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Tipler F.J. — The Physics of Immortality |
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Pattern identity theory, body's replacement of atoms and 236—237
Pattern identity theory, Franklin's belief in 324—325
Pattern identity theory, Jewish eschatology and 286—287
Pattern identity theory, quantum mechanics and 230—235
Pattern identity theory, Ship of Theseus problem and 234—235
Paul VI, Pope 320
Paul, St. 4 6 24 214 242 308 309
Pelikan, Jaroslav 334
Penrose diagrams 140 141 142 143 145
Penrose, Roger ix 5 40 107 169 170 196 197 221
Penrose, Roger on c-boundary 131
Penrose, Roger on intelligent machines 24 26—32
Periodic systems 98—99
Personality, components of 199—201
Peter, St. 254
Pets, resurrection of 250
Phase paths 181—182
Phase space 91—94 100 101—102 222
Phenomenon of Man, The (Teilhard) 110-116
Philosophy of Jesus, The (Jefferson) 325
Physics 5 see "Quantum
Physics, contingency in 160—161
Physics, laws of 177
Physics, morality and 330—332
Physics, objectivity of 88—89
Physics, theology as branch of 328—329
Pipes, Daniel 304
Planck's constant 100
Planck, Max 95
Plato 75—76 158 215 290—291
Plotinus 215
Plutarch 234
Pluto Fast Flyby Mission 48
Poincare recurrence theorem 90—95 97 101 103 419—420
Poincare, Henri 90
Polkinghorne, John 89 293—294 297—298
Popol Vuh (Mayan text) 281—282
Positivism 71—72
Prayer 337—338
Presburger arithmetic 193
Principle of Plenitude 216
Problem of Evil 13 259—265
progress see "Eternal progress"
Progressive movement 105—107
Project Daedalus 52
Prophets 315—316
Provine, William B. 9—10
Purgatory 15—16 251 254
Quantum cosmology 498—507
Quantum cosmology, basic ideas of 174—178
Quantum cosmology, Hartle — Hawking boundary condition and 178—180
quantum mechanics 95 see
Quantum mechanics as almost periodic 97—101
Quantum mechanics, Bekenstein Bound and 31 222
Quantum mechanics, contingency in 167—173
Quantum mechanics, discreteness of 99—100
Quantum mechanics, identity of systems 230—235
Quantum nonlocality 224—225
Quantum recurrence theorem 97—101 103 424—427
Quantum states, replication of 221—225
Qur'an (Islamic text) 299—302 304
Racism, Eternal Return and 80—81 83 84—85
Racism, intelligent machines and 86—87
Radial energy 111—113 185
Rahner, Karl 15
Rahula, Walpola 276—277
Randomness 29—30
Randomness, decision making and 194—202
Randomness, free will and 198—199
Rankine, William J.M. 90
Raub, L. David 170
Raup, David 30 123
Real Presence, doctrine of the 317—321
Reality, ultimate 191—192 208 213
Reason, the Only Oracle of Man (Allen) 322—323
Recurrence see "Markov Recurrence Theorem" "Poincare "Quantum
Reductionism xi xiv 294
Reductionism, epistemological 295—297
Reductionism, methodological 297
Reductionism, ontological 294—295 297—299
Reincarnation 272 275 330
Relativity see "General relativity"
Religion see also "Specific religions"
Religion, morality and 330—332
Religion, Omega Point Theory and 337—339
Religion, physics and 328—329
Religion, revelation and 336—337
Religion, science and 3 5—10 17 333—334
Replica Objection 228—229 237 238—239
Resurrection of Jesus 244 306—308 309—313 320
Resurrection of the dead xiv 1 14—15 100 see "Eternal
Resurrection of the dead, "perfection" of finite natures 244—245
Resurrection of the dead, "time between death and resurrection" issue 226—227
Resurrection of the dead, background environment for resurrected person 241—242
Resurrection of the dead, body of resurrected person 15 242—244
Resurrection of the dead, cannibal example xiii 236
Resurrection of the dead, emulation as means of resurrection 14 219—220
Resurrection of the dead, identity issue xiii 227—240
Resurrection of the dead, memory and 244—245
Resurrection of the dead, nonhuman creatures and 249—250
Resurrection of the dead, people from other phase trajectories and 223—224
Resurrection of the dead, point in time when resurrection occurs 225—226
Resurrection of the dead, quantum states, replication of 221—225
Revelation 336—337
Rheticus xiv
Rig Veda (Hindu text) 272—273
Ritter, Don 335—336
Robot space probes 19 508—517
Robot space probes, collison concerns 51
Robot space probes, cost of 50—51 52 54 515
Robot space probes, feasibility of 54
Robot space probes, mass of 48—50 51 514
Robot space probes, payload of 45 515—516
Robot space probes, propulsion system 49—50 52—54 512
Robot space probes, self-reproduction by 44—45 51 54—55
Robot space probes, solar system escape velocity 48
Robot space probes, speed of 51—52 512
Robot space probes, synthesizing of life 46 48
Robot space probes, time concerns 51—52 515
Rochester Roundabout (Polkinghome) 89
Rosenberg, Alfred 83
Rotten Kid Theorem 253
Russell Bertrand 69 70 248
Russell, Robert 160
Sabellius 313
Sagan, Carl 86—87
Schillebeeckx, Edward 291 292 316 320
Schroedinger equation 191
Schroedinger's Cat Experiment 168—169
Schroedinger, Erwin 168
Schwartz, Jacob 22 23
Schweitzer, Albert 4
Science-religion relationship 3 5—10 17 333—334
Searle, John 24 38—39 41 42
Second law of thermodynamics 90 94 135 295 297 441—442 461—463 476—478
Second Law of Thermodynamics, application to universe as whole 72
Second Law of Thermodynamics, Heat Death doctrine and 67
Second Law of Thermodynamics, Omega Point Theory and 72—73
Selfish Gene, The (Dawkins) 126
Semantics 42—43
Sex in afterlife 256—257
Sheehan, Thomas 10
Shen Kua 77
Shen Mich Lun (Fan) 271
Shen Yo 271—272
| Shintoism 88
Ship of Theseus problem 234—235
Sigmund, Karl 245
Simpson, George Gaylord 111
Simulations 206—207 see
Sisyphus, myth of 81—82
Smith, Jane I. 303
Smith, John Maynard 30 122
Soul 1—2
Soul in Christian eschatology 290—294
Soul in Jewish eschatology 287—288
Soul, "immorality" of 237
Soul, Eternal Life Postulate and 127—128
Soul, resurrection and 226—227 235
Space probes see "Robot space probes"
Spacetime 128—129 129 131 161—164
Spacetime, distinction between space and time 180
Spacetime, maximal spacetime 164—167 165 166
Spacetime, Omega Point and 12 114 154—155
Spencer, Herbert 105—106
Spengler, Oswald 81
Stable motion 60—61
Standard Model of particle physics 88—89 467—475
Stcherbatsky, Theodosius 275—276
Stewart, balfour 73
Stoics 75
String field theory 179
Strong Al Postulate see "Intelligent machines"
Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The (Kuhn) 88
Substance, notion of 318—319
suicide 82
Summa Contra Gentiles (Aquinas) 236
Summa Theologica (Aquinas) 260—261 265
Synaptic exocytosis 196—197
Taha, Mahmoud Mohamed 304
Tait, P.G. 73 90
Talmud (Jewish text) 285—288 303
Taoism 76 291
Taoism, afterlife in 270—272
Tarski, Alfred 192
Taub universes 136—138 137 138 139 140 142 462
Taub, Abraham 136
Technology, control of 84 85—86
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre 9 110—116 185
Teissier, Georges 112
Tertullian 242
Theism 203
Theodicies 261—265
Theory of everything 209
Thermodynamics 90 135 230 231 233 295 see
Tic-Tac-Toe 252 254
Tillich, Paul 3 4 5 188
Timaeus (Plato) 215
Time see also "Spacetime"
Time Without End (Dyson) 116
Time, conformal time 398
Time, cyclic notion of 74—76 89—90
Time, determinism and 188
Time, duration, types of 134
Time, entronic time 402—403 461
Time, linear notion of 76—77 89—90
Time, proper time 398
Time, quantum cosmology and 175—176
Time, robot space probes and 51—52
Time, subjective time 266 450 461
Time, York time 102 440
Top quark 146—147 148 150 468—475
Topologoy change 179 198
Topology of universe see "Universe topology
Toynbee, Arnold. 81
Trade theory 30 43
Tragic Sense of Life, The (Unamuno) 8
Transubstantiation 318—321 334
Tristram Shandy paradox 248
Triune deity issue 313—317
Tuchman, Barbara 258
Tug, Salih 303
Tung Ku 77
Turing Machines 34 35 36—38 127 446
Turing Test 20—21
Turing Test, Chinese Room Experiment and 38—43
Turing, Alan 20—21 25 194 209
Tyndall, John 329
UFOs 310—311
Uncertainty principle 222 407
Universal Boundary Condition 299
Universal constructors 44—45
Universal Turing machine 36—38
Universal wave function as Holy Spirit 13—14 183—185
Universal wave function, equation for, nonexistence of 191
Universal wave function, Hartle — Hawking boundary condition and 178—180
Universal wave function, Omega Point Boundary Condition and 181—185 184 500 503—507
Universe see also "Existence of universe" "Future
Universe, "edge" of visible universe 151—152
Universe, closed universe of Omega Point Theory 140—142
Universe, collapse of 63—65 117—118 136—138 137 138 139 144 456
Universe, created by Omega Point 214—216
Universe, density contrast 151—153 456—458
Universe, density parameter 149—151 399 463—464
Universe, early universe xii
Universe, emulation of 208—209 221—225
Universe, engulfed and controlled by biosphere 55—65 59 60 61 62 144—145 154
Universe, finite time of existence 78 400
Universe, inhomogeneities in 151
Universe, maximum expansion, size at 149 402
Universe, models of 116—117 397—398
Universe, singularities 101 102 404—405
Universe, topology of 397 435 456 480(n.21)
Universe, visible universe x
Unseen Universe, The (Stewart and Tait) 73
Updike, John 236
Virtual machines 36 208 213
Virtual reality 108—109 208 220
Vitalism 110—113
von Helmholtz, Hermann 67
von Leibniz, G.W. 207 261
von Neumann probes see "Robot space probes"
von Neumann, John 45 135 195 251
Voyager spacecraft 48
Wald, Abraham 195
Warao people 282
Washington, George 322 326
Wave function see also "Universal wave function"
Wave function reduction 168—169
Wave function, quantum cosmology and 174—175 177—178
Wave function, Quantum Recurrence Theorem and 97—99 100
Wealth, exponentially increasing 267—268
Weber, Max 80
Weinberg, Steven xii 10 89 146 171 329 335 338—339
Weinberg, Steven on Heat Death doctrine 69—70
Weinberg, Steven on ontological reductionism 298 299
Wheeler — DeWitt equation 174 177—178
Wheeler, John A. 169
Wigner, Eugene 101 169
Wilbert, Johannes 282
Will to Power, The (Nietzsche) 81
Wolfson, Harry 292 328
World, the Flesh, and the Devil, The (Bernal) 108—110
Worldlines 128 129 130 131
York, James 102
Yoruba people 280
Zakkai, Jochanan ben 288 292
Zero-sum finite dual game with perfect information 251—253
Zwingli, Huldrych 318
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