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Поиск книг, содержащих: Biermann
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Hermanson G.T. — Bioconjugate Techniques | 36 | Hancock H. — Theory of Maxima and Minima | 136, 155, 168 | Forsyth A.R. — Theory of differential equations (Part 1. Exact equations and pfaff's problem) | 299, 312, 316, 321 | Hobson E.W. — Theory of Functions of a Real Variable and the Theory of Fourier's Series V1 | 22 | Baker H.F. — Abel's Theorem and the Allied Theory Including The Theory of the Theta Functions | 663 | Lemmermeyer F. — Reciprocity Laws: From Euler to Eisenstein | 34, 272 | Greenhill A.G. — The applications of elliptic functions | 77, 151 | Heisenberg W.K. — Nuclear Physics | 56 | Heisenberg W. — Nuclear physics | 56 | Forsyth A.R. — Theory of functions of a complex variable | 55, 297 | Forsyth A.R. — Theory of differential equations. Part 1 | 299, 312, 316, 321 |