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Поиск книг, содержащих: Nondeterministic algorithm
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Bach E., Shallit J. — Algorithmic Number Theory (том 1) | 46 | Wicker S.B., Kim S. — Fundamentals of Codes, Graphs, and Iterative Decoding | 5 | Garey M.R., Johnson D.S. — Computers and intractability. A guide to the theory of NP-completeness | 28—30. | Brookshear J.G. — Computer Science: An Overview | 213, 527 | Nishizeki T., Chiba N. — Planar Graphs: Theory and Algorithms (North-Holland Mathematics Studies) | 25 | Aho A.V., Ullman J.D. — The Theory of Parsing, Translation, and Compiling, Volume 1: Parsing | 285, 308—310 | Hein J.L. — Theory of Computation: An Introduction | 485 | Leeuwen J.V. — Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science: Algorithms and Complexity | 847 | Brookshear J. — Computer Science | 213, 527 | Leeuwen J. (ed.), Meyer A.R., Nivat M. — Algorithms and Complexity, Volume A | 847 | Aho A.V., Ullman J.D. — The Theory of Parsing, Translation, and Compiling. Volume II: Compiling | 285, 308—310 | Kneebone G.T. — Mathematical Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics: An Introductory Survey | 95 | Ben-Ari M — Mathematical Logic for Computer Science | 95 | Hartmann A.K., Rieger H. — Optimization Algorithms in Physics | 23 |