Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Permutation, cyclic
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Lueneburg H. — Tools and fundamental constructions of combinatorial mathematics | 255, 260 | Artin M. — Algebra | 25 | Humphreys J.F., Prest M.Y. — Numbers, Groups and Codes | 152 | von Neumann John, Morgenstern Oscar — Theory of games and economic behavior | 230, 470 | Beckenbach E.F. (editor), Polya G., Lehmer D.H. and others — Applied combinatorial mathematics | 110 | Kubo R. — Statistical Mechanics: An Advanced Course with Problems and Solutions | 296 | Bona M. — Combinatorics of permutations | 82 | Kurosh A. — Higher Algebra | 34 | Hayes D.F. (ed.), Shubin T. (ed.) — Mathematical Adventures for Students and Amateurs | 103, 111 | Beckenbach E.F. (ed.) — Applied Combinatorial Mathematics | 110 | Gries D. — A Logical Approach to Discrete Math | 410 | Kerber A. — Representations of Permutation Groups I | 6 | Du D.-Z., Ko K.-I. — Theory of computational complexity | 159, 184 |