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Bettinger A.K. — Algebra and Trigonometry (International Textbooks in Mathematics) |
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-axis 49
-coordinate 50
-axis 49
-coordinate 50
Abscissa 50
Absolute value 14 57
Absolute value function 57
Addition 2
Addition formulas 135
Addition, fundamental laws for 2
Addition, of algebraic expressions 21
Addition, of fractions 36
Addition, of real numbers 2
Algebraic expressions 17
Algebraic expressions, addition and subtraction of 21
Algebraic expressions, division of 23
Algebraic expressions, multiplication of 22
Algebraic expressions, symbols of grouping of 18
Algebraic expressions, transposing terms of 43
Amplitude of a trigonometric function 149 152
Angle, coterminal 76
Angle, definition of 75
Angle, degree measure of 77
Angle, initial side of 75
Angle, measurement of 76
Angle, negative of 75
Angle, of depression 120
Angle, of elevation 120
Angle, positive of 75
Angle, radian measure of 77
Angle, standard position of 75
Angle, terminal side of 75
Angle, trigonometric functions of 81 82
Angle, vertex of 75
antilogarithms 109
Arc of a circle 78
Area of a sector of a circle 78
Area of a triangle 302
Arithmetic means 262
Associative law for addition 2
Associative lawfor multiplication 2
Axes, coordinate 49
Axis of symmetry of a parabola 219
Base of logarithms 101 113
Base, change of logarithmic 113
Base, exponent and 16 86
Bearing in navigation and surveying 121
binomial 17
Binomial series 271
Binomial theorem 97
Binomial theorem, combinations applied to 282
Binomial theorem, general term of 99
Binomial theorem, proof of, for positive integral exponents 275
Braces 18
Brackets 18
Cartesian coordinates 50
Characteristic of a logarithm 106
Characteristic of the general quadratic equation 222
Circular system 77
Classification of functions 61
Coefficient 17 18
Combinations 278 281
Combinations, and the binomial coefficients 282
Common difference 260
Common logarithms 105
Common ratio 265
Commutative law 2
Completing the square 206
Complex fractions 40
complex numbers 189
Complex numbers, absolute value of 196
Complex numbers, addition and subtraction of 192
Complex numbers, amplitude of 196
Complex numbers, argument of 196
Complex numbers, congugate of 191
Complex numbers, De Moivre’s Theorem 199
Complex numbers, definition of 189
Complex numbers, division of 193 198
Complex numbers, graphical representation of 195
Complex numbers, modulus of 196
Complex numbers, multiplication of 192 198
Complex numbers, roots of 200
Complex numbers, trigonometric representation of 196
Composite (reducible) polynomial 26
Composite number 25
Conditional equation 18
Constant 53
Constant function 53
Convergence of series 259
Coordinate systems, Cartesian 50
Coordinate systems, one-dimensional 49
Coordinate systems, rectangular 49
coordinates 49 50
Cosecant, definition of 65
Cosine, definition of 64
Cotangent, definition of 65
Coterminal angles 76
Counting numbers 1
De Moivre’s Theorem 199
Defective equations 45
Degree of a polynomial 17
Degree of a term 17
Degree, relation to radian 77
Degree, term of highest 17
Degree, unit of angle measure 77
Dependent events 286
Descartes, Rene 50
Determinants 173
Determinants, expansion of 176
Determinants, minors and cofactors of 175
Determinants, of the second order 173
Determinants, of the third order 175
Determinants, principal and secondary diagonal of 174
Determinants, properties of 177
Determinants, solution of linear equations by means of 181 183 184
Determinants, sum and product of 185
Directed line segment 122
Discriminant 215
Distance between points 50 51
Distributive law 3
Division 5 16 23 25 39
Domain of a function 53
Double-angle formulas 139
Empirical probability 284
Equality symbol 12
Equations, conditional 18
Equations, consistent 163 164 165
Equations, defective 45
Equations, definition of 18
Equations, dependeht 165
Equations, equivalent 43
Equations, extraneous roots of 45 213
Equations, in quadratic form 204 214
Equations, inconsistent 163 165
Equations, independent 164
Equations, linear 42 43 163 166 167
Equations, solution of 42 163 171 181 183 184 212 224 227
Exponential equations 231
Exponents 16 86 88 90 92
Factor Theorem 240
Factorial symbol 97
Factoring 25 27
Fractions 9
Fractions, addition and substraction of 36
Fractions, complex 40
Fractions, fundamental operations on 9 10
Fractions, multiplication and division of 39
Fractions, reduction of 33
Fractions, signs associated with 34
functions, absolute value 57
| Functions, algebraic 61
Functions, classification of 61
Functions, constant 53
Functions, definition of 53
Functions, domain of 53
Functions, exponential 233
Functions, graphs of 146 147 148 169 218 233 244
Functions, greatest integer 57
Functions, identity 53
Functions, inverse 155
Functions, irrational 62
Functions, linear 54 169
Functions, logarithmic 233
Functions, multiple-valued 53
Functions, notation for 55
Functions, periodic 149
Functions, point 63
Functions, polynomial 61
Functions, range of 53
Functions, rational 61
Functions, rule of correspondence of 53
Functions, single-valued 53
Functions, transcendental 61
Functions, trigonometric 63
Fundamental assumptions 1
Fundamental operations 1 9 10 20
Fundamental theorem of algebra 241
General term in the binomial expansion 99
Graphs of exponential functions 233
Graphs of inverse trigonometric functions 158 159
Graphs of linear functions 169
Graphs of logarithmic functions 233
Graphs of polynomials for large values of 244
Graphs of trigonometric functions 146 147 148 149 151 152
Greater-than symbol 12
Greatest common divisor 30
Greatest-integer function 57
Half-angle formulas 140 300
Highest common factor 31
Highest degree term 17
Horizontal line 50 189
Identity 18
Independent events 286
Inequalities 248
Inequalities, absolute 248 254
Inequalities, conditional 248 249
Inequalities, involving absolute values 14
Inequalities, properties of 248
Inequalities, solution of conditional 249
Inequality symbol 12
Initial side 75
Intercepts 170
Interpolation 83 108
Inverse functions 155
Irrational functions 62
Irrational number 1
Irreducible polynomial 26
Law of Cosines 296
Law of Sines 289
Law of tangents 298
Law(s) of exponents 86
Least common multiple 32
Less-than symbol 12
Like terms 21
Limit of sequence 258 259
Line, horizontal 50 169
Line, vertical 51 169
Linear equation 42
Linear equation, graphs of 163 169 171
Linear equation, in one unknown 43
Literal parts 17
Logarithmic computation 110
Logarithmic equations 231
Logarithms 101
Logarithms, base of 101
Logarithms, change of base 113
Logarithms, characteristic of 106
Logarithms, common 105
Logarithms, computation by 110
Logarithms, definition of 101
Logarithms, laws of 102
Logarithms, mantissa of 106 108
Logarithms, Napierian (natural) 105
Logarithms, of trigonometric functions 131
Logarithms, tables of 108
Mantissa of a logarithm 106
Mathematical expectation 284
Mathematical induction 273
Mean, arithmetic 262
Mean, geometric 267
Mean, harmonic 264
Meaning of 98
Meaning of 94
Measurement of angles 76
Monic polynomial 18
Most probable number 284
multinomial 17
Multiplication of algebraic expressions 22
Multiplication of fractions 39
Multiplication, fundamental laws for 2
Mutually exclusive events 285
Natural (Napierian) logarithms 105
Negative exponents 90
negative numbers 7 8
Number scale 6 49
Number, algebraic 62
Number, complex 189
Number, irrational 1
Number, negative 1 7 8
Number, positive 1 7 8
Number, prime 25
Number, real 1
Number, transcendental 62
One-to-one correspondence 49
Operations on fractions 9 10
Operations with zero 5
Order of fundamental operations 20
Order relations for real numbers 12
Ordered number pairs 50
Ordinate 50
Origin 6 49
Parentheses 18
Period 150
periodicity 149 150
permutations 278 279
Phase 149 152
Point function 63
Polynomial 17 18 26 61
Positive integer 1
Positive integral exponents 16 86
Positive numbers 7 8
Power 16 17 86 87 88
Prime 25 26
Principal branch 158
Principal value 158 159 160
probability 278
Probability, empirical 284
Probability, mathematical 283
Product formulas 143
Product, definition of 2
Progressions 256
Progressions, arithmetic 260
Progressions, geometric 265
Progressions, harmonic 264
Progressions, infinite geometric 268
Projections 122
Quadrant 49
Quadratic equations, in one unknown 204
Quadratic equations, in two unknowns 221 224 227
Quadratic equations, methods for solving 204 209
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