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Bakst A. — Mathematics. Its Magic and Mystery |
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, applications of 303—311 316—328
, barometric pressure and elevation 316—320
, calculation of 299 301
, cooling 320—324
, long distance telephoning 327
, parachute jumping 326
, slowing down of speeds 324 327
, suspension bridges 328
, value of 301
Absolute temperature 159—160
Absolute value of a number 159 161
Acceleration 623 629 633 635 637
Acceleration, centribetal 629 637 680 683 694
Acceleration, negative 695
Addition in various systems of numeration 19—20 25—27 29
Addition of approximate numbers 109—110
Addition of fractions 709
Addition of signed numbers 161
Addition, restoration of missing numerals 143 144
After, coordinate of 612
Aiming at a target 646—649 667—669 677
American Experience Mortality Table 347
Amount of motion 634—635 646
Angle of elevation of gun 669—676
Angle of vision 470
Angle, central 735
Angle, dihedral 587
Angle, exterior of a triangle 592 602
Angle, inscribed in a circle 735
Angle, measure of 402—403
Angle, right 398
Angle, straight 398
angles 727
Angles, vertical 495
Angular magnitude 470 472
Applications of mathematics to Astronomy 289—292 630—640
Applications of mathematics to Athletics 689—692
Applications of mathematics to Automobile accidents 699—700
Applications of mathematics to Aviation 316—320
Applications of mathematics to Ballistics 641—677
Applications of mathematics to Banking and Savings 260—263 283- 285 295—305
Applications of mathematics to Business 201—202 281—283 292-294 306—313
Applications of mathematics to Circus stunts 685—689 692—694 696- 699
Applications of mathematics to—Cont., Code writing 79—101
Applications of mathematics to—Cont., Instalment buying 224—246
Applications of mathematics to—Cont., Life insurance 345—349
Applications of mathematics to—Cont., Mechanics 609—640 678—704
Applications of mathematics to—Cont., Mortgages 243—245
Applications of mathematics to—Cont., Motoring 694—696
Applications of mathematics to—Cont., Music 285—287
Applications of mathematics to—Cont., Physics 285—292 316 324 609—640 678—704
Applications of mathematics to—Cont., Small loans 240—243
Applications of mathematics to—Cont., Surveying 420—455
Applications of mathematics to—Cont., Warfare 475 487—488 641—677
Approximate formulas 220—223 771
Approximate formulas for division 221 771
Approximate formulas for extraction of roots 223 533 771
Approximate formulas for raising to a power 771
Approximate numbers 103—104 106 108—112
Approximate numbers, nature of 107
Approximate numbers, rounding 109 111
Approximate numbers, rules for operations with addition 109—110
Approximate numbers, rules for operations with division 110
Approximate numbers, rules for operations with multiplication 108 110—111
Approximate numbers, rules for operations with subtraction 110—111
Approximate numbers, significant digits 108—110
Archimedes 59—60 513 559
Archimedes, calculation of pi 513
Archimedes, number of sands in die universe 59 559
Area of circle 531—534
Area of parallelogram, rule for computation 527
Area of polygons 733—734
Area of rectangle, computation of 108
Area of rhombus 733
Area of rule for computation 526
Area of square 384
Area of surface of the earth 249
Area of trapezoid 530
Area of triangle 531
Area, concept of 524—525
Area, unit of measure 525
Areas of similar figures 549—550 558
Arithmetic mean 579—580 710
Arithmetic progression 224—245 715
Arithmetic progression, any term 234 715
Arithmetic progression, sum of 235 716
Astronomy 289—292 630—640
Axioms 371
Axis of cylinder 598
Ballistics 641—677
Banking and Savings 260—263 283—285 295—305
Before, coordinate of 612
Big numbers 57—58 60—65 73—75 172- 185
Big numbers, comparison of 61—65
Big numbers, problems with 172 173 175 177—179
billion 54—56 58
Billion times 56
Binomial expansion 337—339 717—718
Binomial expansion, coefficients of 339
Blood corpuscle, red, dimensions of 68
Boring of gun barrel 665
Calculating machines 117—124
Calculating machines, Napier’s rods 117—121
Calculating machines, Schoty 121—122
Calculating machines, Soroban 121
Calculating machines, Suan-pan 123—124
Centigrade 138
Centrifugal force 629 684
centripetal acceleration 629 637 680 683 694
Certainty 330—332
Chord of a circle 471
circle 394—396 406 409 416—419 457 459 471 628 734—737
Circle, arc 737
Circle, area 531—534 737
Circle, chord 471
Circle, circumference 457 459 737
Circle, diameter 471
Circle, equation of 395—396 406 409 416- 419
Circle, motion along 628
Circle, radius 394
Circle, sector 737
Circle, segment 737
Circle, tangent to 736
Circles, walking in 465—468
Classification in libraries 7—8
Classification in mathematics 508—510
Classification in other fields 510—511
Classification, method of 7—8 508—511
Code writing 79—101
Code writing, grille 89—98
Code writing, substitution 98—101
Code writing, systems of numeration 88—89
Code writing, transposition 78—85
Code writing, transposition of columns 85—89
Code writing, two-system of numeration 94—96
Coincidence, probability of 333 337 342—343 348—349
Collision of objects 696—700
Combinations 354—364
Combinations, locks 356—359
Component velocity 685
Compound interest 260—262 295—299
Compound interest computed 295—299
Compound interest computed, annually 2 95 296
Compound interest computed, daily 299
Compound interest computed, monthly 299
Compound interest computed, quarterly 298—299
Compound interest computed, semiannually 296—298
Compound interest, accumulation of capital 261—262 283—285
Compound interest, savings with regular deposits 261 262
Cone 552 582—584 601
| Cone, generator of 601
Cone, volume 552
Congruence of triangles 421 426
Coordinate geometry, plane 365—376 378—380 386—387 392—411 413-419
Coordinate of after 612
Coordinate of before 612
Coordinate of here 612
Coordinate of time 612
coordinates 368—374 379 392—393 521 612
Coordinates in four dimensions 374
Coordinates in six dimensions 521
Coordinates in three dimensions 373
Coordinates in two dimensions 368—371
Coordinates, moving of origin 392—393
Coordinates, origin 379
Copernicus 630
Cosine law 747
Cosine ratio 403 744
Cosine ratios, table 766—767
Counting 1—2
Cube, five-dimensional 562
Cube, volume of 543
Cubed unit 541
Cubes, five-dimensional cube 562
Cubes, four-dimensional cube (cuboid) 561
Cubes, number of in volume of 561 562
Cubes, three-dimensional cube 561
Cuboid, four-dimensional cube 562
Cuboid, number in a five-dimensional cube 562
Curve of death 313—316
Curve of growth 313—316
Cylinder 545—546 566 594 598
Cylinder, axis of 598
Cylinder, generator of 594
Cylinder, volume 545—546 566
Decimal system of numeration 9—10 32
Depreciation 292—294 306—313
Depreciation, rate of continuous 311—313
Diameter of a circle 471
Diameter of the earth 104
Difference as a metkod of comparison 423
Dihedral angle 587
Directed numbers 158—163 706
Distance formula for four dimensions 388—391
Distance formula for line-world 380
Distance formula for six dimensions 521
Distance formula for three dimensions 387—388 390
Distance formula for two dimensions 386—387 390
Distance from earth to moon 63 702
Distance from earth to sun 71 104 250
Distance of target 663
Distance of vision 47 6 479 486—490
Distance to island universe 71
Distance, result of motion 621 625 635
Distance, shortest 583—608
Division in various systems of numeration 23—24 30
Division of approximate numbers 110
Division of fractions 709
Division of polynomials 707
Division of signed numbers 706
Division, restoration of missing numerals 146
Earth, diameter 104
Electron, weight 179 181
Electrons, number in the universe 73
Elevation above ground 489—490
Elevation of gun, angle 669—676
ellipse 406—411 515 518
Ellipse, drawing of 410
Ellipse, equation of 406—409
Ellipse, foci 411
Ellipse, relation to circle 411 515 518
Ellipsoid, equation of four-dimensional 413
Ellipsoid, equation of three-dimensional 413
English system of measures, lengths 68
Equation of a curve, method of writing 394—396 407—409 414-417
Equations 186—220 718—727
Equations in one unknown 186—193 195 201- 208 218—220 718—722
Equations in two unknowns 193—194 722—724
Equations, fractional 196—198
Equations, quadratic 674—675 724—727
Event, coordinates of 612
Exponents, laws 173—177 266—269 712- 713
Exponents, method of writing numbers 66—67
Extraction of roots 218—221 282 385- 386 711 714—715
Extraction of roots, approximate method 218—221
Extraction of roots, concept of square roots 385—386
Eyesight, measure of 475
Faces, four-dimensional cube (cuboid) 562
Faces, in five-dimensional cube 562
Faces, square 561
Faces, three-dimensional cube 561
Fahrenheit 138 158—160 320—324
Finger counting 113
Finger multiplication 114—116
Five-system of numeration 9—10 18 25
Fladand, description of 371—372 380- 383
Fladand, properties of 380—383 389—390
Forge 629 634—635 684 696—697
Forge of collision 696—697
Forge, centrifugal 629 684
Formula, circumference of circle 459
Formula, elevation above ground 489
Formula, guessing ages and numbers 155 157
Formula, horizon distance 483
Formula, instalments and interest 238 240
Formula, sum of arithmetic progression 235 716
Formula, sum of geometric progression 254 716
Formula, sum of interior angles of a polygon 514 515
Formulas for areas circle 534
Formulas for areas, parallelogram 528
Formulas for areas, rectangle 528
Formulas for areas, rhombus 733
Formulas for areas, square 528
Formulas for areas, trapezoid 531
Formulas for areas, trapezoidal rule 535
Formulas for areas, triangle 528
Formulas for volumes, circular cone 552
Formulas for volumes, cube 543
Formulas for volumes, prism 544 545
Formulas for volumes, pyramid 552
Formulas for volumes, rectangular prism 542—543
Formulas for volumes, right circular cylinder 545
Formulas for volumes, right elliptical cylinder 546
Formulas for volumes, sphere 547
Formulas for volumes, trapezoidal rule 543
Four dimensions 389
Fractions in the twelve-system 33
Fractions in various systems of numeration 29
Fractions, addition 708
Fractions, division 709
Fractions, fundamental property 708
Fractions, multiplication 709
Fractions, subtraction 708
Future, representation of 613
Galileo 633
Galileo, law of falling bodies 633 651 659
Generation of one-dimensional world 522
Generation of three-dimensional world 523 538
Generation of two-dimensional world 522
Generator of a cone 601
Generator of a cylinder 594
Geodesics 585—608
Geometric progression 246—263 716
Geometric progression any term 253 716
Geometric progression, sum of 254 716
Geometric progression, sum of decreasing terms 255—260 716
Geometry, coordinate, plane 365—376 378—380 386—387 392—411 413-419
Geometry, plane 420—430 456—460 468 493-537
Geometry, solid 538—563 585—608
Googol 73—75 401
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