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Kadison R.V., Ringrose J.R. — Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras (vol. 2) Advanced Theory |
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Tensor product of Hilbert spaces 125 135
Tensor product of irreducible representations 848
Tensor product of maximal abelian von Neumann algebras 829
Tensor product of representations 848
Tensor product of represented C*-algebras 800—812
Tensor product of unbounded operators 812 836—845
Tensor product of vectors 135
Tensor product of von Neumann algebras 800 812—845
Tensor product, algebraic 139 846 849
Tensor product, associativity of 136 146 802 813 847
Tensor product, center of 800 829 878
Tensor product, commutant of 800 812 821 828 843
Tensor product, predual of 818
Tensor product, spatial 800 846—850
Tensor product, type of 800 812 829—836
Tensor product, universal property of 125 135 139
Tomita's theorem 472 591 607 625 631 638 640
Topological divisor of zero 229
Topological group 789
Topology, bounded weak-operator 995
Topology, coarser (weaker) 29
Topology, induced by semi-norms 17
Topology, initial 13
Topology, Jacobson 792
Topology, locally convex 16 23
Topology, norm 35 66
Topology, strong-operator 113 304 305 329 380 456
Topology, ultraweak 482
Topology, weak-operator 304 305 306 371 456
Topology, weaker (coarser) 29
Totally disconnected 222 374
Trace 462
Trace class 543
Trace class operator 462 543
Trace norm 545 895
Trace vector 436 471
Trace vector, generating 471 472 501
Trace, center-valued 504 508 509 527 535 537
Trace, faithful 505
Trace, normalized 289
Trace, numerical 505
Tracial state 505 506 537 575 611 848 870
Tracial weight 504 537—545 575
Tracial weight on 543 576 578
Tracial weight, relatively invariant 976 983
Transformation, linear see “Operator” “Unbounded
Transformation, unitary 104
Transitivity 332 727
Transitivity of the automorphism group 904 907
Triangle inequality 35
Type decomposition (of a von Neumann algebra) 399 422
Type decomposition (of a von Neumann algebra) and direct integrals 1015 1028
Type decomposition (of a von Neumann algebra) of tensor products 800 812 829—836
Type decomposition (of a von Neumann algebra) of the commutant 585—590
UHF algebra see “Uniformly matricial algebra”
Ultraweak continuity (criteria for) 720 722 725 726 748
Ultraweak topology 482
Unbounded operator, adjoint of 157 594
Unbounded operator, affiliated 342 344
Unbounded operator, closable (preclosed) 155 593
Unbounded operator, closed 155 357 593
Unbounded operator, closure of 155
Unbounded operator, conjugate-linear 593
Unbounded operator, core of 155
Unbounded operator, densely defined 155 593
Unbounded operator, domain of 154 155
Unbounded operator, extension of 155
Unbounded operator, graph of 155
Unbounded operator, invertible 595
Unbounded operator, maximal symmetric 160
Unbounded operator, multiplication see “Multiplication operator”
Unbounded operator, normal see “Normal operator”
Unbounded operator, positive 357 840
Unbounded operator, preclosed (closable) 155 593
Unbounded operator, products of 157 352
Unbounded operator, self-adjoint see “Self-adjoint operator”
Unbounded operator, spectrum of 357
Unbounded operator, sums of 157 352
Unbounded operator, symmetric 160
Unbounded operator, tensor product of 812 836—845
Unbounded operator, von Neumann algebra generated by 349 354
Unbounded similarity theory 625
| Uniform boundedness (principle of) 64 65 74
Uniform multiplicity, bounded normal operator of 703
Uniform multiplicity, representation of 685 688
Uniform multiplicity, set of 673 685
Uniform structure in a linear topological space 14
Uniform structure in a normed space 35
Uniformly convex Banach space 67 161
Uniformly matricial algebra 759—766 889—895 904—920
Uniformly matricial algebra, algebraically equivalent states of 909
Uniformly matricial algebra, automorphic states of 907 909
Uniformly matricial algebra, criterion for 893
Uniformly matricial algebra, isomorphism classes of 889 890 891 893
Uniformly matricial algebra, isomorphism invariant for 890 891 893
Uniformly matricial algebra, primary states of 889 905
Uniformly matricial algebra, product states of 877 904
Uniformly matricial algebra, pure states of 904 907
Uniformly matricial algebra, quasi-equivalent representations of 905 909
Uniformly matricial algebra, quasi-equivalent states of 889 905 909
Uniformly matricial algebra, transitive action of automorphism group 907
Union of projections 111
Unit ball 36
Unit element 174 236
Unitary element (of a C*-algebra) 237 242 767 768
Unitary element (of a C*-algebra), exponential 275 286 287 288 313 314 728 767 768
Unitary equivalence of bounded normal operators 670 688 703
Unitary equivalence of representations of a C*-algebra 280 697 730 736 740
Unitary equivalence of representations of an abelian C*-algebra 670—689 702
Unitary equivalence of von Neumann algebras 469 470 661 662 663 697
Unitary group 237 286 287
Unitary implementation (of * isomorphisms) 469 661 663 664 671 696—700
Unitary implementation theorem 454 469
Unitary operator 103 313
Unitary representation 282 367 710
Unitary transformation 104
Universal normal representation 458 459
Universal representation 281 711—727 735 744 746 766 768 770 772 773 777 779 780 790 793
Unordered sums 25—28
Vector state 256 281 289 298 302 467 469 478 480 492 496 783
Vector state space 782
von Neumann algebra 308; see also “Factor”
von Neumann algebra of type 11 422 447 589 976 985 989
von Neumann algebra of type 422 588 589
von Neumann algebra of type 422 447 589
von Neumann algebra of type 422 432 447 589 699
von Neumann algebra of type I 399 422 426—432 447 584 588 589 660—665 689 699 700
von Neumann algebra of type II 447 589 699
von Neumann algebra of type III 411 422 447 588 589 937 976 985 989
von Neumann algebra, abelian 308 310 340—366 665—670 700 701
von Neumann algebra, continuous 424 426
von Neumann algebra, countably decomposable 338 339 380 449
von Neumann algebra, decomposable 999 1009 1010 1011
von Neumann algebra, discrete 424
von Neumann algebra, finite 411 447 449 517
von Neumann algebra, generated by a bounded normal operator 700 701
von Neumann algebra, generated by an unbounded normal operator 349 354
von Neumann algebra, infinite 411
von Neumann algebra, matricial 895 896
von Neumann algebra, maximal abelian see “Maximal abelian algebra”
von Neumann algebra, normal 930 1046
von Neumann algebra, properly infinite 411 449
von Neumann algebra, purely infinite 411
von Neumann algebra, semi-finite 424 589 592 618 623 1045
von Neumann algebra, type decomposition of see “Type decomposition”
W*-algebra 498 500 794
w*-topology 31
Weak * topology 31 43 45 46 48 68
Weak topology, induced by a family of linear functionals 28 29
Weak topology, the weak topology 30 43 47 66
Weak-operator topology 304 305 306 371 456
Weakly measurable mapping 1019
Wedge product 933
Weierstrass approximation theorem 221
Weight 486 490 500
Weight, faithful 487
Weight, normal 487
Weight, semi-finite 487
Weight, tracial 504 537—545 575 576 578
Wick-ordered monomial 934
Wick-ordered product 795
Wiener's Tauberian theorems 233
Word 437
Word, reduced 437
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