Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Gradient flow
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Hunter J.K., Nachtergaele B. — Applied Analysis | 77 | Evans L.C. — Partial Differential Equations | 529 | Donaldson K., Kronheimer P.B. — Geometry of Four-Manifolds | 217, 233 | Brin M., Stuck G. — Introdution to dynamical system | 20 | Nitecki Z. (ed), Robinson C. (ed) — Global Theory of Dynamical Systems | 29, 31 | Olver P.J., Shakiban C. — Applied linear. algebra | 461, 56 | Manton N., Sutcliffe P. — Topological solitons | 20 | Nash C. — Differential Topology and Quantum Field Theory | 212, 327—329 | Mielke A. — Hamiltonian and Lagrangian Flows on Center Manifolds: With Applications to Elliptic Variational Problems | 63 | Amit Y. — 2D object detection and recognition | 38, 41, 91 | Vafa C., Zaslow E. — Mirror symmetry | 44, 737, 836 | Bruss D. (ed.), Leuchs G. (ed.) — Lectures on Quantum Information | 487—491, 495 |