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Kohonen T. — Self-organizing maps268
Batchelor B.G., Whelan P.F. — Intelligent vision systems for industry42
Samet H. — Applications of Spatial Data Structures: Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and Other Areas144, 144—162, 233, 353
Jahne B. — Digital Image Processing495, 498
Schroeder M.R. — Schroeder, Self Similarity: Chaos, Fractals, Power Laws57
Samet H. — The design and analysis of spatial data structures312, 355
Tanimoto S.L. — The elements of artificial intelligence. An introduction using LISP415, 431
Seul M., O'Gorman L., Sammon M.J. — Practical algorithms for image analysis. Description, examples, and code176
Ballard D.H., Brown C.M. — Computer vision235, 237, 256, 258
Marques de Sa J.P. — Pattern recognition: concepts, methods, and applications245
Bow S.-T. — Pattern recognition and image preprocessing374—375
Paeth A.W. (ed.) — Graphics gems (volume 5)V.324 (see also Edge contours)
D.E. Newland — An Introduction to Random Vibration, Spectral and Wavelet Analysis183
Yovits M. — Advances in computers.Volume 18.43—44
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