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Поиск книг, содержащих: Aristarchus of Samos
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Wolff P. — Breakthroughs in mathematics | 117—118, 131 | Cuomo S. — Ancient Mathematics | 79—81, 160 | Chabert J.-L., Weeks C., Barbin E. — A History of Algorithms: From the Pebble to the Microchip | 113, 117, 126, 128, 136, 326, 484, 508 | Dugas R. — A History of Mechanics | 83 | Fenn R. — Geometry | 271 | Rosenfeld B.A. (Author), Shenitzer A. (Translator), Grant H. (Assistant) — A history of non-Euclidean geometry: evolution of the concept of a geometric space | 123, 193 | Dugas R. — A history of mechanics | 83 | Peter Wolff — Breakthroughs in mathematics | 117—18, 131 | Knight J. — Science of everyday things (volume 4). Real-life earth science | 4:64 | Archibald R.C. — Euclid's Book on Divisions of Figures | n. 111 | Cole G.H.A., Woolfson M.M. — Planetary science. The science of planets around stars | 265 | Heath T. — A History of Greek Mathematics, Vol. 2 | 43, 139, ii. 1—15, ii. 251 | Tipler F.J. — The Physics of Immortality | 5, 104 | Brezinski C. — History of Continued Fractions and Padé Approximants | 7, 56, 349 |