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Поиск книг, содержащих: Display method
Книга | Страницы для поиска | McFedries P. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to VBA | | Carter E., Lippert E. — Visual Studio Tools for Office: Using Visual Basic 2005 with Excel, Word, Outlook, and InfoPath | | McFedries P. — VBA for the 2007 Microsoft Office System | 86, 222 | Carter E., Lippert E. — Visual Studio Tools for Office: Using C# with Excel, Word, Outlook, and InfoPath | 2nd | Lomax P., Petrusha R., Childs M. — Vbscript in a Nutshell | | Mennenoh D. — Macromedia Director MX 2004: Training from the Source | 2nd | Fernando R. (ed.) — GPU gems: programming techniques, tips, and tricks for real-time graphics | 452 | Fernando R. — GPU Gems: Programming techniques, tips and tricks for real-time graphics | 452 |