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Kadison R.V., Ringrose J.R. — Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras (vol. 2) Advanced Theory |
Предметный указатель |
-independent 379
-compactification 224
-essential representation 316
-finite projection 338
-finite von Neumann algebra 338
-ideal 375 672
-normal homomorphism 321 322 323 324 325 359 360 362 364
-normal mapping 320
* Automorphism (of a C*-algebra) 546 766 772 785 788 789
* Automorphism (of a C*-algebra), acting freely 926
* Automorphism (of a C*-algebra), inner 624 664 665 785 789 926 927 955
* Automorphism (of a C*-algebra), outer 451 624 928 931 1045 1046
* Automorphism (of a C*-algebra), universally weakly inner 785 789
* Automorphism group (of a C*-algebra) 789
* Homomorphism 237
* Isomorphism 237
* Subalgebra 237
Action (of a group on a measure space), ergodic 554 559 765 766
Action (of a group on a measure space), free 553
Action (of a group on a von Neumann algebra), ergodic 546 547 559
Action (of a group on a von Neumann algebra), free 546
Adjoint in an algebra with involution 237
Adjoint of a conjugate linear operator 594
Adjoint of an unbounded operator 157
Adjoint, Banach 48
Adjoint, Hilbert 102
Affiliated operator 342 344
Algebra of bounded operators 102 186 236 298 299 303 309 755—759
Algebra of compact operators see “Compact linear operator”
Algebra of continuous functions 175 210
Algebra of unbounded continuous functions 355
Algebra of unbounded operators 352 355
Algebra, 187 233
Algebra, 237
Algebra, * 237
Algebra, abelian (commutative) Banach 180
Algebra, abelian C* see “C*-algebra”
Algebra, abelian von Neumann see “von Neumann algebra”
Algebra, Banach 41 174
Algebra, C* see “C*-algebra”
Algebra, Calkin 755—759
Algebra, CAR (Fermion) see “CAR algebra”
Algebra, countably decomposable (von Neumann) 338 339 380 449
Algebra, division 180
Algebra, finite-dimensional C* 288 432
Algebra, Hilbert 643
Algebra, normed 174
Algebra, nuclear C* see “C*-algebra”
Algebra, operator 173 304
Algebra, quotient 177 300 715
Algebra, self-adjoint 237 282 309
Algebra, UHF see “Uniformly matricial algebra”
Algebra, W* 498 794
Algebraic theory (of von Neumann algebras) 585
Algebraically equivalent states 909
Amenable group 933
Analytic set 1000 1017 1031 1037 1040
Annihilators 934
Anti-isomorphism 472 584 591 777 881
Approximate eigenvectors 178 179 183
Approximate identity in 191
Approximate identity in C*-algebras 254 293 768 769
Approximate identity, increasing, right 254
Approximate identity, quasi-central 769
Approximation theorems, Dixmier 504 523
Approximation theorems, double commutant 326
Approximation theorems, Kaplansky density 329
Approximation theorems, Stone — Weierstrass 219 221 235
Approximation theorems, Weierstrass 221
Archimedian (partially ordered vector space) 297
Automorphic representation of on a factor 1043 1044
Automorphic representation of a group 937
Automorphic representation, continuous 957 1043—1045
Automorphic representation, unitarily implemented 937 957 1044 1045
Automorphic states 906 907 909
Baire category theorem 60 323
Balanced neighborhood of 0 13
Balanced set 8
Banach algebra 41 174
Banach dual space 44
Banach inversion theorem 61
Banach lattice 297
Banach module 302 771 773
Banach space 36
Banach — Orlicz theorem 73
Bessel's inequality 90 120
Bidual (of a C*-algebra) 726 773
Borel function calculus see “Function calculus”
Borel mapping 1031 1032
Borel measure space 1031 1040
Borel measure space, regular 1031
Borel measure, regular 53 54
Borel structure 1000 1031
Borel structure, Borel sets of 1031 1040
Borel structure, generated by a family of sets 1031
Borel structure, topological 1031 1040
Bound of a linear functional 44
Bound of a linear operator 40
Bounded linear functional 44
Bounded linear operator see “Operator”
Bounded multilinear functional 126
Bounded multilinear mapping 131
Bounded set (in a normed space) 36
Bounded weak-operator topology 995
Boundedly complete lattice see “Lattice”
Bounding projection 351
Bounding sequence 351
Bridging lemma 633
C*-algebra 236
C*-algebra, abelian 210 269—275 291 298 670—689 701 702 744—747 782
C*-algebra, finite-dimensional 288 432
C*-algebra, nuclear 800 858—863 880
C*-algebra, singly generated 701
C*-algebra, type I 880
C*-algebra, UHF see “Uniformly matricial algebra”
C*-algebra, uniformly matricial see “Uniformly matricial algebra”
C*-norm 850—858
C*-norm, largest 852
C*-norm, smallest 853 858
C*-norm, spatial 851
C*-semi-norm 851
C*-semi-norm, largest 852
Calkin algebra 755—759
Canonical anti-commutation relations see “CAR”
Canonical image (of in ) 866
CAR 759 795 796 904
CAR algebra 759 763—766 794 796 889 904 910 914 917 920 955 992
CAR algebra, factor representations of 914 920 955 992—993
CAR algebra, irreducible representations of 763—766
CAR algebra, product states of 889 904 955 992—993
CAR algebra, quasi-equivalent representations of 917
CAR algebra, states of product type a of 910 914 917 920
CAR, irreducible representation of 796 935
CAR, representation of 796 934 935
Carrier (of a state) 454 468
Cauchy criterion 26
Cauchy — Schwarz inequality 77 215 256 489
Cayley transform 327 328 930
Center state 512 582
Center-valued trace see “Trace”
Central carrier 332 333 403 736
Central decomposition 1028
Centralizer (of a state) 617
Character of 192 282
Character of 231
Character of 230
Character of a locally compact abelian group 1041
Clopen set 222
Closed graph theorem 62
Closure (of an operator) 155
| Codimension 2
Commutant 325 584
Commutant of a tensor product 800 812 821 828 843
Commutant, type of 585—590
Commutation relations 181
Commutation theorem 812 821 828 843
Commutator 181
Compact linear operator 165 166 226 227 747—755 782 783
Compact linear operator, algebra of 747—755 782 783
Compact self-adjoint operator 166 167
Compact support 201
Comparison of projections 399 402 471
Comparison of projections in a factor 408
Comparison theorem 408 409
Comparison theory 399—422 471
Complementary subspaces 11 63 88
Complete (linear topological space) 14
Complete (measure space) 1031
Completely positive linear mapping 881—885
Completion of a measure space 1031
Completion of a normed algebra 174
Completion of a normed space 38
Completion of a pre-Hilbert space 80
Complexification of a real Hilbert space 76 161
Complexification of a real linear space 66
Complexification of a real normed space 66
Compression 121 276
Conditional expectation 571 572 573 794 834 836
Conditional expectation, faithful 572
Cone 212 245
Cone, dual 704 705
Cone, self-dual 705 710
Conjugate Hilbert space 131
Conjugate-bilinear functional 100
Conjugate-bilinear functional, bounded 100
Conjugate-bilinear functional, positive 103
Conjugate-bilinear functional, symmetric 103
Conjugate-linear operator 15 65 593
Continuous crossed product see “Crossed product”
Continuous function calculus see “Function calculus”
Convergence of nets in a locally convex space 25
Convergence of series in a normed space 38
Convergence of sums in a locally convex space 25
Convex combination (finite) 3
Convex hull (of a set) 4
Convex hull (of a set), closed 31
Convex set 3
Convolution 187 230 231 433 1041
Core (of an unbounded operator) 155 349
Core (of an unbounded operator) of a tensor product of operators 838
Countably decomposable projection 338 340 380 413 414 492
Countably decomposable von Neumann algebra 338 339 380 449
Coupling (or Linking) constant 690
Coupling (or Linking) operator 691 698
Creator 934
Cross-norm 851 858
Crossed product 936—997
Crossed product by a modular group 936 974
Crossed product of factors 941 948
Crossed product, abstract continuous 966
Crossed product, abstract discrete 938
Crossed product, continuous 936 957—974
Crossed product, discrete 936 937—956
Crossed product, duality for 936 970
Crossed product, implemented continuous 968
Crossed product, implemented discrete 939
Crossed product, second 936 957 968 970
Csm space 1017 1020 1036 1040
Cyclic projection 336 471 478 479 492
Cyclic projection, comparison of 471
Cyclic representation 276 278 279 735
Cyclic vector 276
Dauns — Hoffman theorem 793
Decomposable operator 999 1002
Decomposable operator, algebra of 1005 1027
Decomposable representation 1007 1008
Decomposable state 1008
Decomposable von Neumann algebra 999 1009 1010 1011
Decomposition see “Direct integral decompositions”
Definite inner product 76
Definite state 289
Density matrix 462
Derivation 301 302 492 580 581 582 771 784 785 788 790 791
Derivation of a simple C*-algebra 790
Derivation of a von Neumann algebra 582
Derivation, * derivation 784 785 788 790
Derivation, inner 580 582 790
Diagonalizable operator 999 1002
Diagonalizable operator, algebra of 1005 1027
Diagonalizable projection 1003
Diagonalizable representation 1008
Diagonalization (of a representation) 1008
Dimension function 504 529 530—537
Dimension of a Hilbert space 93
Dimension, generalized in variance of 416
Direct integral decompositions 998 999 1025—1031
Direct integral decompositions and type decomposition 1015 1028
Direct integral decompositions into factors 1027 1028
Direct integral decompositions into irreducible representations 1031
Direct integral decompositions of a representation 1008
Direct integral decompositions of bounded operators 1002
Direct integral decompositions of Hilbert spaces 1000 1027
Direct integral decompositions of states 1008
Direct integral decompositions of the commutant 1021
Direct integral decompositions of vectors 1000
Direct integral decompositions of von Neumann algebras 1009
Direct integral decompositions, central 1028
Direct integral decompositions, relative to a maximal abelian algebra 1030 1031
Direct integral decompositions, relative to an abelian algebra 1025—1031
Direct integral decompositions, uniqueness of 1028—1030
Direct integrals 998—1025
Direct integrals of bounded operators 1002
Direct integrals of faithful states 1012
Direct integrals of Hilbert spaces 1000
Direct integrals of normal states 1013
Direct integrals of projections 1014
Direct integrals of representations 1008
Direct integrals of states 1008
Direct integrals of tracial states 1012
Direct integrals of vectors 1000
Direct integrals of von Neumann algebras 1009
Direct sum of Hilbert spaces 121 123
Direct sum of operators 122 124
Direct sum of representations 281 734 738
Direct sum of von Neumann algebras 336
Directed system of C*-algebras 863—865 886 887
Directed system of Hilbert spaces 886 887
Directed system of simple C*-algebras 865
Discrete crossed product see “Crossed product”
Division algebra 180
Dixmier approximation theorem 504 523
Double commutant theorem 326
Dual cones 704 705
Dual group of 192
Dual group of 231
Dual group of 230
Dual module 771 773
Dual normal module 771 932
Dual representation 936 957 966 968
Dual space of a C*-algebra 712 719 721 726 773
Dual space, algebraic 2
Dual space, Banach 44
Dual space, continuous 30 43
Dual space, second 43 45
Duality theorem (for crossed products) 936 937 957 970
Eigenvalue 109
Eigenvalue list 914 916
Eigenvector 108
Eigenvector, approximate 178 179 183
Equivalence of function representations 263
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