Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Gray body
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Zel'dovich Ya.B., Raizer Yu.P. — Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena (vol. 1) | 141, 144 | Zel'dovich Ya.B., Raizer Yu.P. — Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena (vol. 2) | 141, 144 | Welford W. — Useful Optics | 98 | Landgrebe D.A. — Signal Theory Methods in Multispectral Remote Sensing | 39 | Hobbie R., Roth B. — Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology, | 373 | David A. Mooney — Introduction to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer | 369 | Pitts D.R., Sissom L.E. — Schaum's outline of theory and problems of heat transfer | 2, 294, 295 | Lienhardt J.H. IV, Lienhardt J.H. V — A heat transfer textbook | 527—529, 534—536, 549—563 |