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Поиск книг, содержащих: Roth theorem
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2 | 118.D 182.G | Newman D.J. — Analytic number theory | 46—47 | Behnke H., Bachmann F., Fladt K. — Fundamentals of Mathematics, Volume III: Analysis | 492 | Lang S. — Diophantine Geometry | 215 | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics | 118.D, 182.G | Kuczma M., Choczewski B., Ger R. — Iterative Functional Equations | 158, 180 | Everest G., van der Poorten A., Shparlinski I. — Recurrence sequences | 17, 32, 95, 114, 147 | Behnke H., Bachmann F., Fladt K. — Fundamentals of mathematics. Volume III. Analysis | 492 |