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Boboc N. — Order and Convexity in Potential Theory |
Предметный указатель |
Absolutely continuous 20
Absorbent point 226
Adjoint 57
Autoadjoint resolvent 34
Autodual H-cone 264
Axiom D 211
Axiom of convergence 205
Axiom of nearly continuity 205
Axiom of polarity 182
Balayage 52
Balayage, representable 88
Base 83 88
Base set 65
Base, essential 173
Basic set 87
Bounded kernel 7
Branching point 235
Carrier 89
Carrier map 188
Coercive 245
Cofine topology 200
Complement (of a balayage) 66
Complete maximum principle 123
Conatural topology 200
Continuous in order from below 44
Contraction 52
Convergence, axiom of 205
Dense in order from below 43
Dirichlet space 256
Dirichlet space, functional 276
Dirichlet space, local 275
Dirichlet space, symmetric 263
Dominant 123
Dominated 191
Domination principle 227
Dual 56
Energy 26
Energy form 26
Essential base 173
Evaluation map 60
Excessive 16 230
Extreme ray 59
Fine sheaf property 217
Fine topology 69
Functional Dirichlet space 276
Generator 118
Green function 200
Green set 199
H-cone 37
H-cone of functions 68
H-cone, autodual 264
H-cone, standard 104
h-integral 56
H-measure 120
H-morphism 49
Harmonic carrier 89
Hunt’s approximation theorem 23
Hunt’s theorem 127
Increasingly dense 43
Initial kernel 12
Kakutani representation 64
Kernel 7
Kernel, absolutely continuous 20
Kernel, bounded 7
Kernel, proper 7
Local Dirichlet space 275
Lower semi-continuous regularization 6
Lusin set 163
Lusin space 163
Markov canonical extension 242
Markovian semigroup 230
| Mokobodzki neighbourhood 149
Mokobodzki topology 149
Natural extension 115
Natural sheaf property 229
Natural topology 106 113 141 149
Nearly continuity, axiom of 205
Nearly continuous 102
Nearly saturated 175
Negligible 177
Ordered convex cone 35
P-excessive 230
polar 180
Polarity, axiom of 182
Proper kernel 7
Pseudo-balayage 152
Ray resolvent 233
Ray semigroup 233
Reduite 40 251
Regular 1 50
Regularization, lower semi-continuous 6
Representable (balayage) 88
Resolvent 12
Resolvent, absolutely continuous 20
Resolvent, associated with a semigroup 230
Resolvent, autoadjoint 34
Resolvent, Ray 233
Resolvent, strong Ray 238
Resolvent, sub-Markovian 12
Resolvents in duality 25
Riesz decomposition property 37
Saturated 115
Saturated, nearly 175
Semi-polar 86
Semigroup 230
Semigroup, Markovian 230
Semigroup, Ray 233
Semigroup, strong Ray 238
Semigroup, sub-Markovian 230
Sheaf property 229
Sheaf property, fine 217
Solid 43
Souslin set 163
Souslin space 163
Specific order 40
Specifically solid 43
Standard Dirichlet space 276
Standard H-cone 104
Standard H-cone of functions 113
Stonian cone 63
Strictly positive 96
Strong Ray resolvent 238
Strong Ray semigroup 238
Sub-Markovian resolvent 12
Sub-Markovian semigroup 230
Substractible 225
Supermedian 8 12
Symmetric Dirichlet space 263
T-balayage operator 260
T-potential 251
Theorem of Doob — Bauer 86
Thin 83
Totally thin 86
u-continuous 97
Unit, weak 96
Universally continuous 97
v-almost everywhere 15
V-dominant 123
v-excessive 16
v-negligible 15
V-supermedian 8
Weak unit 96
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