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von Neumann John, Morgenstern Oscar — Theory of games and economic behavior |
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, Solutions for in 393 ff.
, Solutions for in 384 ff.
Acyclicity 589 591 594 595 596 598 600 601 602 603 609
Acyclicity, strict 594 595 597 598 600 601 602 603
Additivity of value 251 628
Adversary “found out” 105
agreements 221 224
Agreements, sanctity of 223
Ally 221
Alternatives 55
Alternatives, number of 69
Anteriority 51 52 77 78 112 117 124
Apportionment 35 41 504
Archimedean property 630 631
Archimedes 630
Assignment, actual 75
Assignment, pattern of 75
asymmetric 270 448
Austrian School 9
Axiomatization 68 74 76
Axioms 25 26 28 73
Axioms, independence of 76
Axioms, logistic discussion of the 76
Backgammon 52 58 79 124 125 164
Bargaining 338 501 512 557 558 572 616
Barter exchange 7
behavior 34
Behavior, expected 146
Bernoulli, D. 28 83 629
Best way of playing 100
Bid 557
Bidding, alternate 211
Bilateral monopoly 1 6 35 504 508 543 556
Bilinear form 154 156 157 166 233
Birkhoff, G. 62 63 64 66 340 589
Bluffing 54 164 168 186 188 204 205 206 208 218 541
Bluffing, fine structure of 209
Bohr, N. 148
Bonessen, T. 128
Boolean algebra 62
Borel, E. 154 186 219
Bound 59 60
Bounded 384
bounds, lower 100
Bounds, upper 100
Bridge 49 52 53 58 59 79 86 224
Bridge, duplicate 113
Bridge, Tournament 113
Brouwer, L.E.J. 154
Burnside, W. 256
Buyer 14 556 557 565 569 572 574 581 583 585 609 610 613
Calculus 3 5 6
Calculus of variations 11 95
Calling off 179 180 541
Caratheodory, C. 343 384 619
Cartels 15 47
Categoricity 76
Center of gravity 21 131 303
Chance 39 52 87
Characteristic function 238 ff. 240 245 509 510 511 527 529 530 533 535 557 574 584 605 610
Characteristic function in the new theory 348
Characteristic function, extended 528 529 532 533
Characteristic function, game with a given 243 530 532
Characteristic function, interpretation 538
Characteristic function, normalized form of the 325
Characteristic function, reduced 248 325 543 544 545
Characteristic function, restricted 528 529 531 532 533
Characteristic function, strategically equivalent 536
Characteristic function, vector operations on 253
Characteristic function, zero reduced 545
Characteristic set function 241
Chess 49 52 58 59 113 124 125 164
Chess, good 125
Chevalley, C. vi
Choice 49 51 59 69 222 508
Choice, actual 75
Choice, anterior 72
Choice, axiom of 269
Choice, pattern of 75
Choice, umpire's 80 81 82 183
Circularity 40 42 56
Closed set 384
Closed systems 400
Coalition 15 35 47 221 222 224 225 229 234 237 240 260 276 289 418 420 507 509 510 531 533 539 566 572 573 605
Coalition, absolute 231 238
Coalition, certainly defeated 440
Coalition, certainly winning 440
Coalition, decisive 420
Coalition, defeated 296
Coalition, final 315 317
Coalition, first 306 307 315 316 320
Coalition, interplay of 291
Coalition, losing 420 421 423
Coalition, minimal winning 429 430 436 438 445
Coalition, profitable minimal winning 442
Coalition, unprofitable 437
Coalition, weighted majority 434
Coalition, winning 296 297 333 420 421 423 436 445 470
Coalitions, competition for 329
Coalitions, of different strengths 227
Column of a matrix 93 141
Combinatorics 45
Commodity 10 13 560 565
communications 86
Communications, imperfect 86
Commutativity 91 ff. 94
Compatible 267 ff.
compensations 36 44 47 225 227 233 234 235 237 240 507 508 510 511 513 533 541 558
Competition 1 13 15 249 509
Complement 62
Complementarity 18 27 251 437 628
Complementation 422
Completely defeated 296
composition 340 359 360 454 548
Composition of simple games 455
Conjunction 66
Constituent 340 353 359 360 518
Constituent, indecomposable 457 471
Constituent, inessential 453 457
Constituent, simple 453 455 457
Contribution 364 366
Conventions 224
Convex bodies 128
Convexity 128 ff. 275 547
Cooperation 221 402 474 481 508 517
Cooperation, complete 483
Couple 222 226 243 509
Crusoe 9 15 31 87 555
Cube Q 293 295
Cube Q, center and its environs 313
Cube Q, center of 316 317 321
Cube Q, corner 303 304 307 340 429
Cube Q, interior of 302 303 304
Cube Q, main diagonal of 302 304 305 312
Cube Q, neighborhood of the center 321
Cube Q, special points in 295 ff.
Cube Q, three-dimensional part of 314
Curves, undetermined 418
Cutting the deck 185 186
de Brahe, Tycho 4
Decomposability 342 357 360
Decomposability, analysis of 343
Decomposition 242 292 340 359 360 452 537 548
Decomposition, elementary properties of 381
Decomposition, its relation to the solutions 384
Dedekind 129 619
Defeated 296
Defeated, certainly 440
Defeated, fully 436 (See also “Players” “Coalitions”)
Defensive 164 205
| Determinateness, general strict 150 155 158
Determinateness, special strict 150 155
Determinateness, strict 106 ff. 111 165 178 179
Diagonals, separation of the 173
Differential equations 6 45
Dirac, P.A.M. 148
Direct signaling 54
Discrimination 30 288 289 328 475 476 512 discriminatory”)
Disjunction 66
Distance 20
distribution 37 87 226 261 263 350 364 437
Domain 89 90 128 157
Domination 38 264 272 350 367 371 415 474 520 522 523 524 587
Domination, acyclical concept of 602
Domination, asymmetrical 270
Domination, extension of the concept of 587
Domination, intransitive nation of 37
Double-blind Chess 58 72 79
Doyle, C. 176 178
Duality 104
Dummy 299 301 340 358 397 398 400 454 455 457 460 461 508 518 537 538
Duopoly 1 13 543 603
Dynamic equilibria 45
Dynamics 44 45 189 290
D’Abro, A. 148
Ecarte 59
Economic equilibrium 4
Economic fluctuations 5
Economic models 12 58
Economic statics 8
Economics, mathematical 154
Economies, internal 341
Economy, planned communistic 555
Economy, Robinson Crusoe 9
Economy, Social Exchange 9 ff.
Effectivity 272 282 350 367 524
Energy 21
Entrepreneur 8
Equidistributed 197
Equilibrium 4 34 45 227 365
Essentiality 249 272 351 452
Euclid 23
Exceptional 593
Excess 364 367 417 418 454 455 548
Excess, distribution of the 418
Excess, limitation of the 365 366
Excess, lower limit of 368
Excess, too great 374 380 419
Excess, too small 374 380
Excess, upper limit of 369
Exchange economy 9 31
Exchange, indeterminateness of 14
Expectation 12 28 83 539
Expectation, mathematical 10 28 29 32 33 83 87 117 118 126 149 156 157
Expectation, moral 28 83
Expectation, values 183
Exploitation 30 329 375
Extensive form 112 119
Fairness 166 167 225 255 258 259 470
Fenchel, W. 128
first element 38 271
Fixed payments 246 281 298 534
Fixed point theorem 154
Flatness 276 547
Found out 148
Fraenkel, A. 61 595
Frame of reference 129
Fully detached see “Imputation”
Function 88 128
Function of functions 157
Function, arithmetical 89
Function, characteristic 238 ff.
Function, continuity of 493
Function, measure 252
Function, numerical 89
Function, numerical set 240 243 530 532
Function, set 89
Functional 157
Functional calculus 88 154
Functional Operations 88 91
Fundamental triangle 284 405 552 553 569 570 587
Fundamental triangle, area 579 580
Fundamental triangle, curves in 412 570 580
Fundamental triangle, undominated area 409
Gain 33 128 145 539 556 559 629
gambling 27 28 87 630 631
Game and social organizations 43
game of chance 87 185
Game, asymmetric 334
Game, auxiliary 101 ff.
Game, axiomatic definition of a 73
Game, chance component of the 80
Game, classification of 46
Game, complete concept of 55
Game, complete system of rules of 83
Game, composition 339 ff.
Game, constant-sum 346 ff. 347 350 351 504 505 535 536 537 585
Game, decomposable 454 471 518
Game, decomposable, solution of 358 381
Game, decomposition 339 ff.
Game, direct majority 431 433
Game, elements of the 49
Game, essential 231 232 245 250 331 534 546
Game, essential three-person 220 ff. 260 471 473
Game, everyday concept of 32
Game, extensive form of the 85 105 186 234
Game, extreme 534 535
Game, fictitious 240
Game, final simplification of the description of a 79 81
Game, general 504 ff. 505 538
Game, general description of 57
Game, general formal description of 46—84
Game, general n-person 48 85 112 530 606
Game, general n-person, application of theory 542 ff.
Game, imbedding of a 398
Game, indecomposable 354
Game, inessential 231 232 245 249 251 471
Game, invariant 257
Game, kernel of 457 459
Game, length of the 75
Game, main simple solution of the 444
Game, majorant 100 102 103 119 149
Game, majority and the main solutions 431
Game, minimum length of 123
Game, minorant 100 101 119 149
Game, non-isolated character of a 366
Game, non-strictly determined 110
Game, non-zero-sum 47 (See also “Game general”)
Game, normal zone of the 519
Game, normalized form 85 100 105 119 183 234 239 322 325 452 473
Game, one-person 85 548
Game, partitions which describe a 67
Game, perfect information 112 ff.
Game, plan of the 98
Game, plays of 49
Game, reduced 248 259 473 543
Game, rules of the 32 49 59 80 113 147 224 226 227 334 426 472
Game, set-theoretical description of a 60 67
Game, simplified concept of a 48
Game, strategies in the extensive form 111
Game, strictly determined 98 ff. 106 124 150 165 172 174 516
Game, strictly determined, generally 150
Game, strictly determined, specially 150
Game, struggle in 125
Game, superposition of 254 255
Game, surprise in 125
Game, symmetric 165 167 192 195 334 362
Game, symmetric five-person 332 334
Game, symmetry, total of 259
Game, three-person 35 220 282 403 457 550
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