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Поиск книг, содержащих: Median Filter

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Allen R.L., Mills D.W. — Signal analysis. Time, frequency, scale and structure15, 322
Aqaian S., Astola J., Egiazarian K. — Binary polynomial transforms and nonlinear digital filters174—205, 247
Brundage B. — Photoshop Elements 4: The Missing Manual2nd
Beardsworth J. — Photoshop Fine Art Effects Cookbook: 62 Easy-To-Follow Recipes for Creating the Classic Styles of Great Artists and Photographers
Batchelor B.G., Whelan P.F. — Intelligent vision systems for industry29
Goutsias J., Vincent L., Bloomberg D.S. — Mathematical morphology and its applications to image signal processing169, 302
Jahne B. — Digital Image Processing124, 307, 314
Tanimoto S.L. — The elements of artificial intelligence. An introduction using LISP397
David H., Nagaraja H. — Order Statistics (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)141
Chan T., Shen J. — Image Processing and Analysis: Variational, PDE, Wavelet, and Stochastic Methods70
Crane R. — A simplified approach to image processing. Classical and modern techniques in C76, 95—107
Balakrishnan N. (ed.), Rao C.R. (ed.) — Order Statistics - Theory and Methods45
van Dijk N. — Handbook of Statistics 16: Order Statistics: Theory & Methods45
Balakrishnan N., Rao C.R. — Handbook of Statistics (Vol. 17): Order Statistics: Applications550, 557, 559—571, 576, 580, 606, 609, 612, 614—618, 627, 632, 633, 636
Petrou M., Bosdogianni P. — Image processing: the fundamentals146
Pearson R.K. — Mining imperfect data: dealing with contamination and incomplete records117
Jahne B., Haubecker H. — Computer vision and applications294
Gerald C.H. — Electro–optical imaging iystem performance351
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