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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
4481. Djukic D. Jankovic V. Matic I. The Imo Compendium: A Collection of Problems Suggested for the International Mathematical Olympiads: 1959-20042006
4482. Dlab V. Gabriel P. Representation Theory I (1 edition)1980
4483. Dlab V. Gabriel P. Michler G. Representation Theory I. Finite Dimensional Algebras (1 edition)1986
4484. Dmitry G. Eskin Physical metallurgy of direct chill casting of aluminum alloys2008
4485. Dmitry Lobaskin Stefan Kehrein Violation of the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem and Heating Effects in the Time-Dependent Kondo Model2005
4486. Dmitry Ostrovsky Limit Lognormal Multifractal as an Exponential Functional2004
4487. Dmitry Sevruk Vier apokryphe Schriften der Drusen. Eine historisch-philologische Analyse2019
4488. Dmowska R. Saltzman B. Advances in Geophysics.Volume 38.1996
4489. do Direito S. Direito Civil IV2013
4490. Doaitse Swierstra S. Programming Languages and Systems, 8 conf., ESOP'99 (1 edition)1999
4491. Dobelli R. A arte de Pensar Claramente2013
4492. Dobrovolny C. Laanait L. Surface Transitions of the Semi-Infinite Potts Model I: The High Bulk Temperature Regime2003
4493. Dobrushin R. L. Pellegrinotti A. Suhov Yu. M. One-Dimensional Harmonic Lattice Caricature of Hydrodynamics: A Higher Correction1990
4494. Dobrushin R. L. Kusuoka S. Statistical Mechanics and Fractals (1 edition)1993
4495. Dobson J.H. Aprenda o grego do novo testamento. Curso completo para se ler o novo testamento na lingua original1994
4496. Doebner H. D. Dobrev V. K. Doebner H. D. Proceedings Of The Fifth International Workshop:Lie Theory And It's Applications In Physics V (Vol 5)2004
4497. Doebner H.-D. Hennig J.D. Palev T.D. Group Theoretical Methods in Physics1988
4498. Doherty A.M. DEDICATION – in honour of Dr. David W. Robertson2004
4499. Dohi T. Sakuma I. Liao H. Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality: 4th International Workshop Tokyo, Japan, August 1-2, 2008, Proceedings2008
4500. Doi S. Inoue J. Pan Z. Computational electrophysiology. Dynamical systems and bifurcations.2010
4501. Doing P. Velvet Revolution at the Synchrotron: Biology, Physics, and Change in Science (Inside Technology)2009
4502. Dokuchaev Mathematical Finance (Routledge Advanced Texts in Economics and Financea)2007
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4505. Dold-Ghadar G. PersAndalus: Iranische Kulturdenkmäler in al-Andalus al-aq. Bewertung der Forschungsergebnisse für das 8.12. Jahrhundert2016
4506. Dolev S. Haist T. Oltean M. Optical SuperComputing: First International Workshop, OSC 2008, Vienna, Austria, August 26, 2008, Proceedings2008
4507. Dolgachev I. Algebraic Geometry. Proc. conf. Ann Arbor, 19811983
4508. Doll, Mary Aswell. Like Letters in Running Water : A Mythopoetics of Curriculum Studies in Curriculum Theory2000
4509. Dolnik A. Understanding Terrorist Innovation: Technology, Tactics and Global Trends2007
4510. Dombrowski P. Gholz E. Buying Military Transformation: Technological Innovation and the Defense Industry2006
4511. Domingo E. Quasispecies: Concept and Implications for Virology (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology)2006
4512. Domingo-Ferrer J. Inference Control in Statistical Databases: From Theory to Practice (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)2002
4513. Domingo-Ferrer J. Franconi L. Privacy in Statistical Databases: CENEX-SDC Project International Conference, PSD 2006, Rome, Italy, December 13-15, 2006, Proceedings (1 edition)2006
4514. Domingos H. U. Marchetti Abel Klein J. Fernando Perez Power-Law Falloff in the Kosterlitz-Thouless Phase of a Two-Dimensional Lattice Coulomb Gas1989
4515. Domingues J.A. O paradigma mediologico - Debray depois de Mcluhan2010
4516. Dominic G.B. Edelen A Gaude Theory of Discolations and Disclinations1983
4517. Dominik Janzing On the Computational Power of Molecular Heat Engines2006
4518. Dominik Slezak Tai-Hoon Kim Wai-chi Fang Security Technology (Communications in Computer and Information Science, 58) (1st Edition.)2010
4519. Dominik Wolff Paulus beispiels-weise2017
4520. Dominik Wolff Paulus beispiels-weise2017
4521. Dominique A. Caugant Molecular Epidemiology of Microorganisms: Methods and Protocols (1 edition)2009
4522. Dominique Angers L’ « Aujourd’hui » en Luc-Actes, chez Paul et en Hébreux2018
4523. Dominique Angers L’ « Aujourd’hui » en Luc-Actes, chez Paul et en Hébreux2018
4524. Dominique Simpelaere Dimension Spectrum of Axiom A Diffeomorphisms. I. The Bowen-Margulis Measure1993
4525. Dominique Simpelaere Dimension Spectrum of Axiom A Diffeomorphisms. II. Gibbs Measures1993
4526. Dominique Simpelaere Recurrence and Return Times of the Sierpinski Carpet1994
4527. Domjan M. The Principles of Learning and Behavior (6th Edition)2010
4528. Domokos Szasz Joint Diffusion on the Line1979
4529. Don Batory Charles Consel Walid Taha Generative Programming and Component Engineering (1 edition)2002
4530. Don Grundel Theory and algorithms for cooperative systems2004
4531. Don Hong Yu Shyr Don Hong Quantitative Medical Data Analysis Using Mathematical Tools and Statistical Techniques (1 edition)2007
4532. Don Kerr Digital Business Security Development: Management Technologies2010
4533. Don L. Anderson Theory of the Earth1989
4534. Don Marr Beginner's Guide to Photographic Lighting: Techniques for Success in the Studio or on Location2004
4535. Don Pentecost Put 'Em Down, Take 'Em Out!: Knife Fighting Techniques From Folsom Prison1988
4536. Don Syme Adam Granicz Antonio Cisternino Expert F# 2.02010
4537. Don Taylor Jim Mischel John Penman KickAss Delphi Programming: Cutting-edge Delphi Programming with an Attitude1996
4538. Don Wilson Secrets of Our Spaceship Moon1979
4539. Donachie M. Superalloys: A Technical Guide (06128G) (2nd edition)2002
4540. Donachie M.J. Titanium: A Technical Guide1988
4541. Donaghy M. Nicol M. Davidson K. Cognitive Behavioural Interventions in Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy2008
4542. Donald A. Mahler Denis O'Donnell Dyspnea: Mechanisms, Measurement and Management, 2nd Edition (Lung Biology in Health and Disease Vol 208) (2 edition)2005
4543. Donald A. McQuarrie Statistical Mechanics1976
4544. Donald Armstrong Lipidomics. Methods and Protocols2009
4545. Donald B. Percival Andrew T. Walden Spectral Analysis for Physical Applications (1 edition)1993
4546. Donald Bethell Thomas Tidwell Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry ;Volume 341999
4547. Donald Bethell Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry, Volume 301995
4548. Donald C. Benson The moment of proof: mathematical epiphanies1999
4550. Donald E. Gelfand The Aging Network: Programs and Services (6 edition)2006

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