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Heisenberg W.K. — Nuclear Physics
Heisenberg W.K. — Nuclear Physics

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Название: Nuclear Physics

Автор: Heisenberg W.K.


Nuclear physics is the field of physics that studies the constituents and interactions of atomic nuclei. The most commonly known applications of nuclear physics are nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons technology, but the research has provided application in many fields, including those in nuclear medicine and magnetic resonance imaging, ion implantation in materials engineering, and radiocarbon dating in geology and archaeology.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1953

Количество страниц: 231

Добавлена в каталог: 09.04.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Actinium series      114
Alchemists dream      187
Alchemy      6 139
Alpha particles      43 54
Alpha particles, energy and range of      114
Alpha particles, radiation      113
Alpha, beta and gamma rays      24 42 172
Americium      181
Anaxagoras      2
Anaximander      2
Anderson      56
Annihilation radiation      48
Antineutrino      55
Antiquity, philosophy of      1
Argon      40
Aristotle      5
Astatine      180
Aston      73
Atkinson      161
Atom, extranuclear structure of      33
Atom, ground state of      36
Atom, size of      12 13 17 18
Atomic bombs      167 201
Atomic bombs, energy, utilization of      190
Atomic bombs, mass unit      72
Atomic bombs, nucleus      42
Atomic bombs, number      38
Atomic bombs, structure of electricity      11
Atomic bombs, theory      5
Atomic bombs, theory, history of      14
Atomic bombs, theory, in antiquity      1
Atomic bombs, theory, modern      4
Atomic bombs, weight      9
Atomic bombs, weight, unit of      21
atoms      3
Atoms and the void      3
Atoms and the void of electricity      13
Atoms and the void shape of      14
Atoms and the void, weights of      14
Avogadro      9
Avogadros hypothesis      9 19
Avogadros hypothesis, proof of      19
Bagge      56
Becquerel, Henri      16
Being and Becoming      2
Being and not being      2 3
Beryllium      40
Berzelius      9
Beta radiation      122
Bethe      161
Biermann      56
Binding energy of atomic nuclei      66 67
Binding energy, per particle      83
Black body      31
Black body, radiation      31
Blackett, P.      52
Blau      132
Bohr, N.      31 32 38 128 191
Bohr, N., magneton      55
Boltzmann, L.      12
BOM      177 182
Boron      40
Boron and carbon      126
Boron counter      147
Bothe      53 130 190 193 195 197 198
Boyle, Robert      6 7 8
Boyles law      6
Broglie waves      35
Broglie, Louis de      32
Brownian movement      16
Butler      56
Cadmium, as a moderator      169
Carbon      40 194
Carbon as a catalyst      163
Carbon dioxide, assimilation of      183
Cathode rays      13
Chadwick, Sir J.      53
Chain reaction      164 166 169 189 192
Chalmers      175
Clausius      12
Cloud chamber      25 52 146
Cloud chamber tracks      147
Cockcroft, Sir J.      137
Condensation nuclei      25
Condon      116
Conservation of mass      8
Constant proportions, law of      8
Corpuscles, red and white      184
Corson, McKenzie and Segre      180 61
Cosmic radiation      55 132 161
Cosmic radiation and electric field      58
Cosmic radiation, primary      56
Coulomb’s law      27
Counter      143 144 145
Curie      24 53
Curium      28 36 181
Cyclotron      99 153
Dalton, atomic theory of      9
Dalton, John      8 9
Debye, P.      191
Decay probability      45 124
Dees      155
Democritus      3 4 5 7 10
Detection of neutrons      147
Deuterium      63 186
Deuteron      63 67
Deuteron, binding energy of      70
Deuteron, mass of      74
Diebner      191
Dirac, P.      48
Dynamides      26
Earth’s surface      161
Ehmert      56
Einstein      70
Einsteins mass-energy law      70 71
Electricity, atom of      22
Electricity, atomic structure of      11
Electrolysis      11
Electron capture      126
Electron capture, emitters      64 87 122
Electron capture, microscope      18
Electron capture, volt      69
Electronic shells      39
Electrons      13 14 57
Electrons, mass of      13
Electrons, planetary      27
Electroscope      141
Elements and compounds      7 10
Elements and compounds, chemical      7
Elements and compounds, transmutation of      42 43 44
Empedocles      3
Epicureans      4
Equivalent weights      11
Erbacher      174 177
Exchange forces      96 98 99 103
Exclusion principle      39 105
Exothermic process      165
Exothermic process and photons      58
Extranuclear structure of atom      58
Faraday, M.      11 13
Fermi      130 131 170
Field and particles      97
Fine structure      187
Fission      89 134 165
Fission in U      238 198
Fliigge      189 190
Fliigge and V.Droste      83
Fluorine      40
Forbush      56
Francium      181
Fundamental building blocks      60
Gamma rays      46 47 173
Gamov      116
Gases, internal friction of      12
Gases, theory of      12
Gassendi      5 8
Geiger      27
Geiger counter      143
Geiger — Muller counter      144
Geiger — Nuttall law      115 121
Gerlach      200
Gramme-atom      12
Greinacher circuit      150
Gurney      116
Hahn      173 174 190
Hahn and Strassmann      89 127 134 189 202
Half-life of radium      115
Half-life of uranium      114
Half-life period      45
Halogens      41
Harkins      106
Hasen      6
Heavy meson      56
Heavy meson, water      168 192 194
Heisenberg, W.      192 193 197
Helium      38 39 63
Helium, atom      28
Helium, formation of      162 163
Helium, nuclei      43 114
Heraclitus      2
Hess and Kohlhorster      55
Hevesy      182 183
Hittorf      13
Houtermans      161
Hydrogen      8 38 40
Hydrogen atom, electron orbits of      36 37
Hydrogen fluoride      41
Hydrogen fluoride molecule, mass of      22
Hydrogen, model of      28
Illinium      180
Inert gases      39 40
Ionization chamber      141
Isobars, nuclear      86
Isotopes      62 75 111 112
Isotopes of mercury      187
Joliot      53 166 189
Joliot — Curie      137
K capture and neutrino emission      127
K capturers      88 108
K radiation      127
K shell      88
Karlik and Bernert      180
Kirchhoff      31
Kirchner      137
Krypton      40
Lavoisier      7 8
Law of constant proportions      8
Lawrence      99 153
Lenard      26
Leprince — Ringuet      5 6
Leucippus      3
Liquid drop model of nucleus      79
Lithium      39
Lithium, electropositive character of      40
Loschmidt      12 13 21
Loschmidts number      21
Marsden      27
Mass defects      73
Mass of deuteron      74
Mass ratio      20
Mass spectrograph      73
Mass, conservation of      8
Masurium      178
Mattauch’s rule      110
Matter, ennoblement of      172
Maxwell      12 19 90
Mayer, Robert      12
Meitner and Frisch      189
Meso thorium      173
Meson      55 56 102
Metabolism      182 183
Miletus      1
Moderator      168
Mole      12 21
Molecule of water      8 15 16 20
Molecules and atoms      15
Molecules and atoms, kinetic energy of      19
Molecules and atoms, structure of      15 20
Muller      144
Neon      40
Neptunium      166
Neutrino      50 76 102
Neutron      53 57
Neutron, excess      65
Neutron, injected piles      193
Neutrons, detection of      147
Neutrons, spectrum of      193
Nietzsche, Friedrich      1
Nitrogen      40
Nuclear charge      27
Nuclear charge in the atmosphere      56
Nuclear charge, cross-section      131
Nuclear charge, energy      67
Nuclear charge, field      60 61
Nuclear charge, fission      134
Nuclear charge, forces      90 94
Nuclear charge, forces, saturation of      103 104
Nuclear charge, isobars      86 111
Nuclear charge, magneton      55
Nuclear charge, physics      1
Nuclear charge, physics, constants of      23 204 205
Nuclear charge, practical applications of      159
Nuclear charge, reaction      54 59
Nuclear charge, reactions in sun and stars      161
Nuclear charge, structure      77
Nuclear charge, transmutations      113 149 179
Nuclear charge, types of      80
Nuclei, binding energy of      66
Nucleus      42
Nucleus, liquid drop model of      79
Nucleus, stability of      75 104
Oppenheimer      167
Oxygen      7 8 40
Pair formation      48
Parmenides      2
Pauli      39 50
Pauli, principle of      39 105
Periodic system      38
Perrey      181
Philipp      177
Phlogiston      7
Phosphorus, radioactive      174
Photon      37
Planck      21 31 123
Plancks constant      32
Plancks radiation law      21 31
Plato      4
Platos Timaeus      4
Plutonium      165 166 194
Point counter      143
Positive electron      23
Positive electron, ions      25
Positron emitters      64 87 122
Positrons      47 57
Potential barrier      95 118 120
Potential barrier, container      118
Powell      102 132
Probability value      35
Proportional count      143
Proportional count, region      143
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