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Поиск книг, содержащих: Malliavin, P.
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Цикон Х., Фрёзе Р., Саймон Б. — Операторы Шрёдингера с приложениями к квантовой механике и глобальной геометрии | 381 | Nikolskii N.K. — Treatise on the Shift Operator: Spectral Function Theory | 267, 456 | Hewitt E., Ross K.A. — Abstract Harmonic Analysis (Vol. 2) | 575, 576, 602, 604 | Young R.M. — An Introduction to Non-Harmonic Fourier Series, Revised Edition | 142, 218, 226 | Havin V.P., Nikolski N.K. (eds.) — Linear and Complex Analysis Problem Book 3 (part 2) | 3.1, 11.0, 14.3, 14.11, 15.1 | Graham C.C., McGehee O.C. — Essays in Commutative Harmonic Analysis | (vii) (listed also with “Katznelson, Y.”) | Young R.M. — An Introduction to Nonharmonic Fourier Series | 142, 218, 22(5 | Adams D.R., Hedberg L.I. — Function spaces and potential theory | 48, 279 | Dunford N., Schwartz J., Bade W.G. — Linear operators. Part 2 | 1161 | Zelazko W. — Banach Algebras | 107 | Dunford N., Schwartz J.T., Bade W.G. — Linear Operators, Part II: Spectral Theory. Self Adjoint Operators in Hilbert Space (Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Series of Texts and Monographs) | 1161 |