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Поиск книг, содержащих: wavepacket
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Wolf E.L. — Nanophysics and nanotechnology. An introduction to modern concepts in nanoscience | | Nayfeh A.H., Mook D.T. — Nonlinear Oscillations | 37, 38, 584, 585, 598 | Maurel A., Petitjeans P. — Vortex Structure and Dynamics | 143 | Billingham J., King A.C. — Wave Motion | 3, 109, 424, 430 | Hans-Jürgen Stöckmann — Quantum Chaos: An Introduction | see “Propagation of a wavepacket” | Wolf E.L. — Nanophysics and nanotechnology: an introduction to modern concepts in nanoscience | 53 | Bayfield J.E. — Quantum Evolution: An Introduction to Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanics | 25 — 26 (see also Wavepacket evolution) | Bracewell R.N. — The Fourier Transform and its applications | 172, 194, 502, 586 | Bracewell R. — The Fourier Transform and Its Applications | 172, 194, 502, 586 | Atkins P. — Molecular Quantum Mechanics | 49 | Amoroso R.L. (ed.), Hunter G. (ed.), Vigier J.-P. (ed.) — Gravitation and Cosmology: From the Hubble Radius to the Planck Scale | 147, 149 | Atkins P.W., Friedman R.S. — Molecular Quantum Mechanics | 49 | Gaspard P. (ed.), Burghardt I. (ed.) — Advances in CHEMICAL PHYSICS. Volume 101: Chemical Reactions and Their Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale XXth Solvay Conference on Chemistry | 14, see also "Wigner wavepacket" |