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Поиск книг, содержащих: Spheroidal wave functions
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Abramowitz M., Stegun I. (eds.) — Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Table | 751 | Abramowitz M., Stegun I. — Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables | 751 | Morse P., Feshbach H. — Methods of Theoretical Physics (part 1) | 642, 1503—1511 | Morse P., Feshbach H. — Methods of Theoretical Physics (part 2) | 642, 1503—1511 | Domb C., Green M.S. (eds.) — Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena (Vol. 1) | 203, 204 | van de Hulst H.C. — Light Scattering by Small Particles | 331, 340 | Erdelyi A. — Higher Transcendental Functions, Vol. 3 | 91 ff., 94, 96, 134 ff., 145 ff. | Stratton J.A. — Electromagnetic Theory | 420—422 | Carmeli M. — Classical Fields: General Gravity and Gauge Theory | 399 | Stratton J.A. — Electromagnetic Theory | 420—422 | Eringen A.C., Suhubi E.S. — Elastodynamics (vol. 2) Linear theory | 729, 736 | Morse P.M. — Methods of theoretical physics | 642, 1503—1511 | Zhang S., Jin J. — Computation of Special Functions | 536—619 | Arscott F.M. — Periodic Differential Equations: An Introduction to Mathieu, Lame, and Allied Functions | 159, 163, 176—181, 186 | Abramowitz M., Stegun I.A. (eds.) — Handbook of mathematical functions (without numerical tables) | 751 |