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Поиск книг, содержащих: Anaphora
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Jurafsky D., Martin J.H. — Speech and Language Processing | 666 | Wallace M. — Communicating with Databases in Natural Language | 33, 34, 38 | Harris R. — Crafting the New Conversational Speech Systems | 71 | Akmajian A., Demers R.A., Farmer A.K. — Linguistics. An Introduction to Language and Communications | 53, 213, 261—264, 518 | Reinhart T. — Anaphora and semantic interpretation | see “Vound anaphora, coreference” | Carlson L. — Dialogue Games. An Approach to Discourse Analysis | xxii, 151, 255—259, 265—266 | Carter D. — Interpreting anaphors in natural language text | 33 | Samad T. — A Natural Language Interface for Computer-Aided Design | 4, 9, 32, 129, 131 | Partee B.H., Meulen A.T., Wall R.E. — Mathematical Methods in Linguistics | 389, 419 |