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Hitz B., Ewing J.J., Hecht J. — Introduction to Laser Technology
Hitz B., Ewing J.J., Hecht J. — Introduction to Laser Technology

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Название: Introduction to Laser Technology

Авторы: Hitz B., Ewing J.J., Hecht J.


Written for engineers, scientists, technicians, and novices, this text explains the underlying physics and engineering applicable to all lasers, without sidetracking into the mathematical details of quantum electronics. The book outlines the characteristics and applications of commercial lasers worldwide and provides a survey of modern lasers. It also discusses light and optics, the fundamental elements of lasers, and laser modification. Semiconductor lasers, solid-state lasers, ion lasers, HeNe lasers, HeCd lasers, carbon dioxide lasers, excimer lasers, and ultrafast lasers are all considered.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Third Edition

Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 287

Добавлена в каталог: 29.11.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
A-O modulator      see "Acoustic-optic modulator"
Acoustic-optic (A-O) modulator      see also "Q-switching"
Acoustic-optic (A-O) modulator, Bragg modulator      151
Acoustic-optic (A-O) modulator, Raman — Nath modulator      151n.1
Acoustic-optic (A-O) modulator, technology      45
Alexandrite laser, characteristics      195 261
Ammonia maser      85—86
Ampere's law      9 10
Angioplasty      4
ArF laser, applications      252
Argon (Ar)-ion laser      213 see
Argon (Ar)-ion laser, discussed      225—228
Argon laser, light output      1—2
atom      see "Energy levels"
Bandgap energy, diode laser      186
Bandwidth      see also "Laser bandwidth"
Bandwidth, white light      57—58
Bar-code scanner      5
Bennett, William R.Jr.      219
Birefringence      see also "Polarization"
Birefringence, baseball in gouda cheese      36—40 169
Birefringence, birefringent filter      126
Birefringence, discussed      31—40
Birefringence, Huygens wavelets      35—40 169—170
Birefringence, thermal      208
Boltzmann distribution, discussed      75—79
Bragg modulator      151n.1
Brewster's angle      41 217
Brewster's angle, discussed      40—41
Brightness      see also "Light" "Light
Brightness, compared to intensity      42—43
Brightness, discussed      41—43
Carbon dioxide laser      see also "Gas laser"
Carbon dioxide laser in general      229—230
Carbon dioxide laser, applications      252
Carbon dioxide laser, bandwidth      254
Carbon dioxide laser, characteristics      211
Carbon dioxide laser, excitation      232—233
Carbon dioxide laser, excitation, gas-dynamic laser      232
Carbon dioxide laser, infrared light output      1
Carbon dioxide laser, optics      236
Carbon dioxide laser, pumping technique      86
Carbon dioxide laser, types      233—236
Carbon dioxide laser, types, flowing gas      235
Carbon dioxide laser, types, gas-dynamic      236
Carbon dioxide laser, types, sealed-tube      233—236
Carbon dioxide laser, types, transversely excited atmospheric      236
Carbon dioxide laser, types, waveguide      234
Carbon dioxide laser, vibrational transitions      69 230—232
Cavity      89 147 see
Cavity dumping      see also "Pulsed laser" "Q-switching"
Cavity dumping, discussed      147—151
Cavity dumping, partial      151—152
CD      see "Compact disc"
Chemical laser, discussed      87 237—238
Chromium      194 202 206
Circulating power      91—92
Coherence      57 see
Coherence, characteristics      63—64 68
Coherence, spatial      64
Coherence, temporal      64 117
Coil      238
Cold laser      see "Excimer laser"
Color separator      5
Communications, laser applications      157
Compact disc (CD), optical interference      48—49
Coolant, water      206—209
Cr:LiSAF laser      261—262
Cr:ruby laser      see also "Ruby laser"
Cr:ruby laser, lamp pumping      203—208
Cutting, laser applications      3 250
Deutrium-flouride laser      238
DFB      see "Distributed-feedback laser"
Diffraction grating      48—49
Diffraction, discussed      59—60
Diffraction, discussed, interference and      60
Diffraction-limited mode      104
Diode laser      see also "Semiconductor laser" "Solid-state
Diode laser in general      182—186
Diode laser, "microlaser"      200
Diode laser, bandgap energy      186
Diode laser, current confinement      184
Diode laser, fiberoptic application      200—201
Diode laser, military application      5
Diode laser, quantum well      184
Diode laser, wavelength      186—187
directionality      58 see "Laser
Directionality, discussed      58—62
dispersion      17
Dispersion, phase matching      167—171
Dispersion, ultrafast laser      261—264
Dispersion, wavelength-changing phenomenon      21
Distributed-feedback laser (DFB), discussed      184—185
Divergence, brightness and      42
Divergence, directionality and      58—59 60
Divergence, Gaussian beam      60—62
Doppler broadening      see also "Laser bandwidth"
Doppler broadening, laser bandwidth      120—121 219
Dye laser as liquid laser      2
Dye laser as tunable laser      254
Dye laser in general      256—258
Dye laser, excited state absorption      257
Dye laser, modelocking      153—158
Dye laser, pump source      249
EDFA laser, discussed      200—202
Efficiency, lamp pumping vs. diode pumping      202—206
Efficiency, power consumption and      2 3
Einstein, Albert      14—15
Electromagnetic spherical wave      11
Electromagnetic spherical wave, Huygens' principle applied to      23—24
Electromagnetic tranverse      7—8
Electromagnetic waves      7—11 see
Electromagnetic waves, plane wave      10—11
Electromagnetic waves, wavefront      10
Energy distributions      see also "Energy levels"
Energy distributions in general      75
Energy distributions, Boltzmann distribution      75—79
Energy distributions, Boltzmann distribution, electronic energy      79
Energy distributions, Boltzmann distribution, rotational energy      77
Energy distributions, Boltzmann distribution, translational energy      77
Energy distributions, Boltzmann distribution, vibrational energy      77—79
Energy distributions, four-level laser      84—85
Energy distributions, four-level laser, metastable level      85
Energy distributions, four-level laser, pump band      85
Energy distributions, L.A.S.E.R.      82—84
Energy distributions, population inversion      79—81 84
Energy distributions, pumping mechanisms      85—88
Energy distributions, pumping mechanisms, ammonia maser      85—86
Energy distributions, pumping mechanisms, direct discharge      86
Energy distributions, pumping mechanisms, electrical pumping      86
Energy distributions, three-level laser      84—85
Energy distributions, three-level laser, pump level      84
Energy distributions, three-level laser, quasi three-level laser      205—206
Energy distributions, three-level laser, upper laser level      84
energy levels      see also "Energy distributions"
Energy levels in general      65
Energy levels in general, quantization      65 67 69
Energy levels, atomic energy levels      66 71—74
Energy levels, atomic energy levels, behavior of atom      66
Energy levels, atomic energy levels, saturation      72
Energy levels, molecular energy levels      69—70
Energy levels, spontaneous atomic lifetime      67 71
Energy levels, spontaneous emission and stimulated emission      67—68
Energy levels, subtle refinements      71—74
Energy levels, vibrational transitions      230—232
Energy, relation to power      134
Englass laser, characteristics      254
Er laser, pumping      206
Erbium in solid-state laser      194
Erbium, erbium-doped fiber amplifier      4 200—202
ESA      see "Excited state absorption"
Etalon      128—130 see Fabry
Excimer laser      249—252 see
Excimer laser in general      239—241
Excimer laser, characteristics      211 213
Excimer laser, electrical considerations      243—245
Excimer laser, electrical considerations, preionizer      244
Excimer laser, excimer molecules      241—243
Excimer laser, excimer molecules, lower-level dissociation      242
Excimer laser, handling the gases      245—248
Excimer laser, handling the gases, dust      244 247 248
Excited state absorption (ESA), dye laser      257—258
Fabry — Perot interferometer      45 113 128
Fabry — Perot interferometer, discussed      52—56
Fabry — Perot interferometer, resonant/nonresonant      53—54
Faraday's law      9 10
Fiberoptics, EDFA laser application      200—202
Fiberoptics, erbium-doped fiber amplifier      4 202
Fiberoptics, wavelength division multiplexing      4
Filter, birefringent filter      126
Fluorescence      225
Four-level laser      see "Energy distributions"
Free-electron laser, pumping      87—88
Fundamental mode      104—105
GaAlAs      see "Gallium aluminum arsenide"
GaAS      see "Gallium arsenide"
Gallium aluminum arsenide (GaAlAs)      186
Gallium arsenide (GaAs)      180
Gas laser      see also "Specific gas lasers"
Gas laser in general      211—212
Gas laser, Ar- and Kr-ion laser      225—228
Gas laser, bandwidth      121—122 123
Gas laser, examples and characteristics      3
Gas laser, families, carbon dioxide      211
Gas laser, families, excimer      211
Gas laser, families, helium cadmium      211
Gas laser, families, helium neon      211
Gas laser, families, ion      211
Gas laser, gas-laser transitions      212—214
Gas laser, gas-laser transitions, electronic-transition laser      213
Gas laser, HeCd laser      223—225
Gas laser, HeNe laser in general      219—220
Gas laser, HeNe laser, principles      220
Gas laser, HeNe laser, structure      222—223
Gas laser, laser excitation      216—217
Gas laser, media and tubes      214—216
Gas laser, optical characteristics      217
Gas laser, pumping technique      86
Gas laser, vibrational transitions      230—232
Gas laser, wavelengths and spectral width      218—219
Gauss's law      9 10
Gaussian beam      see also "Fundamental mode"
Gaussian beam, divergence      60—62
Gaussian beam, propagation      104—109
Glass laser      see also "Nd:glass laser" "Solid-state
Glass laser as solid-state laser      2
Graphics, laser applications      5
Grocery stores, laser applications      5
Gyroscope laser      6 222
Heat-treating, laser applications      3
Heisenberg uncertainty principle      58 71 121—122 249 253
Helium-cadmium (HeCd) laser      211 215 239 see
Helium-cadmium (HeCd) laser, discussed      223—225
Helium-neon (HeNe) laser      58 see
Helium-neon (HeNe) laser, characteristics      211 215 217
Helium-neon (HeNe) laser, discussed      219—220
Helium-neon (HeNe) laser, light output      2
Helium-neon (HeNe) laser, principles      220
Helium-neon (HeNe) laser, structure      222—223
Helium-neon (HeNe) laser, wavelength and spectral width      218—219
Herriott, Donald R.      219
Ho laser, pumping      206
Ho:YAG laser, characteristics      194—195 198
Holmium, in solid-state laser      194
Huygen's principle, discussed      22—24
Huygens wavelets      35—40 169—170
Huygens, Christian      22 59
infrared light      1
Interference in general      45
Interference, Fabry — Perot interferometer, discussed      45 52—56 113 128
Interference, optical      45—47
Interference, optical, constructive      46 47 50
Interference, optical, destructive      46
Interference, optical, examples      48—49
Interference, Young's double-slit experiment      12 15 45 60 141
Interference, Young's double-slit experiment, discussed      49—52
Ion laser      see also "Gas laser"
Ion laser, characteristics      151 211 215 225 228 239
Javan, Ali      219
Kerr cell      144
Kerr effect      262
Kerr-lens mode-locking      262
Krypton (Kr)-ion laser      213 see
Krypton (Kr)-ion laser, discussed      225—228
Krypton fluoride (KrF) laser      241 see
Krypton fluoride (KrF) laser, applications      251
Krypton fluoride (KrF) laser, light output      2
Laser      see also "Laser applications"
Laser applications, graphics and grocery stores      5
Laser applications, materials processing      3
Laser applications, military      5
Laser applications, other applications      6
Laser applications, research and medicine      4
Laser applications, telecommunications      4
Laser bandwidth      see also "Bandwidth"
Laser bandwidth in general      117
Laser bandwidth in general, linewidth      117
Laser bandwidth in general, spectral width      117
Laser bandwidth, bandwidth reduction      123—126
Laser bandwidth, bandwidth reduction, etalon      128—130
Laser bandwidth, bandwidth reduction, feedback      184
Laser bandwidth, bandwidth reduction, single-mode laser      127—130
Laser bandwidth, bandwidth reduction, spatial hole burning      126
Laser bandwidth, laser-broadening mechanisms      120—123
Laser bandwidth, laser-broadening mechanisms, collision broadening      121
Laser bandwidth, laser-broadening mechanisms, crystal-field broadening      123
Laser bandwidth, laser-broadening mechanisms, Doppler broadening      120 122
Laser bandwidth, laser-broadening mechanisms, homogeneous broadening      121 125—126
Laser bandwidth, laser-broadening mechanisms, inhomogeneous broadening      121 125
Laser bandwidth, laser-broadening mechanisms, pressure broadening      121 122
Laser bandwidth, laser-broadening mechanisms, thermal broadening      122
Laser bandwidth, measurement      117—120
Laser bandwidth, measurement, coherence length      120
Laser bandwidth, measurement, full-width, half-maximum (FWHM) measurement      118
Laser bandwidth, measurement, line-center measurement      118—119
Laser bandwidth, tunable laser      253—254
Laser gyroscope      6 222
Laser light      see also "Light"
Laser light in general      57
Laser light, coherence      57 63—64 68
Laser light, directionality      57 58—62
Laser light, directionality, divergence      58—59 60
Laser light, monochromaticity      57—58
Laser light, monochromaticity, bandwidth of light      57
Laser mirrors      98—99 236
Laser printer      5
Laser resonator      see also "Laser resonator modes"
Laser resonator in general      89 147
Laser resonator modes      see also "Laser resonator"
Laser resonator modes in general      101
Laser resonator modes, Gaussian-beam propagation      104—109
Laser resonator modes, Gaussian-beam propagation, $TEM_{00}$ mode      104—105
Laser resonator modes, Gaussian-beam propagation, beam radius      105—106
Laser resonator modes, Gaussian-beam propagation, Gaussian mode      104
Laser resonator modes, Gaussian-beam propagation, radius of curvature      105—106
Laser resonator modes, longitudinal modes      111—114
Laser resonator modes, longitudinal modes, standing wave      111—112
Laser resonator modes, spatial energy distribution in general      101—103
Laser resonator modes, spatial energy distribution, longitudinal      101 102
Laser resonator modes, spatial energy distribution, transverse      101 102
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