòè÷åñêîé ôèçèêå 1992
97753 Jeffrey R. Fox Nonclassical equations of state for critical and tricritical points 1979
97752 David Rappaport, Joshua Dayan A probabilistic model for tracer distribution in multiphase spatially inhomogeneous transport systems 1974
97751 Àëïàòîâ Ì.Â., Åãîðîâà Ê-Ñ., Êóçíåöîâà È.À. Àíòè÷íîñòü â åâðîïåéñêîé æèâîïèñè XV-íà÷àëà XX âåêîâ 1984

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