Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
von Neumann John, Morgenstern Oscar — Theory of games and economic behavior |
Предметный указатель |
Preferences, completeness of 29 630 631
Preferences, transitivity of 27 (See also “Utility”)
Preliminarity 51 52 77 78 112 117 124
Preliminary condition 273 471
Premiums 582
Price 556 559 562 563 564 571 572 582 585
Price, average 564 582
Price, unique 564
Privilege 464
Probabilities, choice of 145
probability 11 17 19 39 81 87 128 146 197
Probability of losing 144
Probability of winning 144
Probability, geometrical 197
Probability, numerical 14 19 27 28 69 75 80 113 145 147 156 183 604
Production 5 13 504
Productivity 33 34 504 540
Profit 33 47 572
Proper subset 61
Proper superset 61
Psychological phenomena, mathematical treatment 28 77 169
quantum mechanics 3 33 148 401
Randomness 146
rational 9 517
Rational behavior 8—15 31 33 127 150 160 224 225
Rational playing 54
Rationality 99 128
rebates 582
Recontracting 557 558
Reduced form 248 544
Reduction 322 325
Relativity theory 23 148
Ring 243 530 531
Risk 163
Robinson Crusoe see “Crusoe”
Rolling dice 166
Roulette 87
Row of a matrix 93 141
Saddle 95 97
Saddle points 93 95 110 153
Saddle value 88 95 107
Satisfaction, maximum 8 10 15
Satisfactoriness 267 ff. 446
Satisfactoriness, maximal 269
Saturation 266 267 446 448 591
Scalar multiplication 129 253 254
seeing see “Poker”
Segregation 290
Seller 556 557 565 569 572 574 581 583 585 609 610
Separated numbers 173
Set 60 61 114
Set theory 45 60
Set, certainly necessary 273 274 277 308 309 323 405 430 471 547
Set, certainly unnecessary 273 274 276 308 309 323 405 430 471 547
Set, completely ordered 19
Set, convex 131 133
Set, convex spanned 131
Set, effective 38 264
Set, elements of 61
Set, empty 61 241 380
Set, finite 61
Set, flat 275 276 423 424
Set, minuend 62
Set, one-element 61
Set, partially ordered 19
Set, removable 533 534 535
Set, splitting 353 457 518
Set, splitting minimal 355 356
Set, splitting, system, of all 354
Set, subtrahend 62
Sets of imputations, composition of 359
Sets of imputations, decomposition of 359
Sets, difference of 62
Sets, disjunct 62
Sets, intersection of 62
Sets, logistic interpretation 66
Sets, pairwise disjunct 62
Sets, product of 62 66
Sets, self-contained 354
Sets, sum of 62 66
Sets, systems or aggregates of 61
signaling 51 53
Signaling, direct 54
Signaling, inverted 54
Simple game 420 ff. 454 605
Simple game and decomposition 452
Simple game for 461
Simple game for 463
Simple game for small n 457
Simple game with dummies 461
Simple game, adding dummies to 462
Simple game, characteristic function 427
Simple game, characterization of the 423
Simple game, complementation in 422 ff.
Simple game, enumeration of all 445 ff.
Simple game, indecomposable 457
Simple game, one-element sets in the 425 ff.
Simple game, six main counter-examples 464
Simple game, solution of 430
Simple game, strategic equivalence 428
Simple game, systems W, L, of 426 ff.
simplicity 433 452 454
Simplicity, elementary properties of 428
Simplicity, exact definition of 428
Skew-symmetry 166
Social exchange economy 9 ff.
Social order 365
Social product 46
Social structure 484
Society 42 320 341 523 540
Solitaire 86
Solo set 244 530 531
Solution 102 264 350 367 368 417 478 526 527 587 588
Solution for in 393 ff.
Solution for in 384 ff.
Solution for a complete ordering 591
Solution for a partial ordering 592
Solution for a symmetric relation 591
Solution for an acyclic relation 597
Solution, areas (two-dimensional parts) in the 418
Solution, asymmetric 315 362
Solution, composition of 361
Solution, concept of a 36
Solution, concept of imputation in forming 435
Solution, curves (one-dimensional parts) in the 417
Solution, decomposable 362
Solution, decomposition 361
Solution, definition 39 264
Solution, discriminatory 301 307 318 320 329 442 511 512
Solution, essential zero-sum three-person game 282
Solution, existence of 42
Solution, extension of the concept of 587
Solution, families of 329 603
Solution, finite 307 500
Solution, finite sets of imputations 328
Solution, general games with , of all 548
Solution, general three-person game 551
Solution, indecomposable 362
Solution, inobjective (discriminatory) 290
Solution, main simple 444 464 467 469
Solution, multiplicity of 266 288
Solution, natural 465
Solution, new definition of 526
Solution, non-discriminatory 290 475 511
Solution, objective (non-discriminatory) 290
| Solution, one-element 277 280
Solution, set of all 44
Solution, supernumerary 288
Solution, symmetric 315
Solution, unique 594 600 601 603
Solution, unsymmetrical central 319
Soundness 265
Space, Euclidean 21 128 129
Space, half 137
Space, linear 157
Space, n-dimensional linear 128
Space, positive vector 254
Special form of dependence 56
Speiser, A. 256
Splitting the personality 53
St. Petersburg Problem 28 83
Stability 36 261 263 266 365
Stability, inner 42 43 265
Standard of Behavior 31 40 41 42 44 265 266 271 289 361 365 401 418 472 478 501 512 513
Standard, discriminatory 290
Standard, multiplicity (of stable, or accepted) 42 44 417
Standard, non-discriminatory 290
Statics 44 45 147 189 290
Statistics 10 12 14 144
Stone, Paper, Scissors 111 143 144 164 185
Stop rule 59 60
Strategic equivalence 245 247 248 272 281 346 348 373 426 429 472 505 535 543
Strategic equivalence, isomorphism of 504 505
strategies 44 50 79 80 84 101 117 119
Strategies, combination of 159
Strategy structure, continuous 197
Strategy structure, fine 197
Strategy structure, granular 197
Strategy, as move 84
Strategy, asymptotic 210
Strategy, best 124 517
Strategy, choice of 82 145 147
Strategy, concept of a 79
Strategy, found out 151 153 158 160 168
Strategy, good 108 146 160 161 162 164 170 172 178 179 183 196 205 206
Strategy, higher order of a 84
Strategy, mixed 143 ff. 146 148 149 155 157 161 168 174 183 192 232 539 604
Strategy, optimal 127 517
Strategy, permanently optimal 163 164 165
Strategy, pure 146 148 155 157 161 168 181 182
Strategy, statistical 144 146
Strategy, strict 146
Strict Determinateness see “Determinateness”
Struggle 249
Subset 61
Substitution rate 465
Superiority, intransitive notion of 37
Superposition 64
Superset 61
Symmetry 104 109 165 166 190 224 255 256 258 267 315 446 500 591
Tarski, A. 62
Tautological 8 40
Temperature 17 21
Theory, extended, structure of the 368
Theory, new 526 528
Thermodynamics 23
Thermometry 22
Tie 125 315
Tintner, G. 28
topology 154 384
Total value 251
TRANSFER 30 364 365 401 402
Transferability of utility 8 608
Transfinite induction 269
Transformation 22 23
Transitivity 38 39 51 589 590
Trees 66 67
Tribute 30 402
Tug-of-war 100
Umpire 69 72 84
Uncertainty 35
Understandings 223 224 237
Utilities, comparability of 29
Utilities, complete ordering of the 19 26 29 604 617
Utilities, differences of 18 631
Utilities, domain of 23 607
Utilities, non-numerical 16 606 607
Utilities, nonadditive 250
Utilities, numerical 17 ff. 157 605 606 617
Utilities, numerical, substitutability 604
Utilities, partially ordered 19 590
Utilities, system of 26
Utilities, transferability 8 604 606 608 629
Utilities, variable 560
Utility 8 15 23 33 47 83 156 556 563 565 569 572 573 583 585 603 608 616 617
Utility, axiomatic treatment 26 ff. 617
Utility, decreasing 561 576
Utility, discrete 613
Utility, expected 30
Utility, generalization of the concept of 603 ff.
Utility, indivisible units 609 613 614
Utility, marginal 29 30 31
Utility, scale, fineness of 616
Utility, total 34 35
Value of a function 88
Value, economic 252 467 556 565
Variables 12 13 88
Variables, aggregate of 239
Variables, partial sets of 12 ff.
Variables, “alien” 11
Veblen, O. 76
Vector 129 140
Vector spaces 254
Vector, addition 130 253 254
Vector, components 129 404
Vector, coordinate 129 157
Vector, distance 134
Vector, length 134
Vector, operations 129
Vector, quasi-components 404
Vector, zero 129
Victorious 296 (See also “Player” “Coalition” “Winning” “Losing”)
Ville, J. 154 186 198
Virtual existence 36 45 338 484
von Boehm-Bawerk, E. 9 562 564 581 582
von Neumann, J. 1 154 186
Wald, A. v vi
wants 10
Wave mechanics 148
Weierstrass 129
Weights 433 434 463
Weights, homogeneous 435 444
Weyl, H. 76 128 256
Who finds out whom 110
Winning 296 421 426
Winning, certainly 440
Winning, fully 436
Withdrawal 364 366
Young, J.W. 76
Zermelo, E. 269 595
Zero-reduced form of characteristic function 545
Zero-sum condition 345
Zero-sum extension of 505 506 527 531 538
Zero-sum restriction 84 504
“Cyclical” dominations 39
“Finding out” the other player 148
“Finds out” his adversary 106 110 148
“Kriegsspiel” 58
“Lausanne” Theory 15
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