Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Wall Street Journal
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Пейтел Э.Б., Пейтел П. — Internet-трейдинг Полное руководство | 62 | Дамодаран А. — Инвестиционная оценка. Инструменты и техника оценки любых активов | 174 | Grinstead C.M., Snell J.L. — Introduction to Probability | 161 | Hull J. — Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities | 27, 31, 58, 65, 88, 142, 249, 256, 260 | Peek R.P. (ed.), Newby G.B. (ed.) — Scholarly publishing: the electronic frontier | 135 | Mindich D.T. — Tuned out: Why Americans under 40 Don't Follow the News | 7, 48, 97—98, 124 | Dreman D. — Contrarian Investment Strategies in the Next Generation | 45, 85, 89, 203, 205, 233, 323n, 398 | Lovelock D., Mendel M., Wright A.L. — Introduction to the Mathematics of Money: Saving and Investing | 7, 139, 144, 160 | Hull J.C. — Options, futures and other derivatives | 27—30, 53, 57, 104, 105—106, 155—157, 270—272, 276—277, 279—282 | Kennedy D. — Academic Duty | 9, 236, 260—261 | Hitz B., Ewing J.J., Hecht J. — Introduction to Laser Technology | 5 | Furui S., Sandhi M.M. (eds.) — Advances in Speech Signal Processing. Part II | 797 | Jurik M. (ed.) — Computerized Trading: Maximizing Day Trading and Overnight Profits | 292 | Paulos J.A. — A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market | 63 |