Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Schwarzschild singularity
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Stephani H. — Relativity: an introduction to special and general relativity | 301 | Kilmister C.W. — General theory of relativity | 89 | Ludvigsen M. — General relativity. A geometric approach | 147 | Visser M. — Lorentzian wormholes. From Einstein to Hawking | 20 | Lang K.R. — Astrophysical Formulae: Space, Time, Matter and Cosmology, Vol. 2 | 200 | Barrow J.D., Tipler F.J. — Anthropic Cosmological Principle | 348, 352 | Shore S.N. — The Tapestry of Modern Astrophysics | see “Black holes” | Weinberg S. — Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the General Theory of Relativity | 207, 331, 347, 349 | Carmeli M. — Classical Fields: General Gravity and Gauge Theory | 163 | Synge J.L. — Relativity: The general theory | 283 | Anderson J.L. — Principles of Relativity Physics | 386, 387 | Held A. (ed.) — General relativity and gravitation. 100 years after the birth of Albert Einstein (volume 2) | 100, 101, 108, 139, 181 |