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Поиск книг, содержащих: WLF equation
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Rubinstein M., Colby R.H. — Polymer Physics | 338, 357 | Structure Property Relationships in Polimers | 24, 25, 41 | Bird R.B., Armstrong R.C., Hassager O. — Dynamics of polymeric liquids (Vol. 1. Fluid mechanics) | (1)140, 141, (2)163 | Bueche F. — Physic Properties of Polymers | 104—107 | Gedde U.W. — Polymer Physics (Chapman 1995) | see William—Landel—Ferry equation | Bird R.B., Curtiss C.F., Armstrong R.C. — Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids. Vol. 2. Kinetic Theory | (1)140, 141, (2)163 |