Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Arnold tongues
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Korsch H.J., Jodl H.-J. — Chaos: A Program Collection for the PC | 202, 299 | Ott E. — Chaos in dynamical systems | 194, 266 | Hale J.K., Kocak H. — Dynamics and Bifurcations | 160, 165 | Schroeder M.R. — Schroeder, Self Similarity: Chaos, Fractals, Power Laws | 174, 175, 332, 334 | Hilborn R.C. — Chaos and nonlinear dynamics | 225, 231, 372 | Aoki K. — Nonlinear dynamics and chaos in semiconductors | 62, 63, 229, 287, 337, 339—340, 350, 481, 482 | Greiner W. — Classical mechanics. Systems of particles and hamiltonian dynamics | 493 | Badii R., Politi A. — Complexity: Hierarchical structures and scaling in physics | 46 |