Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Molecular vibrations
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Cotton F.A. — Chemical Applications of Group Theory | 304 | Raizer Yu.P. — Gas Discharge Physics | 100, 203, 415 | Fox M. — Optical properties of solids | 166, 170-6, 207, 212, 246 | Accetta J.S. (ed.), Shumaker D.L. (ed.), Zissis J. (ed.) — The Infrared & Electro-Optical Systems Handbook. Volume 1: Sources of Radiation | 32, 34 | Farges J. (ed.) — Organic conductors: fundamentals and applications | 232, 234, 240, 242, 255, 257, 369, 391—393, 451—452, 587, 591, 617 | Mathews J., Walker R.L. — Mathematical methods of physics | 154 | Milonni P.W. — The quantum vacuum: introduction to quantum electrodynamics | 31 | Migdal A.B., Krainov V. — Approximation Methods in Quantum Mechanics | 89 | Rice F.O., Teller E. — The structure of matter | 193 | Mathews J., Walker R.L. — Mathematical Methods of Physics | 154 | Mezey P.G. — Shape In Chemistry: An Introduction To Molecular Shape And Topology | 17, 125 |