Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Fenn R. — Geometry |
Предметный указатель |
quadratic discriminant 40
outcentres 86
polar coordinates of a point in the plane 44
polar form of a complex number 105
radii of outcircles 89
unit circle 104
unit sphere 253
n dimensional unit sphere 254
true anomaly 233
typically internal angles of a triangle 67
XOY angle between the lines OX and OY 53
conjugate of an octonion 296
conjugate of a quaternion 289
complex conjugate 101
eccentric anomaly 233
point with unit modulus 139
external angles of a triangle 67
obliquity 275
infinity for 111
infinity for 16
$\lambda extreme latitude 269
eigenvalue 157 202 224 245
set of complex numbers 100
extended complex plane 111
euclidean plane 185
set of natural numbers 2
set of rational numbers 13
set of real numbers 15
euclidean space of dimension n 30
set of integers 10
Fano plane 207 295
vector from P to Q 32
latitude 260
length of geodesic 255
spherical polar coordinates of a point in space 140
golden ratio 21
argument of complex number 104
longitude 260
first point of Aries 276
eccentricity 225
equator 261
a plane 151
(AB,CD) cross ratio 120 190
A line 54
A major axis of ellipse or planet's orbit 232
A B projectivity 195
A B perspectivity 195
A B vector or cross product 142 291
A, b, c sides of a triangle 88
A, B, C,... points in some euclidean space 30
a,b,c,... real numbers 217
A= [A] etc, points in projective plane 184
Abel 133
Absolute 41
Acute-angled 68
Adams 300
Adjacent angles 43 65
Affine 38 108
Alberti, L.B. 206
ALT altitude 273
Alternate and corresponding angles 66
Altitude 84 273
angle 40 - 42
Angle bisector 79
Angle trisector 94
Angular separation 270
Antarctic circle 275
Antipode 253
Apex 167 193 212
Aphelion 232
Apostrophus 3
Arabs 2
Archimedes 63 67 170
Arctic and Antarctic circles 261
Arctic circle 275
Area 48 260
Area of a circle 50
Area of a lune 258
Area of a triangle 48
Area of the ellipse 218
Area of the parallelogram 50 144
Area of the triangle 144
Argument 104
Aristarchus of Samos 271
Associative 101
Associativity 5 34 299
Associator 299
Astronomical unit 235 270
Asymptote 31 220
Asymptotic surface 242
Autumnal equinox 275
Auxiliary circle 217 233
Axis 193 212 218
Az azimuth 273
Azimuth 273
Babylonians 2
Barycentre 84
Base 167
based 32
Basis 35 139 144
Bible 20
Borromean rings 174
Bosse, A. 188
Bott 300
Brahe, T. 232
Branches 219
Calculus 3 30
calendar 274
Cardano 99
Cartesian coordinates 137
Cassegrain focus 231
Casus irreducibilis 132
Cauchy - Schwarz 39
Cayley, A. 295
Celestial equator 273
Celestial sphere 270
Centre 78
Centre of gravity 84
Centre of inversion 115
Centroid 83
Chinese 6
Chord 78
Cipher 9
circle 19 78 107 212 215
Circular measure 43
Circumcentre 83
circumcircle 83
Circumference of a circle 18
Circumpolar 273
Civil 274
Codimension 37
Collinear 43
Commutative 101
Commutativity 34
Commutator 292
Compass bearings 264
Complex conjugation 101
Complex number 99 100
Compound 5
concurrent 67
Cone 167 212
configurations 54
Configurations of lines 151
conformal 114
Congruences 33
Congruences and similarities 73
Conic sections 211
Constant bearing 267
| Continued fraction 13
contour 238
Convex hull 37
Coordinate axes 138
coordinates 29
Copernicus 231
Cosine 88
Cosine rule 257
Coxeter group 160
Cramer 51
Cross product 142
Cross ratio 120 190
cube 7 170
Cubic and biquadratic polynomials 130
Cuboctahedron 170
Culminate 277
Cyclic 70
Cyclic quadrilateral 82
D directrix 225 ?
D rer, A. 204
D, E, F feet of altitudes 84
da Vinci, Leonardo 204
Dantzig 9
Date line 261
de Fermat, P. 30
DEC declination 273
Decagon 70
Declination 270 273
Degenerate conic 213
Desargues' theorem 188
Desargues, G. 188
Descartes, R. 29
Determinant 144
Diameter 78
Dilation 107
DIRECT 73 107 155
Direction cosines 139
Directrix 225
Discriminant 40
Distance 38 139
Distributive 101
Distributivity 5
Division 107
Division algebras 300
dodecahedron 171
Dot product 39 141
Drawing the ellipse 227
Dual 167
Duality 186
E identity matrix 100 160
Eccentric anomaly 233
Eccentricity 225
Ecliptic 274
Edges 69
Egyptian 7
Eigenvalue 202 245
Eigenvector 245
Eigenvectors 202
ellipse 212 217
Ellipsoid 238
Elliptic paraboloids 242
Equator 253 261
Equatorial plane 253
Equiangular spiral 47
Equianharmonic set 124
Equilateral 67 166
Equinox 275
Equivalence class 11
Equivalence relation 11 42
Eratosthenes 63
Euclidean algorithm 13
Euclidean plane 63
Euler 8 21 99
Euler line 85
Euler's constant 24
Except R radius of circumcircle 89
Extended 111
Fano plane 207
Feet 32
Fermat's problem 92
Fibonacci numbers 23
Field 14
Fifth 64
First point of Aries 276
Fixed point 202
Focus 225
Foot 84
footprints 74
G centroid 83
Galois 133
Gauss 288
Generalised plane 37
generating 35
Generator 212
Geodesic 255
Geodesic triangle 256
geoid 239
Giza 7
Glide reflection 73 108
GMT Greenwich mean time 278
God 2 20
Golden ratio 21 22 173
Graph 31
Graves, J. 288
Great circle 253
Greenwich 261
Greenwich Mean Time 278
Greenwich sidereal time 278
Group 34 42
GST Greenwich sidereal time 278
Guitar 46
H orthocentre 84
HA hour angle 278
Half turn 32 33 36
Hamilton, W.R. 288
Harmonic 199
Harmonic set 123
head 32
Heptagon 70
Hexadecanions 300
Hexagon 70
hexahedron 166
Homeomorphism 33 36
Homogeneous coordinates 184
Homology theory 170
Horizon 272
Hour angle 278
Housman, A.E. 4
Hyperbola 212 219
Hyperboloid of one sheet 240
Hyperboloid of two sheets 241
Hyperplane 37 51 55
Hypersphere 39
Hypotenuse 67
I complex number 100
I incentre 86
I, j, k quaternions 287
I, J, K unit points on the axes in 139
I, j, k, l, m, n, o octonions 295
icosahedron 171
Ifrah, G. 1
Imaginary 102
Incentre 86
incircle 86
India 2
indirect 73 107
Indirect isometries 157
Induction 2
infinity 31 111
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