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Поиск книг, содержащих: Stream tube
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Aris R. — Vectors, Tensors and the Basic Equations of Fluid Mechanics | 80 | Schercliff J.A. — Vector Fields | 54, 199, 287, 299 | Sedov L. — Similarity and Dimensional Methods in Mechanics | 381 | Strelkov S.P. — Mechanics | 349 | Mihalas D., Mihalas B.W. — Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics | 58 | Thompson Philip A. — Compressible-fluid dynamics | 43, 210, 270, 277 | Fluegge S. (ed.) — Encyclopedia of physics. Vol. 9. Fluid dynamics III | 8 | Oertel H. — Prandtl's Essentials of Fluid Mechanics (Applied Mathematical Sciences) | 50, 51 | Pitts D.R., Sissom L.E. — Schaum's outline of theory and problems of heat transfer | 124 |