Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Hyperbolic distance
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Coxeter H.S.M. — Non-Euclidean Geometry | 157, 201, 206—211, 254—255, 294—295 | Behnke H., Bachmann F., Fladt K. — Fundamentals of Mathematics, Volume II: Geometry | 513 | Reid M., Szendroi B. — Geometry and Topology | 43, 46, 58 | Jones G.A., Singerman D. — Complex Functions: An Algebraic and Geometric Viewpoint | 224 | Ratcliffe J.G. — Foundations of Hyperbolic Manifolds | 61 | Zauderer E. — Partial Differential Equations of Applied Mathematics | 385, 803, 805 | Vuorinen M. — Conformal geometry and quasiregular mappings | 20, 23 | Berger M., Cole M. (translator) — Geometry I (Universitext) | 13.8.7 | Dym H., McKean H.P. — Fourier Series and Integrals | 274 | Audin M. — Geometry | 181 | Audin M. — Geometry | 181 | Unterberger A. — Quantization and Non-Holomorphic Modular Forms | 25 | Dym H., McKean H. — Fourier Series and Integrals (Probability & Mathematical Statistics Monograph) | 274 |