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Tipler F.J. — The Physics of Immortality |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
"Best of all possible worlds" viewpoint 262—263
"Dilemma of Determinism", (James) 187
"Existence", definition of 210 211—212
"Omega Point", origin of term 110 113
Abortion 331
Accidents, notion of 318 319
Aetemitas duration 134 155 219
African religions, afterlife in 278—281
Afterlife xi 15—16
Afterlife in African religions 278—281
Afterlife in Buddhism 275—278
Afterlife in Christianity 258 290—294
Afterlife in Hinduism 272—274
Afterlife in Islam 299—304
Afterlife in Judaism 284—290
Afterlife in Native American religions 281—283
Afterlife in Omega Point Theory Heaven 254 255—259
Afterlife in Omega Point Theory Heaven, redemptive features (Hell and Purgatory) 251—255
Afterlife in Taoism 270—272
Afterlife, comparison of world religions and Omega Point Theory 270—294 299—304
Agassiz, Louis 122
Age of Reason, The (Paine) 322
algorithm, defined 25
All Religions Are True (Gandhi) 336
Allen, Ethan 321 322—323
Alpher, Ralph 72
Altruism 245—247 253
Anchor Bible 306—307
Angels 156—157 357—359
Anger of God, The (Lactantius) 260
Animism 88
Anthropic Cosmological Principle, The (Tipler and Barrow) 210
Antichrist, The (Nietzsche) 81
Antimatter rockets 53—54 512—515
Aquinas, St. Thomas 6 127 293
Aquinas, St. Thomas as physicist 329
Aquinas, St. Thomas on duration 134
Aquinas, St. Thomas on Problem of Evil 260—261 265
Aquinas, St. Thomas on resurrection of the dead xiii 236
Aristarchus of Samos 5 104
Aristotle 8—9 75 127 289 292
Arithmetic, full theory of 24—25 192—194
Arrhenius, Svante 90
Arrow Impossibility Theorem 201
artificial intelligence see "Intelligent machines"
Atheism xiv 9—10 79—80 260—261 305
Augustine, St. 6 76 215 261—262 265
Axelrod, Robert 245 246
Ayala, Francisco 294 296
Aztec people 281
Babbage, Charles 309
Babylonians 74—75
Bachwa people 279
Baeumler, Alfred 83
Baronio, Cesare Cardinal 8
Barrow, John D., x 63 125 210
Barth, Christian Gottlieb 255
Barth, Karl 14 291
Beatific vision 245
Becker, Gary 246
Bekenstein Bound 239 295 296 314 363 407—411 452—453 462
Bekenstein Bound, emulation of universe and 221—223
Bekenstein Bound, intelligent machines and 30—32
Bekenstein, Jacob 31
Bergson, Henri 9
Berkeley, George 211—212
Bernal, John Desmond 3 16 108—110 116
Beshat, the 290
big bang xii 72 78 101 141 214
Big crunch 101 141 355 404 441
Billiard ball computer 37 446
Biot, Jean-Baptiste 312
Black holes 363—364 409—411 455 458 478—479
Blind Watchmaker, The (Dawkins) 125—126
Blindness 243
Bloch, Ernst 5
Boesiger, Ernest 112
Boethius 134 158 159
Boltzmann, Ludwig 94 95
Boswell, James 247
Brain 33 40—41
Brain, decision making and 196—198 201
Brain, information and 22—23
Brain, memories and 237
Brush, Stephen 73
Buddha in the Robot, The (Mori) 88
Buddhism 284
Buddhism, afterlife in 275—278
Buddhism, intelligent machines and 88
c-boundary 131—132 154
C-boundary, future c-boundary of universe as single point (Omega Point) 114 142—146 143 145 432—435
Cairns-Smith, A.G. 124—125
Calvin, John 318
Camus, Albert 82
Cannibalism xiii 236
Canon of the Great Peace 76
Cauchy hypersurface 159
Celsus 292—293 316
Chance see "Randomness"
Chance and Necessity (Monod) 199
Chaos x—xi 3 493—497
Chaos, biosphere's control of universe and 59—65
Chaos, determinism and 189—190
Chaos, Quantum Recurrence Theorem and 97 99 424—427 492
Chaos, unstable chaotic motion 59—63
China 76—77 270—272
Chinese Room Experiment 38—43
Christianity, "future being" view of God 4—5
Christianity, "time between death and resurrection" issue 226—227
Christianity, afterlife in 258 290—294
Christianity, Deist movement 321—327
Christianity, displacement of other religions 332—333
Christianity, Eternal Return doctrine and 76 135
Christianity, Luke, Book of 306—308
Christianity, membership of 283—284
Christianity, miracles and 308—309
Christianity, Omega Point Theory and 16 305—327
Christianity, personal God of 3—4 155—156 326—327
Christianity, prayer and 337—338
Christianity, Problem of Evil and 260—262 265
Christianity, Real Presence, doctrine of the 317—321
Christianity, resurrection of Jesus 306—308 309—313 320
Christianity, transubstantiation 318—321 334
Christianity, triune deity issue 313—317
Christianity, universal salvation and 254—255 303 316—317
Church-Turing thesis 38 446—448
City of God, The (Augustine) 76
Classical paths 177 182
Clement, St. 135
Coe, Michael 282
Colonization of universe 18—19 see
Colonization of universe, controlling the universe 59—65 144 154
Colonization of universe, cost concerns 44
Colonization of universe, Earth, use of 57
Colonization of universe, energy for 64
Colonization of universe, engulfing the universe 55—59 59 60 61 62 65 144—145 154
Colonization of universe, Galaxy-wide coverage 45—46 47
Colonization of universe, self-sustaining colonies 46 54—55
Colonization of universe, time requirements 55
Comet Halley Mission, proposed 49
Comparative Advantage, Theory of 43
Compatabilism 186 201
complexity 118—119 123
Computer metaphysics 205—207 see
Computers see "Intelligent machines"
Confucianism 271
Conservation laws 161
Consolation of Philosophy (Boethius) 134 158
Constraint equations 162
Contingency in general relativity 161—167
| Contingency in Newtonian physics 160—161
Contingency in quantum mechanics 167—173
Continuity identity theory 228—229
Continuity identity theory, emulations and 235—239
Conway, John 37
Copenhagen interpretation 167 168—169
Copernicus, Nicolaus xiv—xv 6 342 360 449
Cosmic background radiation 72 151 152—153 403 410 451 456—459 479
Cosmological constant 150 465—466
Crescas, Hasdai ben Abraham 290
Cullmann, Oscar 291 293
Cyberspace 108—109 220
Damascus Document 284
Dante 16
Darwin, Charles 68—69
Dashti, 'Ali 304
Davies, P.C.W. 31
Dawkins, Richard 125—126
de Unamuno, Miguel 8
Dead Sea Scrolls 284
Decision-making process 194—202
Decline of the West, The (Spengler) 81
Deism 203 321—327
Delusion, collective 310—312
Dennett, Daniel C. 199
Density parameter see "Universe"
Determinism 75 159—160 483 see
Determinism, chaos and 189—190
Determinism, defining characteristics 187
Determinism, No-Retum Theorem and 103
Determinism, time and 188
DeWitt, Bryce 170
Dialectics of Nature (Engels) 106—107
Dirac, Paul 3 11
Divine Comedy, The (Dante) 16
DNA programs 29
Drake, Frank D. 310—311
Dreams of a Final Theory (Weinberg) 171 338—339
Drexler, K. Eric 51
Duhem, Pierre 71—72
Dyson, Freeman 3 57 139—140
Dyson, Freeman, Eternal Life Postulate and 108 116—119
Earth, chaos on Earth's orbit 63
Earth, colonization of universe, used for 57
Earth, physical destruction of 18—19
Earth, virtual reality, transformation to 108—109
Eaton, Daniel 322
Ecce Homo (Nietzsche) 81
Eccles, John 197
Eddington, Arthur 73
Einstein static universe 103
Einstein, Albert 146
Emanationism 214—215
Emperor's New Mind, The (Penrose) 27
Emulations 14 515—516 see
Emulations of computers by computers 36 208 213
Emulations of universe 208—209 221—225
Emulations, "existence" issue 207 210
Emulations, characteristics of 206—207
Emulations, continuity identity theory and 235—239
Emulations, free will and 223
Emulations, Identity of Indiscemibles 207—208 211
Emulations, termination of 210—211
Enchiridion (Augustine) 265
Engels, Friedrich 105 106—107
Enneads (Plotinus) 215
Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, An (Hume) 7—8 310
Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals, An (Hume) 238
entropy 67 71 94—95
Epicurus 260
EQ frequency distributions 120—122
Eschatology xiii 4
Eternal Life Postulate 11—12 66 113—114 132—133 450—451 see
Eternal Life Postulate in closed and open universes 116—118
Eternal Life Postulate, "life", definition of 124—127
Eternal Life Postulate, "soul", definition of 127—128
Eternal Life Postulate, complexity of life and 118—119
Eternal Life Postulate, computer capacity for 247—249
Eternal Life Postulate, conditions necessary for eternal life 132—135
Eternal Life Postulate, Dyson's contributions 108 116—119
Eternal Life Postulate, eternal progress and 265—268
Eternal Life Postulate, love as motivation for granting of eternal life 14 245—247 253
Eternal Life Postulate, mathematics of 116
Eternal Life Postulate, physical feasibility of eternal life 135—138
Eternal Life Postulate, proof of 212—213
Eternal progress 217
Eternal progress, "progress", meaning of 104—105
Eternal progress, antiprogressive argument 119—122
Eternal progress, Bernal's views on 108—110
Eternal progress, eternal life and 265—268
Eternal progress, evolutionary biology and 119—123 489—491
Eternal progress, extinction of Homo sapiens and 218
Eternal progress, God and 268
Eternal progress, gravity and 106
Eternal progress, nineteenth-century views on 105—107
Eternal Return doctrine 34
Eternal Return doctrine in ancient cultures 74—76
Eternal Return doctrine in medieval period 76—77
Eternal Return doctrine, "repeating" view of future 66—67 74
Eternal Return doctrine, Christianity and 76 135
Eternal Return doctrine, cyclic notion of time and 74—76
Eternal Return doctrine, Heidegger's views on 79 83—86
Eternal Return doctrine, linear notion of time and 76—77
Eternal Return doctrine, meaning in life and 81—82
Eternal Return doctrine, Nietzsche's views on 77—81 82
Eternal Return doctrine, palingenesia (reappearance of same people in each cycle) 75—76
Eternal Return doctrine, physics-based variations 67 89—101
Eternal Return doctrine, political consequences 82—86
Eternal Return doctrine, religious-philosophical implicatoins 79—81
Eternal Return doctrine, symbol of 83
Eternal Return doctrine, Tipler's rejection of 83 86—89
Event horizons 140 142 409—411 456 458 478—479
Everett, Hugh 167
Evil, Omega Point's response to 251—255
Evil, Problem of Evil 13 259—265
Evolution equations 161
Evolutionary biology 9—10 68
Evolutionary biology, eternal progress and 119—123
Evolutionary biology, Modern Synthesis 9 199
Evolutionary biology, randomness and 29—30 199
Evolutionary biology, vitalist approach to 110—113
Existence of universe, computer science and 205—211
Existence of universe, Eternal Life Postulate and 212—213
Existence of universe, number of existing universes 210
Existence of universe, Omega Point Theory and 211—212
Existence of universe, ontological/cosmological argument 205
Experimental Test see "Omega Point Theory testable
Extinctions 30 104
Extinctions, Homo sapiens and 217—218
Fan Chen 271
Faraday, Michael 146
Fawell, Harris 335
Fechner — Weber Law 257
Feynman, Richard 170 203 361—362
Finite state machines 31—34
First Principles (Spencer) 105
First Three Minutes, The (Weinberg) 69—70
Fitzmyer, Joseph 307
Flamm, Dieter 22
Flat Universe 116—117
Flew, Antony 228—229 235 237 238—239 293 305 309
Foliation of co-dimension one 180—181 438—440 451
Forward, Robert 49 53—54
Four-Manifold Non-Classification Theorem 190—191
France 112
Franklin, Benjamin 321 323—325
Free will xi 2 7 13 see "Indeterminism"
Free will, conditions for 201—202
Free will, decision-making process and 194—202
Free will, emulations and 223
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