Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Substance and Fiction and Einstein's Theory of Relativity |
Предметный указатель |
A priori 246 269f.
Abstraction 6 10ff. 195ff.
Abstraction activity of ego 314
Acts, logical 25
Analogy and induction 250ff.
Analytic geometry 72f.
Anaxagoras 152f.
Anaximander 151f.
Apollonius 70
Aristotelian logic 3ff.
Aristotle 134 220 329
Arithmetic 27ff.
Arithmetic and psychology 32
Arithmetic, empiristic theory of 28
Association 285
atom 159ff. 188
Atom as a relational concept 207
Atom, regulative use of 209f.
Atomic weight, criteria of 206
Atomism and number 155ff.
Atomism and number, ancient 395
Ausdehnungslehre 96ff.
Bacon 147 154
Bacon, being, a product of thought? 298
Beltrami 110
Bergs on 455
Berkeley 9ff.
Bernard, C. 250f.
Berzelius 219
Body alpha 179—181
Boltzmann 159f.
Bolzano 312
Boscovich 159
Bouasse 257
Cantor 62ff. 65
Cantor, cardinal number 41 46ff.
Carnot 403
Categories 269
Causality 226n 249
Cayley 86
Characteristic 92
Chemistry and mathematics 217
Chemistry, construction of concepts in 203—220
Chemistry, types in 212
Class and number 44ff.
Cohen, H. 99 355 368
Cohn 323
Compositive method 252
Concept 3ff. 9 19 53 68 113 221 351ff.
Conceptual foundations of relativity 367
Consciousness of ego 295
Conservation of energy 157
Constant relations, reduction to 260
Constants 230 265
Continuity 79 158 452f.
Continuum 248
Critical idealism 295 297
Cusanus 360
Dalton 206f.
Dalton, Dedekind 35f. 38 58 60
Definite proportions, law of 204f.
Democritus 167ff. 274 373 395
Descartes 70f. 76 95 395—398
Description and explanation 263
Dewey 318f.
Differential equations 159ff.
Drobisch 21
du Bois-Reymond 122ff. 129
Duhem 138 143 175 200f. 216 252 280
Dumas 212
Ebbinghaus 335
Ebbinghaus, Einstein 354 356 371 375 377ff. 383 397 401f. 407 412 414 419 422 428
Eleatics 167
Empirical foundations of relativity 367ff.
Empiricism 128f. 340
Energism 192f. 199—203
Energy 170 188—192 197f. 359
Eoetvoes 402
Ephodion 69
Erdmann 23
Eternity, in empirical judgment 242
Ether 162f. 397ff. 404ff.
Ethics and aesthetics 232
Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry 430ff.
Euler 352ff. 383 404 411
Existence 123ff.
Experience 246 268 270 273 278 284
Experiment 254
Fact and theory 143f.
Fact and theory, Faraday 397
Fechner 159 301
Fichte 413
Field, concept of 396f. 405
Fixed stars 183
Fizeau 369
Form (Aristotelian) 7
Form and matter of knowledge 310
Form-quality 311
Frege 28f. 43 45f. 52
Freytag 299
Functions and magnitude 75
Functions, categorical 16
Galileo 139 156 168 175 254 361f. 373
Gauss 55 406
Generic image 15
Geometry 68ff.
Geometry and theory of groups 88
Geometry as doctrine of relations 95
Geometry, ancient method in 69
Geometry, constancy and change in 90
Geometry, Euclidean 398—407
Geometry, Non-Euclidean, fruitfulness of 430ff.
Geometry, not a copy of real world 433
Gerhardt 215
Goethe 243 371 375 445
Grassmann 96
Hamilton, W. 40
Hamilton, W., Hartmann 301
Helm 198
Helmholtz 41 288 304f. 388 438
Hertz, H. 170 184f. 198 394f. 399f.
Hessen 226
hilbert 93
Hume 331
Husserl 24
Hypothesis, concept of 135—138 140f. 146ff.
Idealism 123 126
Idealism, ideal and reality, relation of 129f.
Identity and diversity 324
Illusions 275
Imaginary in geometry 82f.
Induction 237ff.
Inertia and body alpha 177ff.
Inertia and gravitation 401ff. 428
Inertia, Galileo's conception of 168f.
Inertia, principle of 176f. 364
Inexhaustibility of individual 232
Infinitesimal geometry 73
Infinity in judgment 247
Intellectual experiment 176f.
Intension and extension 5
Intuition and thought in geometry of position 76
Invariants and induction 249
Invariants of experience 269
Invariants, consonant with relativity 374 379
Isolation and superposition 256
Kant 40 106 210 245 351 355 380 386 392 394 399 403 415ff. 425 434 439 451n
Kant on relativity of motion 410
Kant on space and time 410ff. 416
| Kaufmann 400
Kepler 116 118 135f. 251 258
Keyser 313
Kirchhoff 119
Klein 86 90
Knowledge, problem of, in ancient thought 131ff.
kronecker 41
Kummer 117
Lambert 19
Lambert, Lask 230
Laue 376 406 414
laurent 215
Law and rules 258
Law, meaning of 263
Laws of nature 265 383
Leibniz 43 77 91f. 95 184 186 201 262 312 329 363 376 384 391f. 398 419
Liebig 215
Light, uniform velocity of 369 422
Limiting concept 122f. 125
Lipps 342
Lobatschefsky 430
Locke 217 214f. 330
Logic of relations 36
Logic, Aristotelian 4ff. 7
Logic, function of 21
Logic, new development of 3
Lorentz 375ff.
Lorentz-Transformation 372 423
Lotze 21
Mach 174 176f. 238f. 260 264 427f. 451
Mass 399f.
Mathematics and teleology 133ff.
Mathematics and word meanings 223
Mathematics, concepts of 112 116
Mathematics, Plato's interpretation of 134
Mathematics, symbols in 43
Matter 169f. 188 397ff.
Matter and form of knowledge 311
Maxwell 249 364 407
Mayer, R. 139 197ff.
Measurement, presuppositions of 141f.
Measurement, units of 144f.
Mechanics 119ff.
Mechanics, postulate of relativity of 370
Mechanism and motion 117ff.
Medicine, experimental 250
Meinong 320 337ff.
Metageometry 100 443
Meyer, Lothar 217
Meyerson 324
Michelson 369 375
Mie 397
Mill, J.S. 10ff. 28 34
Minkowski 376 419 424f.
Motion 361f.
Mueller J. 287ff.
Multiple proportion, law of 206
Nativism 340
Nativism, nature 264 275 395
Natural science and reality 220
Neumann, C. 179f. 364 382
Newton 136ff. 170f. 258 268 352ff. 396 398f. 402
Non-being 167
NUMBER 27ff.
Number, cardinal 41 46ff.
Number, extensions of 54ff.
Number, imaginary 55
Number, logical foundations of 35ff.
Number, negative 55
Number, ordinal 39f.
Number, second principle of generation of 66
Number, transfinite 62ff.
Object 293
Object as projected unity 321
Object in critical idealism 297
Object of first and second orders 23 338
Object, physical 164ff.
Objectivity 272
Objectivity and space 286
Objectivity in mathematics 298
Objectivity, circles of 290f.
Objectivity, degrees of 275
Objectivity, function of 304
Objectivity, physical 356ff. 361
Observability, principle of 376f.
Ostwald 130 141 205 216 243
Pasch 101f.
Pasch, Pearson 120f.
Perception 245 282 342
Periodic system 216
Permanence and change 322
Permanence, of mathematical relations 80
Phenomenology 24
Physics and philosophy 419
Physics as science of qualities 201
Physics, Aristotelian 154
Physics, constants in 420
Physics, logical ideal of 114ff.
Physics, positivistic 427ff.
Planck 306f. 357 360 404 445
Plato 131ff. 134f. 312 327 368 370 455
Poincare, H. 108 373 431 435 453
Poincare, L. 405
Poncelet 78
Power (Maechtigkeit) 62
Pragmatism 317ff.
Progression 38
Projection, theory of 287 292
Projective metric 86
Propositions 345
Psychologist's fallacy 332
Psychology of relations 326ff.
Radical radio-activity 219
Radical, chemical 215
Rankine 193f. 195
reality 271ff.
Relations 255 310 336 398
Relativity and functional theory of knowledge 392
Relativity and reality 445ff.
Relativity not Protagorean relativism 393
Relativity of knowledge 306
Relativity relation of special to general theory 378f.
Relativity resolves being into pure order of numbers 448
Relativity, theory of, presuppositions of special theory 377
Representation 282 284
Resolutive method 252
Richter 205
Rickert 221ff.
Riehl 310
Riemann 440f.
Russell, B. 46 50 88 95 316
Schwarz, H. 283
Schwarz, H. and history 231
Schwarz, H. as description 114f. 119f.
Schwarz, H., science, natural, concepts of 113ff.
Schwarz, H., transformation of system of 266
Sensuous qualities, subjectivity of 274
Serial order 15 26 190 148f. 259
Signs 304
Sigwart 222
Simultaneity 422f.
Skepticism 387ff.
Socrates 133
Soul (Platonic) 377
Source, logic of 99
Space 68ff.
Space and number 70
Space and order 87
Space and time 118 170f. 397ff.
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