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Yovits M. — Advances in computers.Volume 18. |
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"Chunking" concept in debugging 137—138
"How the West Was Won" game 218
, relation with 146—148
, use of in prediction 148—150
8080 CHESS program 111
Adelson-Velskiy, G.M. 61 98 114
Adkins, K. 183 225 227
Agafonov, V.N. 267 281
AIST project 238
Akiyama, F. 137 138 168
Akl, S. 97 115
Alderman, D.L. 189 225
ALGAMS in Soviet Union 247 257
ALGOL in Soviet Union 245 247
ALGOL-60 in Soviet Union 236
ALGOL-COBOL in Soviet Union 236
Algorithm generator 143—144
Algorithm, potential volume and 122—123
Aliasing 4—5
All-Union Association Soyuz EVM Komplex 254
All-Union Institute for Scientific and Technical Information, Soviet Union 259
Allen, J. 204 225
Alpha-beta algorithm 94—97
Alpha-beta window in computer chess 97—98
Amann, R. 249 281
American Geophysical Union 156
ANALITIK in Soviet software 236
Analogies, method of in computer chess 98
Andon, F.I. 248 281
Andrews, H.C. 28 55
Approximation techniques 10—12
Arbitrary constants, freedom from 166—168
Arbuckle, T. 60 115
Area in digital picture 49
Arlazarov, V.L. 61 98 106 114 115
Ashastin, R. 243 253 281
Ashiba, N. 185 225
ASU (automated control/management systems) in Soviet Union 246—247 255—256
Atal, B.S. 202 225
Atkin, L.R. 61 98 117
Atkinson, R.C. 198 203 225 226 227
Audio, choice of by university students 206—207
Autocorrelation, of picture 50
Babenko, L.P. 237 281
Bailey, D. 115
Baker, A.L. 168
Bakharev, I.A. 238 281
Bakker, I. 73 115
Ballaben, G. 198 225
Barr, A. 198 203 225 226
Barsamian, H. 238 281
BASIC language in computer chess 111
Bass, L.J. 171
Bass, R. 184 229
Baudet, G.M. 95 115
Bauer, F.L. 232 281
Bayer, R. 168 170
Bazeava, S.E. 244 282
Beard, M. 183 193 198 225 226 229
BELL chess opening library 99
Bell, A.G. 219 226
Bell, D.E. 138 168
BELLE program 78
Bellman, R. 106 115
Belsky, M.S. 60 115
Belyakov, V. 281
Benbassat, G.V. 202 228
Benko, P. 115
Berenyi, I. 235 281
Berliner, H. 62 70 74 77 93 94 115
Berliner, J.S. 249 252 259 261 262 281
Bernay's enumeration theorem, in computer-assisted information 208—211
Bernstein, A. 60 115
BESM-6 computer in Soviet Union 237—238 265
Bespalov, V.B. 248 282
Betelin, V.B. 244 282
Bezhanova, M.M. 238 282
Binary images, coding of 15—16
Bitzer, D. 176 226
Bjorkman, M. 159 168
Blaine, L.H. 208 211 212 226 228
Blitz chess 106—110
Blum, H. 48 56
Bobko, I. 254 262 282
Bobrow, R. 218 226
Boehm, B.W. 232 264 282
Bohrer, R. 168
Bomstein, M. 249 282
Border curves, representation of 43—44
BORIS chess macroprocessor 110—111
Bork, A. 190 226
Borodich, L.I. 247 282
Borst, M.A. 172
Botvinnik, M.M. 60 115
Boundary volume in software science 146—147
Bowman, A.B. 171
Bratko, I. 106 116
Bratukhin, P.I. 243 247 282
Brian, D. 184 222 229
Brich, Z.S. 282
Brown, J.S. 215 218 219 220 226
Brownell, W.A. 215 226
Brudno, A.L. 95 115
Bruning, R. 170
BTAM system in Soviet Union 240
Bucy, J.F. 269 282
BUGGY instructional game 220
Bugs, classification and counting of 137
Bugs, total vs. validation 137
Bulut, N. 168
Bunderson, C.V. 189 226
Burton, R.R. 215 218 219 220 226
Burtsev, V.S. 244 245 282
Busyness in pixel classification 32
Busyness, measurement of 52—53
Buxton, J.M. 232 282
Byrne, R. 115
Cahlander, D. 73 115
CAI see "Computer-assisted instruction"
California, University of 190
Campbell, H. 2S2
Campbell, J.O. 203 225
Carr, B. 217 227
Cave, M. 235 282
CDC 6400 computer 66
CDC 6600 computer 61—62
CDC CYBER 170 series 63
CDC CYBER 176 series 71
CEMA (Council for Economic Mutual Assistance) countries 233 239—240 244—245 269 271—272 277
Chain code 43—44
Chain code, curve segmentation and 46
Chain code, defined 45
Change detection 37
CHAOS program 71 73 87 98—99
Chase, W.G. 109 117
Chazal, C.B. 215 226
Chekalov, A.G. 241 267 285
Cherkasov, Yu.N. 243 247 282
Cheshenko, N. 285
CHESS 2.0 program 61
CHESS 3.0 program 68
CHESS 4.0 program 61—63
CHESS 4.4 program 64—65 67
CHESS 4.5 program 70—72 74—78 107
CHESS 4.6 program 70 73 77—80 82 84—89 98—99 101—103 105 108
Chess 4.7 61 90—91 101 110—111
CHESS CHALLENGER program 84 110—113
Chess information, differential updating of 98—99
Chess programs, chess-specific information in 99—100 see
Chevignard, D. 256 282
| Church, K.W. 109 115
Church, R.M. 109 115
Clark, M.R.B. 106 115
Clinton, J.P.M. 229
COBOL in Soviet Union 257
Codasyl system in Soviet Union 248
Coding in image processing and recognition 8—16
Coding, exact 9—10
Coding, types of 9—16
COKO program 72 100
College physics, computer-assisted instruction in 190—191
Collins, A. 216 228
Color edges, detection of 34
Color picture, pixel color components in 30—31
Comer, D. 162 163 169
Communist Party, computer industry and 260—261
Community college courses, computer-assisted instruction in 186—190
Component labeling in representation process 41—43
COMPU-CHESS microcomputer 110
Computer chess 59—114
Computer chess with microcomputers 110—113
Computer chess, endgame play in 100—106
Computer chess, finite depth minimax search in 93
Computer chess, forward pruning in 94
Computer chess, future expectations in 113—114
Computer chess, horizon effect in 93
Computer chess, Jet Age of 62
Computer chess, mating tree in 68—69
Computer chess, minimax search algorithm in 92—93
Computer chess, opening libraries in 99—100
Computer chess, Paul Masson Chess Classic and 70
Computer chess, principal continuation in 93
Computer chess, programming in 110—111
Computer chess, scoring function in 93
Computer chess, speed chess and 106—110
Computer chess, tree-searching techniques in 92—99
Computer Curricular Corporation, CAI courses of 179—185
Computer graphics, defined 3
Computer program, "completely debugged" 135
Computer program, comprehensibility of 134
Computer program, e.m.d. count for 136—138
Computer program, implementation level in 123—125
Computer program, machine language in 120—121
Computer program, vocabulary of 121
Computer program, volume concept in 122
Computer programming see "Programming"
Computer-assisted instruction 173—225
Computer-assisted instruction in college physics 190—191
Computer-assisted instruction in community college courses 186—190
Computer-assisted instruction in computer programming 198
Computer-assisted instruction in elementary and secondary education 175—185
Computer-assisted instruction in letter recognition by school children 203—206
Computer-assisted instruction in logic and set theory 191—198
Computer-assisted instruction in natural-language processing 200—201
Computer-assisted instruction in postsecondary education 185—199
Computer-assisted instruction, audio uses in 201—207
Computer-assisted instruction, current research in 199—222
Computer-assisted instruction, evaluation of 183—185
Computer-assisted instruction, future of 222—225
Computer-assisted instruction, informal mathematical proofs in 207—212
Computer-assisted instruction, PLATO system in 176—179
Computer-assisted instruction, student modeling in 212—222
Computer-assisted instruction, videodisks in 223
CONDUIT State of the Art Reports 185
Connectedness in representation 41—42
Contour coding 10
Contrast enhancement in image enhancement 17
Contrast stretching 18
Control Data Corporation 63 see
Convex hull, defined 49
Cooper, J.M. 249 281
Cornell, L. 137 169
Counting, representation and 42—43
Critique of Judgment (Kant) 216
Crocker, S.D. 61 98 116
Cronbach, L.J. 213 227
Curtis, B. 172
Curve detection 35—36
Curve detection, iterative 38—40
Curve segmentation 46—48
Curve tracking in sequential segmentation 37—38
CYBER 176 76
Database management systems in Soviet Union 248
Davidzon, M. 253 282
Davies, R.W. 249 281
Davis, L.S. 28 40 56 57
Davis, N.C. 234 235 239 243 256 281 282
Davis, R.B. 176 227
De Groot, A.D. 60 115
De Roberts, M.V. 60 115
Debugging in "completely debugged program" 135
Debugging, error rates and 136—141
DeKleer, J. 218 226
Del Rio, B. 282
Democracy and Education (Dewey) 213
Dewey, J. 227
Deztyareva, G.S. 282
Difference coding 13
Digital picture 2
Digitation, defined 2—3
Digitation, work involved in 3—4
Directionality spectrum 46
Distortion in pattern matching 36—37
Dither coding 15
Dittert, W. 244 282
Dixon, J.K. 95 117
Doncov, B. 237 238 282
Donskoy, M.V. 61 98 114
dos Santos, S.M. 198 228
DOS/ES system, Soviet Union 240
Douglas, J.R. 85 115
Drexhage, K.A. 233 236 238 283
Drozdov, E.A. 240 247 283
Duchess chess program 78 82 87—90 98—99 104 109
Duda, R.O. 56
Dugdale, S. 176 227
Dyachenko, A.I. 256 283
Eastlake, D.E. 61 98 116
Edge detection in image processing 29 33—34
Edge detection in picture segmentation 33—34
Education, computer-assisted instruction in 175—185 see
Educational Testing Service 189
Edwards, D.J. 95 116
Efimov, S. 283
Elci, A. 169
Elementary education, computer-assisted instruction in 175—185
Elementary mathematics, PLATO system in 176—177
Elementary reading, computer-assisted instruction in 178—179
Elementary-school children, letter recognition by 203—206
Elongatedness 49
ELORG centers, Finland 273
Elshoff, J.L. 128 142 143 169 172
ELWRO-Service, Poland 262
Emam, A.E. 198 228
Endgame play in computer chess 100—106
Ercoli, P. 198 225
Error rates in software technology 136—141
Ershov, A.P. 233 234 236 266 268 283
ES-1030 minicomputer 239
Euwe, M. 60 115
Evreinov, E.V. 238 283
EXCHECK system 212
Fadeev, V. 258 283
Fateyev, A.E. 241 285
Faust, G.W. 189 226
Felix, C.P. 131 172
FIDE (Federation Internationale des Echecs) 61 n.
Filinov, E.N. 244 283
Fine, R. 105 115
Finite depth minimax search in computer chess 93
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