Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Brouwer degree
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Felsager B. — Geometry, particles and fields | 564 | Ryder L.H. — Quantum Field Theory | 410, 418 | Gracia-Bondia J.M., Varilly J.C., Figueroa H. — Elements of Noncommutative Geometry | 77 | Tarantello G. — Self-Dual Gauge Field Vortices: An Analytical Approach | 52 | Antman S.S. — Nonlinear Problems of Elasticity | see under “Degree of a mapping” | Fiedler B. — Global Bifurcation of Periodic Solutions with Symmetry | 4, 23, 27—29, 110 | Chipot M., Quittner P. — Stationary Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 1 | 318, 367 | Granas A., Dugundji J. — Fixed Point Theory | 234, 246, 363 | Fine B., Rosenberger G. — Fundamental Theorem of Algebra | 177 | Anderson G.A., Granas A. — Fixed Point Theory | 234, 246, 363 | Frankel T. — The geometry of physics: an introduction | 210—213, 360 | Frankel T. — The geometry of physics: An introduction | 210—213, 360 |