Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Equidistributed sequence
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Fishman G.S. — Monte Carlo: concepts, algorithms, and applications | 65, 66 | Borwein J., Bailey D. — Mathematics by Experiment: Plausible Reasoning in the 21st Century | 150, 160 | Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 2 Seminumerical Algorithms) | 150, 163, 177, 179—183 | Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (Vol. 2. Seminumerical algorithms) | 143—145, 157, 166—169 | Antia H.M. — Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers | 241, 255—258, 805 |