Страница 22
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Brand T.E., Sherlock A.J., Sherlock A. Matrices: pure and applied
| Searle S.R. Matrix algebra useful for statistics
| Stern A. Matrix logic
Mehta M.L. Matrix theory
| Strelkov S.P. Mechanics
| Membership directory 1961-1962
Urysohn P. Memoires sur les Multiplicites Cantoriennes
| Barrett W.W., Johnson C.R., Loewy R. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
| Айвенс К. Microsoft Windows Server 2003. Полное руководство
Axinn W.G., Pearce L.D. Mixed method data collection strategies
| Jensen C.U., Lenzing H. Model Theoretic Algebra with particular emphasis on Fields, Rings, Modules
| Lagnese J.E., Lions J.-L. Modelling Analysis and Control of thin Plates
van der Waerden B.L. Modern algebra
| Godunov S.K. Modern Aspects of Linear Algebra
| Belov A.Y., Borisenko V.V., Latyshev V.N. Monomial algebras (Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 87. No. 3. 1997)
Ilyashenko Yu., Tsfasman M. Moscow Mathematical journal. April-June 2002
| Ilyashenko Yu., Tsfasman M. Moscow Mathematical journal. July-September 2002
| Mozart: Ascanio in Alba
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