Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Number, negative
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Rudin W. — Principles of Mathematical Analysis | 7 | Sokolnikoff I.S. — Advanced Calculus | 7 | Lounesto P., Hitchin N.J. (Ed), Cassels J.W. (Ed) — Clifford Algebras and Spinors | 31 | Bakst A. — Mathematics. Its Magic and Mystery | 158—163 | Bell E.T. — The Development of Mathematics | 34, 61, 96, 174, 181, 194 | Substance and Fiction and Einstein's Theory of Relativity | 55 | Aliprantis C. — Principles of real analysis | 15 | Bettinger A.K. — Algebra and Trigonometry (International Textbooks in Mathematics) | 1, 7, 8 | Knopp K., Bagemihl F. — Infinite Sequences and Series | 5 | Beckenbach E.F., Bellman R. — Introduction to Inequalities | 10 | Lounesto P. — Clifford algebras and spinors | 31 | Zeidler E. — Oxford User's Guide to Mathematics | 1182 |