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Поиск книг, содержащих: Complex arithmetic
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Press W.H., Teukolsky S.A., Vetterling W.T. — Numerical recipes in FORTRAN77 | 17If. | Bulirsch R., Stoer J. — Introduction to numerical analysis | 301 | Heesterman A.R.G. — Matrices and Their Roots: A Textbook of Matrix Algebra/With Disk | 189, 246,272, 387 | Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 2 Seminumerical Algorithms) | 205, 228, 283, 292, 307—310, 487, 501, 506, 519, 700, 706 | Gonnet G.H., Baeza-Yates R. — Handbook of algorithms and data structures | 244 | Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (Vol. 2. Seminumerical algorithms) | 189—190, 212, 268, 292—294, 467—468, 482, 487, 497, 501, 641—642, 647 | Antia H.M. — Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers | 29 | Press W.H., Teukolsky S.A., Vetterling W.T. — Numerical recipes in Fortran 90 | 171f. | Moore F. — Elements of Computer Music | 301, 462 | Higham D.J., Higham N.J. — MATLAB guide | 29, 34—35 |