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Поиск книг, содержащих: Riesz decomposition property
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Kadison R.V., Ringrose J.R. — Fundamentals of the theory of operator algebras (vol. 1) Elementary Theory | 214 | Pedersen G.K. — C*-algebras and their automorphism groups | 14 | Aliprantis Ch.D. — Positive Operators | 14 | Alfsen E.M. — Compact Convex Sets and Boundary Integrals | 84 | Lukes J., Maly J., Zajicek L. — Fine Topology Methods in Real Analysis and Potential Theory | 329, 377, 429 | Intriligator M.D., Arrow K.J. — Handbook of Mathematical Economics (vol. 4) | 1841—1842, 1869, 1873 | Kadison R.V., Ringrose J.R. — Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras (vol. 2) Advanced Theory | 214 | Boboc N. — Order and Convexity in Potential Theory | 37 | Semadini Z. — Banach Spaces of Continuous Functions. Vol. 1 | 54, 423 | Fuchssteiner B., Lusky W. — Convex Cones (North-Holland Mathematics Studies) | 172 |