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McFedries P. — Absolute Beginner's Guide to VBA |
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# (pound sign)
# (pound sign), date expressions
& (ampersand)
& (ampersand), accelerator keys
& (concatenation operator) 2nd
' (apostrophe)
' (apostrophe), comments
' (apostrophe), For...Next loops
() parentheses
() parentheses, arguments
() parentheses, nesting
() parenthesis
() parenthesis, macros
(integer division operator)
* (multiplication operator)
+ (addition operator)
- (negation operator)
- (subtraction operator)
.BAS (Basic) file format
/ (division operator)
< (less than) operator
<= (less than or equal to) operator
<> (not equal to) operator
= (assignment operator)
= (equal to) operator
> (greater than) operator
>= (greater than or equal to) operator
Abs math function
accelerator keys
accelerator keys, ampersand (&)
accelerator keys, labels
Accelerator property
Access programming
Access programming, data sources
Access programming, data sources, creating 2nd
Access programming, Excel data imports
Access programming, Excel data imports, individual field values
Access programming, Excel data imports, recordsets 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Access programming, Excel data imports, rows 2nd 3rd 4th
Access programming, recordsets
Access programming, recordsets, adding 2nd 3rd 4th
Access programming, recordsets, data access 2nd 3rd 4th
Access programming, recordsets, deleting 2nd 3rd
Access programming, recordsets, editing 2nd 3rd
Access programming, recordsets, finding 2nd 3rd 4th
Access programming, recordsets, navigating 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Access programming, recordsets, opening 2nd 3rd 4th
Access programming, recordsets, opening via properties 2nd
Access programming, recordsets, opening via SELECT strings 2nd 3rd 4th
Access programming, recordsets, opening via tables 2nd 3rd
Access programming, references
Access programming, references, creating 2nd 3rd
access, data
access, data, recordsets 2nd 3rd 4th
access, dialog boxes 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Access, status bar 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
accessing, procedures
accessing, procedures, menus 2nd
accessing, procedures, toolbars 2nd
Activate method
ActiveDocument object
ActiveDocument property
ActivePresentation object
ActivePresentation property
ActivePrinter property
ActiveSheet property
ActiveWindow object
ActiveWindow property 2nd 3rd
ActiveWorkbook object
ActiveX Data Objects [See ADO]
Add method 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th
Add Reference dialog box
Add Watch command (Debug menu) 2nd
Add Watch dialog box 2nd
AddItem method
addition operator (+)
AddJugglingSlides procedure 2nd
AddNew method 2nd 3rd
ADO, (ActiveX Data Objects)
ADO, database data sources
ADO, database data sources, creating 2nd
ADO, database references
ADO, database references, creating 2nd 3rd
ADO, Excel data imports
ADO, Excel data imports, individual field values
ADO, Excel data imports, recordsets 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
ADO, Excel data imports, rows 2nd 3rd 4th
ADO, recordsets
ADO, recordsets, adding 2nd 3rd 4th
ADO, recordsets, data access 2nd 3rd 4th
ADO, recordsets, deleting 2nd 3rd
ADO, recordsets, editing 2nd 3rd
ADO, recordsets, finding 2nd 3rd 4th
ADO, recordsets, navigating 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
ADO, recordsets, opening 2nd 3rd 4th
ADO, recordsets, opening via properties 2nd
ADO, recordsets, opening via SELECT strings 2nd 3rd 4th
ADO, recordsets, opening via tables 2nd 3rd
ampersand (&)
ampersand (&), accelerator keys
and operator 2nd
And operator, multiple decisions 2nd 3rd
AnimationSettings object
apostophe (')
apostophe ('), comments
apostrophe (')
apostrophe ('), For...Next loops
apostrophe (O)
apostrophe (O), comments
Appearance design-time properties 2nd
application object
Application object (Excel)
Application object (Excel), methods 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Application object (Excel), methods, OnKey method, assigning keyboard shortcuts 2nd 3rd 4th
Application object (Excel), methods, OnRepeat method, running procedures 2nd
Application object (Excel), methods, OnTime method, running procedures 2nd
Application object (Excel), methods, OnUndo method, running procedures 2nd
Application object (Excel), worksheet functions 2nd
Application object (PowerPoint) 2nd
application object, methods 2nd 3rd 4th
application object, properties 2nd 3rd 4th
application, juggling
application, juggling, Shape object 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Application.ActivePrinter property
Application.CalculateFull method
Application.Caption property
Application.CheckSpelling method 2nd 3rd
Application.Dialogs property
Application.DisplayAlerts property
Application.DoubleClick method
Application.EnableCancelKey method 2nd
Application.Evaluate method
Application.Height property
Application.Help method
Application.Left property
Application.Path property
Application.Quit method 2nd
Application.Repeat method
Application.ScreenUpdating property
Application.Top property
Application.UsableHeight property
Application.UsableWidth property
Application.Version property
Application.Visible property
Application.Wait method
| Application.Width property
Application.Windows property
Application.WindowState property
applications, database programming
applications, juggling
applications, juggling (Slide object) 2nd
applications, juggling, Presentation object 2nd 3rd 4th
arguments, () parentheses
arguments, banners
arguments, banners, components
arguments, data types
arguments, financial functions 2nd
arguments, functions
Arguments, methods 2nd
arguments, methods, Slides object 2nd
arguments, named 2nd
arguments, square brackets []
arithmetic operators 2nd
array variables 2nd
arrays, lower bound
arrays, subscripts
arrays, upper bound
AS keyword
Asc string function
Assign Macro command (Modify Selection menu)
Assign Macro dialog box 2nd
assigning, macros 2nd
assignment operator (=)
Atn math function
Attachments property 2nd 3rd
audio [See sound]
automatic backups
automatic backups, Word documents 2nd
automatic indentation feature
automatic indentation feature, turning on
AutoSize property
Available References dialog box
BackColor property
BackStyle property
backups, Word documents 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
backups, Word documents, automatic 2nd
BackUpToFloppy procedure 2nd
banners, components
Beep statement 2nd
BeginX method argument
BeginY method argument
Behavior design-time properties 2nd
block syntax 2nd 3rd
bold property
bookmarks, recordsets
bookmarks, recordsets, navigating 2nd 3rd
BOOLEAN data type
Boolean values
BorderColor property
BorderStyle property
Boxes [See also dialog boxes]2nd [See dialog boxes]
boxes, check
boxes, check, creating
boxes, list 2nd
boxes, list, ComboBox object 2nd
boxes, list, ListBox object
boxes, list, methods 2nd
boxes, text
boxes, text, creating 2nd
Break command (Run menu)
break mode
break mode, entering
break mode, entering, beginning of procedures
break mode, entering, breakpoints 2nd
break mode, entering, error dialog boxes
break mode, entering, Esc key
break mode, entering, Stop statements
break mode, exiting
breakpoints, entering break mode 2nd
browsers, Object Browser
browsers, Object Browser, opening
Built-in constants 2nd
buttons, commands
buttons, commands, creating 2nd
buttons, MsgBox function 2nd 3rd
buttons, option
buttons, option, creating 2nd
buttons, spin
buttons, spin, creating 2nd
buttons, toggle
buttons, toggle, creating
buttons, toolbars
buttons, toolbars, assigning to macros
buttons, toolbars, running macros
buttons, toolbars, running macros, assigning macros 2nd
buttons, toolbars, running macros, creating toolbars 2nd
buttonTest procedure 2nd 3rd
Calculate method
calling procedures
calling procedures, different projects 2nd 3rd
calling procedures, same projects 2nd
Cancel property
Caption property 2nd 3rd
Case property
case, keywords 2nd
CDate function
Cells method 2nd 3rd
cells, precedent
cells, worksheets
cells, worksheets, selecting 2nd
Change event
Change event, TabStrip controls 2nd
Character object 2nd
Check boxes
check boxes, creating
checking syntax
CheckSpelling method
Choose function 2nd 3rd
Chr string function
Chr$ string function
clauses, WHERE
clauses, WHERE, SELECt statements 2nd
Clear All Breakpoint command (Debug menu)
Clear method
Clipboard, controls
Clipboard, controls, copying
Close and Return to Application command (File menu)
close method 2nd 3rd 4th
Code [See also syntax]
code continutation character (_)
code, decisions
code, decisions, False results 2nd 3rd 4th
code, decisions, multiple
code, decisions, multiple, And operator 2nd 3rd
code, decisions, multiple, If...Then...Else statements 2nd 3rd
code, decisions, multiple, Select Case statement 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
code, decisions, true/false 2nd 3rd 4th
code, indenting (readability)
code, loops 2nd
code, loops, Do...Loop structures 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
code, loops, exiting 2nd 3rd
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